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Section 1: Water & Sanitation

Different Water Sources Distance of

Usages of
Shallow Deep Tube Sources from
Water Pond/Ditch Beel Rainwater Others
Tubewell Well Home (meter)

a) Ownership of the water sources … Own Share Natural

b) Do you face any challenges in using or accessing clean drinking water year-around?
Yes No
c) If yes, please specify ………………………………………………………………………………………

d) How reliable is the water sources in your area especially during different seasons and weather
conditions? Very reliable Somewhat reliable Not much

e) How often do you experience water shortages for drinking?

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often

f) Have you noticed any changes in the water level of the beel in the past 5 years?
Increased Decreased No change

g) Have you noticed any changes in the water quality of the beel in the past 5 years?
Increased Decreased No change

h) If yes, then what type of water quality of the beel changes you have noticed?

Increased salinity
Increased pollution
Change in color/odor
Other (please specify): ………………………………………………………………………………

i) How has water availability changed throughout the year in your experience?
j) Have you noticed any changes in the frequency or severity of floods and droughts in recent years?

k) How do these changes in water availability affect your daily life (food, drink, sanitation, agriculture)?

l) What type of toilet facility does your household use?

Pit latrine
Flush toilet (connected to sewer system)
No toilet facility
Other (please specify): …………………………………………………

m) Have you experienced any problems with your toilet facility due to flooding or water shortage?
Yes (flooding) Yes (water shortage) No
g) Do you have any concerns about the impact of sanitation practices on the beel water quality?
Yes No Not sure

h) Has the water and sanitation crisis affected your livelihood?

Yes No Not sure

i) If yes, how has it affected your livelihood?

Difficulty catching fish
Reduced crop yields
Increased healthcare costs
Loss of income
Other (please specify): …………………………………………………………..
j) What suggestions do you have for improving water access in your community?
k) What suggestions do you have for improving sanitation facilities in your community?

Section 2: Monsoon Season

a) In the past 10 years, have you noticed any changes in the timing of the monsoon season arrival in
Chalan Beel?
Yes(earlier arrival) Yes(later arrival) No change

b) In the past 10 years, have you noticed any changes in the intensity of monsoon rainfall?
Yes(increased intensity) Yes(deceased intensity) No change

c) In the past 10 years, have you noticed any changes in the duration of the monsoon season?
Yes(short duration) Yes(long duration) No change

d) Does your house experience flooding during the monsoon season?

Yes(always) Yes(sometimes) No

e) If yes to question 1, for how long does your house typically flood during the monsoon season?
Less than a week
1-2 weeks
More than 2 weeks
f) How has the flooding impacted your household (choose all that apply)?
Damage to property
Loss of crops/livestock
Disruption of daily activities
Health problems (mosquitoes, waterborne diseases)
Other (please specify): _________

g) Does your household have any strategies in place to cope with flooding during the monsoon
Yes No

h) If yes, what coping mechanisms do you use (choose all that apply)?
Raising the house plinth
Storing food and supplies
Evacuating to higher ground
Building flood barriers
Other (please specify): _________
i) Do you feel these coping mechanisms are sufficient to protect your household during the monsoon
Yes No Not sure

j) What additional resources or support would your household need to be better prepared for the
monsoon season?
k) In your opinion, what long-term solutions are needed to manage the changing monsoon season in
Chalan Beel?

Section 3: Open Water Fishing

a) What types of fishing gear do you use most often?

b) How often do you go fishing in Chalan Beel?
Several times a week
Less frequently (please specify): _________
c) How often do you go fishing in Chalan Beel?
Several times a week
Less frequently (please specify): _________

d) Are you aware of any restrictions or regulations on fishing in Chalan Beel?

Yes No

e) If yes, do these restrictions affect your fishing activities?

Yes No

f) Does your household lease any fishing grounds within Chalan Beel?
Yes (as lessee) Yes (as lessor) No
j) If you lease fishing grounds (as lessee):
(a) How difficult is it to obtain a lease for a fishing ground?
(b) Are the lease terms fair and transparent?
k) If you lease fishing grounds (as lessor):
(a) Why do you lease out your fishing grounds?
(b) What are your experiences with the leasing arrangements?

l) What are the biggest challenges you face in open water fishing in Chalan Beel?
(a) Declining fish stocks
(b) Competition from other fishers
(c) Enforcement of fishing regulations
(d) Access to certain fishing grounds
(e) High cost of fishing gear
(f) Other (please specify): _________

m) What kind of support or resources would help you improve your fishing practices and livelihoods?
(a) Training on sustainable fishing methods
(b) Microfinance for equipment purchase
(c) Fair and equitable leasing arrangements
(d) Alternative income generation opportunities
(e) Other (please specify): _________

Section 4: Crop Farming

a) What are the main crops you cultivate in Chalan Beel?

(a) Rice (specify variety, e.g., Aman, Boro)
(b) Vegetables (specify types)
(c) Fruits (specify types)
(d) Other (please specify): _________
b) Do you follow a seasonal cropping pattern?
(a) Yes (describe)
(b) No
c) What are your primary sources of irrigation?
(a) Rainfed
(b) Canal water
(c) Tubewell
(d) Other (please specify): _________

d) Have you noticed any changes in the water level of the beel in the past 5 years?
(a) Yes (increase)
(b) Yes (decrease)
(c) No change
e) How do the water level fluctuations in the beel affect your farming activities?
(a) Positive impact (explain)
(b) Negative impact (explain)
(c) No impact
f) Do you experience any challenges related to soil fertility in your farming land?
(a) Yes (describe)
(b) No

g) Do you use any techniques to improve soil fertility or manage water resources?
(a) Yes (describe)
(b) No
h) Have you received any training or support from agricultural extension services?
(a) Yes (describe)
(b) No
i) What are your biggest challenges in crop farming in Chalan Beel?
(a) Water scarcity
(b) Soil fertility issues
(c) Floods or droughts
(d) Pest and disease outbreaks
(e) Access to markets
(f) Other (please specify): _________

j) What kind of support or resources would help you improve your agricultural practices and livelihoods?
(a) Improved access to irrigation water
(b) Training on sustainable farming techniques
(c) Improved access to fertilizers and seeds
(d) Market access and price information
(e) Crop insurance
(f) Other (please specify): _________

Section 5: Natural Resource-based (IGA)

a) Does your household rely on any natural resources from Chalan Beel for income generation?
(a) Yes
(b) No
b) If yes, which natural resources do you utilize for income generation?
(a) Fish and other aquatic products
(b) Reeds and other wetland plants for handicrafts
(c) Wild vegetables or fruits
(d) Eco-tourism activities (e.g., boat tours)
(e) Other (please specify): _________
c) How often do you engage in these income generation activities?
(a) Daily
(b) Several times a week
(c) Seasonally
(d) Occasionally

d) Are you concerned about the long-term sustainability of the natural resources you utilize?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Unsure
e) If yes, what are your concerns?
(a) Overexploitation of resources
(b) Pollution of the beel
(c) Impact of climate change
(d) Other (please specify): _________
f) Do you face any challenges in carrying out your income generation activities?
(a) Yes (describe)
(b) No

g) Have you received any training or support for sustainable resource management practices?
(a) Yes (describe)
(b) No
h) What kind of support would be helpful for you to continue or improve your natural resource-based
income generation activities?
(a) Training on sustainable harvesting techniques
(b) Access to microfinance for equipment or processing facilities
(c) Establishment of marketing channels for your products
(d) Community-based resource management programs
(e) Other (please specify): _________

i) Do you have any ideas for promoting sustainable use of natural resources and income generation
in Chalan Beel?

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