Desire of Ages Summary

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The desire of ages is a book about God. This book gave us many means. This book said we should
prepare for future of us by praying to God. This devotional classic tells the life story of the greatest
spiritual leader the world has ever known—Jesus Christ.


This chapter talks about the events of time when the savior was born. From the journey to Bethlehem to
the shepherds making their way to Bethlehem. Indifference was met by the angels who wanted to let the
world know of the savior’s advent

Chapter 2 The Chosen People

When you think of the word chosen, the first thing that can come to mind is selected, particular, set aside,
different, etc. But there is a great difference between people and a chosen people.

In the second chapter of Desire of Ages, we see how there was a chosen people by God Himself who
thought that they could be a light to the rest of the world. Israel was to be the very people who showed the
love of Christ to those who they encountered but various times did they fail to do so. For more than a
thousand years, they were the chosen ones to reveal the character of Christ but still they didn’t. Imagine
how God must have felt. He set aside a people to be a light in darkness and yet they seemed to not realize
that their chosen privilege wasn’t about being chosen but having a specific purpose and mission. They
were missing the mark. God in His love and mercy, thought it was fit to choose Israel to help others
understand the importance of knowing the One who would save them from their sins, however they didn’t
realize that it wasn’t about the rituals, it wasn’t about the materialistic/tangible sanctuary they could touch
or see, it was all about how Christ created a pathway for them to be rescued. Now it began with saying
that the name was of no value to them because it only served the purpose of being a “decorative” thing to
them. When He came in the flesh, “they knew Him not.”

They knew Him not because their minds weren’t in the right place, they thought that they needed
deliverance from the Romans, when the greater need for deliverance was from sin. They “fixed their
hopes upon worldly greatness,” the Bible tells us that where you store your treasure, there your heart lies.
We must realize that we are falling into the same trap that Israel did in days of old, we need to turn our
eyes upon Jesus and let the things of the world grow strangely dim.

Chapter 3 talks about the coming of Christ.

The news was relayed to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and they had looked forward to his
presence. However, as time went on, it does not seem like he would be arriving any time soon. Daniel
gave hints on the date of his arrival; however, they were vague and none have figured out his message.
Centuries would pass as humanity’s hope in his coming would dwindle. This is because the coming of
Christ is neither hurried nor slowed in anyway, but was set in motion. This was told to Abraham during
the slavery of Israel that the time of his coming shall be in 400 years and thus, Jesus was born in
Bethlehem. During this time, the people spoke one, unified language. Because of all those years of
silence, the people had very little hope and faith, they needed guidance. Due to the coming of Christ,
there were men outside of the dispersed Jewish nation who foretold others about this

divine teacher that rekindled hope among the people. For hundreds the Scriptures of the Messiah’s
coming have been translated to interpreted and misinterpreted, and their true selfish nature is what
prevents them from truly reaching the light. However, despite it all, God must relay his message of the
Old Testament among his people and it truly gave them hope and enlightenment of the divine Messiah
who shall rule Israel. However, the widespread of teachings of God also came with the widespread
teachings of Satan and their plan to corrupt and invert the people, and also grew within Israel, which
turned the followers of God against him. However, instead of punishing the people for their sins and for
siding with Satan, God was forgiving, and had chosen to send his Son to save them and deliver them
from their sins instead.

Summary of the major points

I just finished reading Chapter 4
of The Desire of Ages by Ellen
G. White, and it's been a real
eye-opener. This chapter
provides a vivid account of the
birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and
how the
Old Testament prophecies about
the promised Messiah were
fulfilled. I was struck by the
humbling circumstances of
Jesus' birth, his recognition and
worship by angels, shepherds
sorcerers, and the detailed
account of the overarching
themes of hope, joy and
surrounding this momentous
Chapter 4 Unto You A Savior
When I was reading this chapter, I literally was brought to tears just reading how Christ came from on
high to live a lowly life. The very King of Glory came down, not to be served but to serve. He gave up
His divinity that we may be able to behold Him. What an amazing God. He showed the true importance
of not becoming of worldly honor or attraction but only the beauty of heavenly truth was to draw men
near to Him. Angels were watching closely as the plan of redemption began to take place. They wondered
at how His own people would receive Him as He was clothed with the garments of humanity. To where
God revealed His glory and light of prophecy, the angels paid close attention. Everything fell into place,
Zacharias ministering and announcing the Savior’s coming. The forerunner, John the Baptist, born and
full force in mission to “prepare the way of the Lord.” BUT! Jerusalem, the dwellers of the holy city,
were not prepared nor preparing to welcome our Redeemer.

