Nguyễn Võ Quang Huy - Moodule 3

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Nguyễn Võ Quang Huy

3, 5, 7, 10/ p. 137- 139

A. Wood/ Metal
Not binary antonyms. It belongs to the system of multiple incompatibility, system of
B. Big/ small
Not binary antonyms. It is a gradable antonym.
(big> rather big? medium-sized> rather small > small)
C. Awake/ Asleep
Binary antonyms. Not awake is asleep, not asleep is awake
D. Honest/ Dishonest
Binary antonyms. Not honest is dishonest, not dishonest is honest
E. Happy/ Sad
Not binary antony,s. It is a gradable antonym.
(happy - quite happy - quite sad - sad)
F. Give/ Receive
Not binary antonyms. It is converse
G. Present/ Absent
Binary antonyms. Not present is absent. Not absent is present
H. In/ out
Converses antonyms. If it is not in the it does not me it will be out. It can be under or
a. high/low => gradable
Because: high/low is a continuous scale of value: higher- highest/ lower- lowest
b. punch/slap => multiple incompatibles
Punch and Slap are the two members of the activities system: run, jun
c. Husband/ wife => Converses
A is husband of B, then B is wife of A
d. higher/ lower =>converses
The relationship between “higher-lower” is one of converseness, even though both higher
and lower are themselves gradable terms, for example: very much higher, very much
lower are acceptable expressions
e. pregnant/ not pregnant => binary
a. Max baked the cake / The cake was baked by Max: These are not contradictories; they
convey the same information in different ways.

b. Max is Sam’s father / Max is Sam’s child: These are contradictories. If Max is Sam's
father, he cannot be Sam's child.

c. This class begins at 9:45 a.m. / This class begins at 8:45 p.m.: These are not
contradictories; they state different times for the class to begin.
d. Jane died / Jane is still alive: These are contradictories. If Jane died, she cannot be still
a. Climbing plants can look strange.
i. Plants that climb (grow) up walls can look strange.
ii. People who climb plants can look strange.
b. Jane waited by the bank.
i. Jane waited by the financial institution.
ii. Jane waited at the side of the river.
c. They are moving sidewalks.
i. People are moving sidewalks from one place to another.
ii. Those sidewalks are motorized so they can move.
d. The English history teacher knows a lot.
i. The teacher who teaches English history knows a lot.
ii. The history teacher from England knows a lot.
e. The minister married my sister.
i. The minister got married to my sister.
ii. The minister performed my sister's wedding ceremony.
f. She's selling synthetic buffalo hides.
i. She's selling hides made from synthetic buffalo.
ii. She's selling buffalo hides that are synthetic.
g. The long drill was boring.
i. The long exercise was boring.
ii. The long drilling tool was boring into wood or metal.
h. The boy saw the man with a telescope.
i. The boy saw the man who had a telescope.
ii. The boy with a telescope saw the man.
i. He gave me a punch.
i. He gave me something to drink.
ii. He hit me.
j. The grass was very expensive.
i. The lawn was very expensive.
ii. The marijuana was very expensive.

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