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Rating scales

A rating scale is a scoring tool that the criteria for making judgments on competency. It also articulates
gradations of quality for each critcrion, from poor to excellent/competent to not yet competent. A rating
scale clarifies expectations of instruction and assessment and is a useful tool for the instructor and the
assessor. It can also be used by the learner to monitor and improve overall performance.



75 - 100 A Mastery of technical and related knowledge and skills;
Can perform the task demonstrating mastery, Mastery
autonomy, responsibility and control in a wide range
of working condition.

61 - 74 B Good working technical and related knowledge and

skills; can perform the task in wide range of working Proficient
knowledge of the skill, initiative, and adaptability to
problem situations.

45 - 60 C Satisfactory technical and related knowledge and

skills; can perform the task demonstrating sufficient Competent
knowledge of the skill, and an ability to operate
satisfactorily displaying some initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

Below - 45 Insufficient technical and related knowledge and skill;

can perform limited parts of the task satisfactorily but Not Yet Competent/
require considerable assistance. Not Ready Yet

Rating scale document

October 2008
Version o.a

Caribbean Association of National Training Agencies (CANTA)

Quality Assurance Criteria and Guidelines for the Caribbean Vocational Qualification
VI. March 2009

Approved CANTA Meeting March 11, 2009


Rating scales

A rating scale is a scoring tool that the criteria for making judgments on competency. It also articulates
gradations of quality for each critcrion, from poor to excellent/competent to not yet competent. A rating
scale clarifies expectations of instruction and assessment and is a useful tool for the instructor and the
assessor. It can also be used by the learner to monitor and improve overall performance.



80 - 100 A Mastery of technical and related knowledge and skills;
Can perform the task demonstrating mastery, Mastery
autonomy, responsibility and control in a wide range
of working condition.

65 - 79 B Good working technical and related knowledge and

skills; can perform the task in wide range of working Proficient
knowledge of the skill, initiative, and adaptability to
problem situations.

50 - 64 C Satisfactory technical and related knowledge and

skills; can perform the task demonstrating sufficient Competent
knowledge of the skill, and an ability to operate
satisfactorily displaying some initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.

Below - 50 Insufficient technical and related knowledge and skill;

can perform limited parts of the task satisfactorily but Not Yet Competent/
require considerable assistance. Not Ready Yet

Rating scale document

October 2008
Version o.a

Caribbean Association of National Training Agencies (CANTA)

Quality Assurance Criteria and Guidelines for the Caribbean Vocational Qualification
VI. March 2009

Approved CANTA Meeting March 11, 2009

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