The heavenly messengers were astonished as they watched and recorded how God’s own people who
knew His plan were not getting ready. The line of the Jewish nation was preserved just for Christ to come
yet they abused such privilege. The daily sacrifices, evening and morning, that pointed to Christ, were
only a ritualistic thing instead of realizing the very dear truth and essence that was in the sacred
ceremony. Imagine having a book that gave you answers to the exam you were preparing for yet you,
being privileged, decide “Oh I have the book, I can study whenever” yet the days leading to the test you
were frolicking and busy with your pride that you never picked up the book. The same thing took place
with the Jews. They sought the worldly pleasures and not the pleasures God had promised. They
neglected to study God’s word and assumed that when they were ready the Messiah would come, not just
come to do His will but to do their bidding. They rehearsed their meaningless prayers, and performed rites
of worship to be seen by men. They lost sight of their true purpose. However, there were a few whose
hearts were longing to behold God and so the angels (heaven’s embassy) went there. As Joseph and Mary
headed home to Bethlehem from Nazareth, per decree of imperial Rome’s census, angels served as guides
and safety guards for the couple. Caesar Augustus was used to fulfill the prophecy that “Out of
Bethlehem, shall He come forth that is to be ruler in Israel…” Even in the city that held the royal line,
Mary and Joseph go unnoticed and un honored. Tired they walk and roam the streets of Bethlehem to find
only an unfit place for a king, a manger to lie the baby Jesus down and the barn to rest their weary souls.

Angels bring the good tidings of peace to men, the shepherds who were watching their sheep. Had the
leaders in Israel been true to their trust, they might have shared the joy of heralding the birth of Jesus, but
they missed out! To those, like the shepherds and wise men, who were seeking for light, and accept it
with gladness, the bright rays from the throne of God will shine. Earth was hushed, and heaven stooped to
listen to the song, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Here I
realized that heaven isn’t far off, heaven is really close for when Jesus shall return the second time, which
is really SOON (and I mean He is COMING!) heaven will re-echo the song “Alleluia; for the Lord God
omnipotent reigns.” The shepherds came quickly to His side and found Mary, Joseph and the babe lying
in the manger; they left glorifying and praising God.

In the story of Bethlehem is an exhaust-less theme in which is hidden “the depth of the riches both of the
wisdom and knowledge of God.” Like I did, you can marvel at the Savior’s great sacrifice in exchanging
a heavenly throne and companionship of angels for the manger and beasts.

“But Jesus STILL accepted humanity when the race had been weakened by four thousand years of sin.”

He came to give us an example of a sinless life; He came in the heredity (line of sinful beings) to share
our sorrows and temptations.“Yet into the world where Satan claimed dominion God permitted His son to
come, a helpless babe, subject to the weakness of humanity. He permitted Him to meet life’s perils in
common with every human soul, to fight the battle as every child of humanity must fight it, at the risk of
failure and eternal loss.”Just as a father and mother yearns over their child, looking into the face of the
little one and trembles at the thought of life’s peril and longs to shield the dear one from Satan’s power,
so God gave His only-begotten Son, that it is possible to save the little ones, which include you and I! I
cried multiple times at the very idea that God loved me and you so much that He gave up His ONLY
child just so there would be a way for us to be close to Him again. I don’t think we’ll ever understand just
how much He gave. I feel like the word “gave” is enough to describe the situation. There was no selfish
desire, there was no ulterior motive. He indescribably left everything behind, His riches, His glory, His
everything to make us His everything. It wasn’t enough for God to sit on His throne to let us just fall to
the sting of death, it was very crucial to His heart to redeem us from our sins. And so God is love. If that
doesn’t make you cry, read for yourself the God I love and serve for He cares very deeply, more deeply
than I know anyone on earth has. I thank God for Jesus who died to make me joint-heirs in the kingdom

Chapter 5 The Dedication

In this chapter we are told that Jesus is subject Jewish law, the dedication of the first born represents
God’s promise to save the sinners. Christ is presented to the priest and the priest felt nothing, it was just
a routine to him and he did not think it was the promised Messiah as Joseph and Mary were poor.
Through Christ we are shown that Satan’s representation of God as selfish and oppressive is false, the
gift of Christ shows God’s good heart and thoughts of peace. We also learn that God hates sin as death
but the love he has for us is stronger than death.

Lesson learned from Chapter 5: The priest not recognizing he was holding the Savior in his arms made
me realize that God this happen to us without noticing . • I’ve learnt that God can use anyone to further
his mission, though Mary did not understand Jesus’ mission she still was bestowed the responsibility to
take care of Jesus • You do not have to be the most educated man alive to understand God’s word, all
you need is the Holy spirit to dwell in you.

