Data Engineer Roadmap - 1

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#_ Becoming a DATA Engineer RoadMap

🎓 1. Basic Computer Science (Understand the core concepts)

├── 💻 Basics of Computers & How They Work
├── 📊 Data Structures
├── 💡 Algorithms
├── 🌐 Networking Fundamentals
└── 🛠️ Linux/Unix and Shell Scripting

🔢 2. Mathematics (Fundamental understanding for algorithms and data

├── 📈 Statistics
├── 📊 Probability
├── ⚙️ Linear Algebra
└── 🔣 Calculus

🔁 3. Version Control System (Manage and track changes to your code)

└── 📚 Git
├── 📝 Basic Commands
├── 🌿 Branching & Merging
└── 🤼‍♀️ Conflict Resolution

👩‍💻 4. Programming Languages (Master at least one, learn the syntax and
├── 🐍 Python
├── ☕ Java
├── 🐘 SQL
├── 🌐 R
└── 🦪 Go

By: Waleed Mousa

📊 5. Databases (Understand how to store, retrieve, and manipulate
├── 🐘 SQL Databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
├── 🌿 NoSQL Databases (MongoDB, Cassandra)
├── 🔑 Key-value Stores (Redis, Memcached)
├── 📑 Document Stores (MongoDB, CouchDB)
└── 🌐 Graph Databases (Neo4j, Amazon Neptune)

💾 6. Advanced Databases (Explore more types of databases for specific

├── 🏞️ Cloud Databases (AWS DynamoDB, Google Firestore)
├── 🌐 Distributed Databases (HBase, Cassandra, CockroachDB)
├── 📊 Columnar Databases (Redshift)
├── ⏳ Time-series Databases (InfluxDB)
└── 💾 In-memory Databases (Redis)

📈 7. Data Modelling & Schemas (Learn to represent data in a useful and

efficient way)
├── 🏗️ Entity Relationship Model
├── 📑 Dimensional Modeling
├── 🧮 Normalization vs Denormalization
└── 📃 Schemas (Star Schema, Snowflake Schema)

🔐 8. Database Security (Protect your data and understand access

├── 🧱 Access Control
├── 🛡️ Data Encryption
└── 🗄️ Backup and Recovery

By: Waleed Mousa

🛠️ 9. ETL Tools (Extract, Transform, Load)
├── 🏗️ Informatica
├── 🔨 Talend
├── 🪓 Apache Beam
└── 🎛️ AWS Glue

📦 10. Data Warehousing (Learn the principles of storing data for

├── 🗃️ Amazon Redshift
├── 📁 Google BigQuery
└── 📂 Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics

⚙️ 11. Data Processing Frameworks (Handle big data effectively)

├── 🧶 Apache Hadoop
├── 🚂 Apache Spark
└── 🐘 Apache Flink

☁️ 12. Cloud Providers (Get familiar with popular cloud providers' data
├── ☁️ AWS (Amazon Web Services)
├── 🌥️ GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
└── 🌩️ Azure (Microsoft Azure)

🔍 13. Data Visualization (Present your data in a human-friendly

├── 📈 Tableau
├── 📊 PowerBI
├── 📉 Google Data Studio
└── 🖼️ D3.js

🧪 14. Data Infrastructure Automation (Automate the deployment and

maintenance of your data infrastructure)
├── 🪓 Terraform
├── 🔧 Ansible
└── 🏗️ AWS CloudFormation

By: Waleed Mousa

🔒 15. Data Governance (Manage data quality, data privacy, and business
├── 🏛️ Data Catalog
├── 📂 Data Lineage
├── 🛡️ Data Privacy
└── 📚 Data Quality

🌍 16. Real-time Data Processing (Understand how to process data in

├── 🌊 Apache Kafka
├── 🌪️ Apache Storm
└── 🧵 AWS Kinesis

🌐 17. Data Orchestration (Automate your data workflows)

├── 🎼 Apache Airflow
└── 🎵 AWS Step Functions

🧪 18. Testing (Ensure your data pipelines work as expected)

├── 📝 Unit Testing
├── 🔄 Integration Testing
└── 🌐 End-to-End Testing

🧩 19. Advanced Topics (Dive deeper into data engineering principles)

├── 📚 Data Governance (Data Catalog, Data Lineage)
├── 📂 Data Lifecycle Management
├── 🏭 Data Factory (Data Ingestion, Data Processing, Data Storage)
├── 📈 Performance Tuning
├── 🚀 Scalability (Sharding, Partitioning)
├── 🌐 Distributed Systems
└── 🧪 Machine Learning Basics

By: Waleed Mousa

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