Standard Proctor Compaction Test

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In this experiment, a soil compaction test was completed.
The test was carried out to determine the dry unit weight of the
soil. This experiment is done to ensure that buildings or
foundations are being built on properly compacted soil. From
sewer systems, roads and walkways, to skyscrapers, soil
compaction is a necessity in construction. In the civil and
architectural engineering fields, knowledge of soil compaction
is essential for any project. In the experiment, there reaches a
time when the more water that is added, the less the soil can
be compacted. To fulfill this experiment, a sample of soil was
used and mixed with water, each time the experiment was
completed. For construction of highways, airports and other
The soil sample type is Laterite and the location of soil
sample collection is Okija, Anambra State

 To obtain the relationship between water content and dry
unit weight by using the standard proctor compaction test.
 To determine the maximum dry unit weight of the soil

 Compaction mould
 No. 4 sieve
 Standard protector rammer (2.5kg)
 Digital weighing balance
 Large flat pan
 Moisture cans
 Oven
 Plastic squeeze bottle with water
 Steel straight edge

 Obtain about 4.5kg of air-dry soil on which the compaction
test is to be conducted. Break all the soil lumps.
 Sieve the soil on No. 4 sieve (Standard sieve) collect all of
the minus – 4 material in a large pan. It may be about 27kg
or more.
 Add enough water to the minus 4 materials and mix it in
thoroughly to bring the moisture content up to about 5%.
 Determine the weight of the proctor mould + base plate
(not the extension), W1 (kg).
 Now attach the extension to the top of the mould.
 Pour the moist soil into the mold in three layers, each
layer compacted uniformly by the standard proctor
hammer with 25 blows before the next layer of loose soil
is poured into the mold.
 Remove the top attachment from the mold. N:B It should
be done properly not to break off any of the compacted
soil inside the mold while removing the top attachment.
 Using the straight edge steel, trim the excess soil above
the mold.
 Determine the weight of the mold + base plate compacted
moist soil in the molds W2 (Kg).
 Remove the base plate from the mold. Extrude the
compacted soil cylinder from the mold.
 Take a moisture can and determine its mass W3 (g).
 From the moist soil extruded in step 10, take a moisture
sample in the moisture can and determine the mass of the
can + moist soil, W4 (g).
 Place the moisture can with the moist soil in the oven to
 Break the rest of the compacted soil and mix it with the
left over moist soil in the pan. Add more water and mix it
to raise the moisture content by about 2%.
 Repeat step 6 through 12. In the process, the weight of the
mold + base plate + moist soil (W2). It will first increase
with the increase in moisture content and then decrease.
Repeat until at least two successive reading are obtained.
 The next day, determine the mass of the moisture cans +
soil samples W5 (g).


In conclusion, the Standard Proctor test is a fundamental
tool in geotechnical engineering and construction. It enables
engineers to determine the optimal moisture content and
maximum dry density of soil, ensuring stability and cost-
effective construction. This test finds applications in a wide
range of civil engineering projects, from road construction to
landfill design, and plays a vital role in achieving safe and
durable structures.

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