Chapter 6 We have seen his star

In this chapter we are introduced to the3 wisemen, who will follow a luminous star that will lead them to
Jesus and they shall worship him. The arrival of the 3 wisemen in Bethlehem leads Herod to suspect
there was a plot to unseat him. When the wisemen see Jesus, they fall down and worship him and also
recognize the presence of divinity. The wisemen have a dream that warns them not to talk about their
success of finding the Messiah. Herod sends Soldiers in Bethlehem to kill every child 2 years and under in
attempt to kill the Messiah.

Chapter 7: As a child

This chapter talks about the growth of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not have the privilege of going to school
but his mother was his first teacher, he also studied the law of God. He had powers and he never abused
the power to ease his work as a carpenter. He glorified God in all circumstances, Jesus lived a holy life
even though he dwelt in Nazareth a place filled with temptation and other vices. He learnt from nature.

He acknowledges God as his father, he also knew that they were time was everything “he said, "I must
work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”. He is the
perfect example for the youths to follow to get to the father.

Chapter 8: Passover Visit

This chapter talks about the Passover. The Passover indicates the birth of the Hebrew nation. After the
feast of Passover was done, his parent decided to return back home but Jesus was not with them. Jesus
did not waste the time looking at the temple instead he went to learn more form the teachers of the
word of God. He answered question and the teachers were amazed at his level of understanding. When
his parent found out that they had left Jesus in Jerusalem, they were perplexed and went back looking
for him. He said unto them "How is it that ye sought me?" answered Jesus. "Wist ye not that I must be
about My Father's business?” they were surprised at his saying for they did not understand what he was
saying. The lesson learnt from this chapter is that any little opportunity we have we should use it in the
edification of God.

Chapter 9 Days of Conflict

If you grew up with siblings, you know the struggles of inner family bullying. Jesus even understood
what it meant to grow up in such an environment, I grew up with three sisters, two older and one younger.
But anyway, Jesus understands how I felt because He lived the experience. Jewish children were
surrounded by requirements of the rabbis, you had to follow the rules they set, though rigid they were.
Imagine growing up living a robotic life, robotic because everything you did or said was controlled by the
rabbis, no wonder Jesus paid them no mind. They created traditions that you were to follow and Jesus,
because He constantly studied the Scriptures, did not align Himself with such because it was not
according to “Thus saith the Lord.” The condition of the people opened His mind to seeing the contrast
between man’s societal requirements and God’s; the societal rules were supposed to be in line with
God’s but because of the inventions of man, there was various collisions. The sacred truths in the
ceremonies were hidden from the worshipers as seen in The Passover was also found in His hometown.
They didn’t understand that the freedom of spirit would come from serving God in truth. This narrow-
mindedness of God’s truth caused conflict when Jesus would only go by “Thus saith the Lord. ”Men were
departing from the word of God, and exalting theories of their own invention.In whomever Jesus came
in contact with, He tried to please them. The scribes and elders thought that His gentleness would allow
Him to be easily influenced by their teaching. Jesus would ask for biblical precipice for whenever they
tried to make Him conform to their laws but because there was none, He followed them not and they were
furious. Instead of acknowledging the error in their ways and realizing Jesus’s spiritual understanding was
greater, they let their pride puff them up and rebuked Jesus. Jesus only let the “It is written” form His
character and nothing would cause Him to forsake the words of God’s laws written in the Holy
Scriptures. His brothers, foolishly, teamed up with the rabbis and would instigate various problems to try
to make Jesus conform to their laws. Jesus found that religion was “within these four walls” and this
seclusion was the opposite of what God requires.

Jesus worked to reach out to those who were suffered, the poor who had no food to eat, Jesus gave His
own supper to them. His brothers thought that He was making Himself the “Golden child” as we’d call it
today, but Jesus didn’t let this affect Him. He loved His brothers and treated them with unfailing
kindness. Jesus though the divine Son of God, was a helpless child. The Creator of the world was living a
life of poverty. Christ did all this so that we “through His poverty might be rich” [ 2 Corinthians 8:9].
Jesus was different from His brothers, because His standards were not the standards of men His brothers
followed. Yet through childhood, youth, and manhood, Jesus walked alone, He carried the responsibility
for our salvation. Filled with intense purpose, He carried out the design of His life that He Himself should
be the light of men.

