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BUS100: Referencing Group Quiz

Team Name: _IT (spelled as underscore_IT)

Use this Quick Guide to Harvard Referencing to help with any of the questions:

Round One: Referencing Quiz (circle the correct answer)

1. What is a citation?

a) A list at the end of a chapter or essay giving full details of sources referenced within the
b) Appears in the text of your essay, wherever you use a quote or incorporate an idea you have
picked up from another source
c) Appears at the bottom of a page or chapter and gives a reference to sources used within the

2. When referencing a website, it is important to include

a) The search engine used

b) The number of times you have accessed the page
c) The date you last accessed the page
d) The type of site

3. When referencing a journal article, it is important to include

a) The publishers detail
b) The page numbers of the article
c) The editor(s) of the journal
d) Place of publication

4. What type of reference is the following an example of:

Hampson, N. 1981. The Enlightenment in France. In: Porter R and Teich, M. eds. The Enlightenment
in national context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.41-53

a) Book
b) Journal article
c) Website
d) Chapter in a book

5. Which is the correct reference for the following online journal article (Harvard Style)

a) Jacob, D and Winner, D. 2009. Effect of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric
Environment. [Online]. 43(1), pp.51-63. Available from:
[Accessed 24th March 2010]
b) Jacob, D and D Winner. 2009. Effect of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric
Environment [online]. 43(1), pp51-63. Available from:
c) Jacob, D and Winner, D. 2009. Effect of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric
Environment [online]. 43(1), [Accessed 24th March 2010], pp51-63. Available from: http://0-
d) Jacob, D and Winner,D. 2009. Effect of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric
Environment . 43(1), [Accessed 24th March 2010], pp51-63. Available from: http://0-

6. In the Harvard system of referencing, your bibliography should be ordered:

a) Numerically
b) By material type
c) Alphabetically by author’s surname
d) In the order they appear within your text
e) Date order, with the latest date appearing first

7. Which of the following do you not need to provide a reference for:

a) An image found on the web

b) Someone else’s ideas that you have put in your own word (paraphrase)
c) Quotation
d) Data you have collected e.g.interviews

8. When summarising the ideas from two different sources which citation is correct (Harvard

a) (Smith, 2008 and Adams, 2009)

b) (SMITH, A 2008, ADAMS, B 2009)
c) (Smith, 2008; Adams, 2009)
d) (Smith, 2008 & Adams, 2009)

9. What does 15(2) means in a journal article reference

a) Issue 15, volume 2
b) Page 15, volume 2
c) Volume 15, issue 2
d) Volume 15, page 2

10. When using a direct quotation from a source in your work what should your citation look
like (Harvard style)

a) Smith, 2008, p.15

b) Smith, 2008
c) SMITH 2008 p15
d) SMITH 2008

Total score: 10/10

Round Two: Creating a reference list entry

Extract A: (Webpage) Total Score: 10/ 10 (start with 10 but remove a mark for each error)
Website Extract

 Organisation: TEQSA
 Year Published: 2023
 Site name (in italics): What is academic Integrity? Understanding Academic Integrity
 Accessed day month: 22 March 2024
 URL or Internet Address :

List of References

TEQSA, 2023, What is academic Integrity? Understanding Academic Integrity [online] Available at: [accessed: 22 March, 2024]


Round 3: Spot the errors

(These will be shown on-screen in class. Remember to call out if you can spot the error!)

If you/your group successfully spot an error, you receive one mark!

Total score: ____________

Bonus round: Using technology in studies

1. In which sections of Assessment 2 can you use AI tools?


2. How do you cite and acknowledge that you have used AI in your assessment (remember: the
two-step process)?

Step 1: ____________________________________________________________________________



Step 2: ____________________________________________________________________________


3. What happens if you use AI but do not cite or acknowledge how have used it?



4. Can your teacher see if you have used AI or not?


5. Can you use Grammarly?


Total score - ____/ 5

Overall Quiz score: _________________

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