Elective 1 - Single Factor Anova

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1 2 3 4 5 6

I 94.5 93 91 89 96.5 88
II 89 90 92.5 88.5 91.5 91.5
III 88.5 93.5 93.5 88 92.5 91.5
IV 100 99 100 98 95 97.5
V 91.5 93 90 92.5 89 91
VI 98.5 100 98 100 96.5 98

SS 52758 53941.25 53283.5 51657.5 52499 51879.75

Sum of Squares 316019 Sum of all 316019

y..^2 11356900 y..^2 11356900
N 36 N 36
SSTotal 549.555555555562 SSTreatm 549.5555556

Source of Variation Sum of Squares DF MS F-comp F-crit Decision
Treatment 549.555555555562
Error 549.555555555562

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Row 1 6 552 92 10.7
Row 2 6 543 90.5 2.5
Row 3 6 547.5 91.25 5.975
Row 4 6 589.5 98.25 3.575
Row 5 6 547 91.16666667 2.266666667
Row 6 6 591 98.5 1.8

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value
Between Groups 415.4722222 5 83.09444444 18.59167185 2.156869E-08
Within Groups 134.0833333 30 4.469444444

Total 549.5555556 35
552 92
543 90.5
547.5 91.25
589.5 98.25
547 91.16667
591 98.5
561.6667 93.61111111


F crit

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