CHAPTER 10 The Voice in the Wilderness

From among the faithful in Israel, those who were waiting for Jesus to come, the forerunner of
Christ arose. Whenever I think about the voice in the wilderness, I immediately think of John the Baptist,
born of Zacharias and Elisabeth, who was crying “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.” Though many signs
foretold of Jesus’ coming, the forerunner had to prepare the way for the person of who was to follow.
Imagine a relay, you’re the starting man, and you have to pass the baton on to the person who will get to
the finish line, so it was the same way between John and Jesus. It’s pretty cool though that His own
cousin was given the blessed opportunity to be God’s only Son’s forerunner. Zacharias, a priest also
known as John’s father, was burning incense in the temple and the angel of the Lord appeared unto Him
and he was filled with fear and self-condemnation. I can glimpse how he felt, but of course of a different
magnitude. The angel however greeted him with assurance and told him that he was having a son! How
joyous he must have been to have the messengers of heaven attend to him to tell him he was having a
boy! Men are always so happy to have boys, for some reason :). But at the same time, he was doubtful for
he knew he was old, but it seems like he forgot the very example that Abraham gave. The birth of a son to
Zacharias, like the birth of the child of Abraham, and that of Mary, was to teach a great spiritual truth, a
truth that are slow to learn and ready to forget. It is through faith that spiritual life is begotten, and we are
enabled to the works of righteousness. In ourselves we are incapable of doing any good thing; but that
which we cannot do will be wrought by the power of God in every submissive and believing soul. The
same angel who told Daniel of the prophecy of Christ’s coming, 500 years late, he attends to Zacharias to
tell him that the prophecy was being fulfilled. It’s pretty amazing that the angel who stands next in honor
to the Son of God is opening the mystery of God’s purposes to men. But like always, or most of the time,
Zacharias doubted the angel’s words so he felt dumb until the birth of his son, this caused some serious
fear. He was supposed to praying on behalf of the sins of the people and yet because of his doubt he
couldn’t say anything causing others to believe that he was cut down. But he left the temple courts and
explained what happened and went home. Just as promised, when John was born, Zacharias could speak
and he praised the God of heaven. Then he delivered the mission of his son as the Holy Spirit impressed it
upon his lips: “Thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest; for thou shalt go before the face of
the Lord to prepare His ways; to give knowledge of salvation unto His people by the remission of their
sins, through the tender mercy of our God, where the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light
to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” The child
John was to never be under the influence, not of wine nor strong drink. Wine and strong drink have
seemed, in the past, to be the downfall of many, one example is the fall of Babylon [See Daniel 5]. The
Holy Spirit could not abide in John if he were under the influence. He had to be holy, a temple for the
indwelling Spirit of God, he had to have a sound physical body as well as mental and spiritual strength.
Worldly desires had to be controlled so he would be as immovable as the rocks and mountains are to
winds and disasters. In the childhood and youth the character are most impressible. The power of self-
control should then be acquired. As a prophet, John was to be a reformer “turning the hearts of fathers to
the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, making a people ready for the Lord.” So he
also served as a representative for those who are to prepare a people for Christ’s second coming. The
world we live in is all about work hard, play hard, it’s all about what you wear, what you own, all these
self-indulgences. We must learn to be temperate and have self-control. God knows what He is doing for
though. He put the forerunner in the home of a priest who would have had him educated by the rabbinical
schools, instead He called him to the desert where may learn of nature of God, just like Jesus learned in
"The Desire of Ages" Chapter
4: "Unto You a Saviour"
Summary of the major points
I just finished reading Chapter 4
of The Desire of Ages by Ellen
G. White, and it's been a real
eye-opener. This chapter
provides a vivid account of the
birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and
how the
Old Testament prophecies about
the promised Messiah were
fulfilled. I was struck by the
humbling circumstances of
Jesus' birth, his recognition and
worship by angels, shepherds
sorcerers, and the detailed
account of the overarching
themes of hope, joy and
surrounding this momentous
An energetic engagement and
interaction with the material.
As I delved into this chapter, I
was completely immersed and
mesmerized by the wealth of
descriptions and images used by
the author. I could vividly recall
the scenes of Jesus' birth in
Bethlehem, the angel's
proclamation to the shepherds,
and the awe-inspiring visitation
of the
Magi. I was emotionally drawn
to the sense of wonder, joy, and
awe that permeated the story. I
have also pondered the
significance of Jesus' birth as
the fulfillment of an ancient
prophecy and
the divine orchestration of
events that led to this pivotal
moment in history.
Points that stood out or that
were new and helpful to the
A few points in this chapter
struck me. First, I was deeply
moved by the emphasis on
hope, joy,
and redemption. It was
heartwarming to read about the
joy of angels, the worship of

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