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Full name: DANG BAO AN

Student code: 120604220034

Class: DH38DD01

Instructor: TRAN THIEN KY

Ho Chi Minh City, November 13, 2023

TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Apple Inc.................................................................................................................................2
1.2. History.....................................................................................................................................2
1.3. Products...................................................................................................................................3
1.4. Vision statement and Mission Statement................................................................................3
2. Business Environment Analysis.....................................................................................................4
2.1. Micro Environmental Factor Analysis....................................................................................4
2.2. Macro Environmental Factor Analysis...................................................................................6
3. Human Resource Management - HRM........................................................................................10
3.1. Developing Organizational Culture..........................................................................................11
4. Production process.......................................................................................................................13
4.1. Supply Chain Management...................................................................................................14
5. Financial management.................................................................................................................14
5.1. Accounting and Financial Reporting....................................................................................15
5.2. Development Plan and Strategy............................................................................................15
References :......................................................................................................................................17

Final Business Report of APPLE Technology Joint Stock Company

1. Introduction
1.1. Apple Inc
 Apple or Apple Inc is an American computer technology corporation with headquarters located
in Silicon Valley in Cupertino, California, United States.
 Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 under the name Apple Computer, Inc., and changed its
name in early 2007.
 The three founders of Apple are Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne.They are the
people with great merit to bring Apple to the position it is today in the market

Exhibit 1.1 : Apple Logo ( Sourced by AppleInsider)

1.2. History
 April 1, 1976: Apple was founded by three people, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald
 July 1976: The first Apple I product was marketed for $666.66
 October 2001: The company introduces the portable iPod music player.
 2002: Apple signs agreements with record labels to sell music rights on the iTunes
 Music Store.
 January 9, 2007: Introduced the first iPhone with a 3.5-inch touch screen.
 June 9, 2008: Launch of iPhone 3G, a smartphone running on the 3G band.
 January 27, 2010: Launched a new breakthrough product line with features to serve
entertainment needs like Ipad

 October 4, 2011: Launched iPhone 4s series with dual-core A5 chip and 8MP camera
 2014: iPhone 6 model with breakthrough design and amazing thinness is released.
 In 2016, Apple announced the iPhone and iPhone 7 Plus, which were Apple's first iPhones with
dual rear cameras that helped capture photos with professional bokeh.
 In 2017, Apple caused a fever when it launched the iPhone X, alongside the iPhone 8 and 8
 In 2018, Apple launched the iPhone Xs and Xs Max with features like Face ID and the full-
screen design that have appeared on all new iPhone models.
 The trio of iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max launched in 2019 is the camera
cluster with the equipped wide-angle lens.
 April 2020 with the introduction of the new iPhone SE.
 The iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Mini duo launched in October 2020.
 In 2021 iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max with promotion screen.
 In 2022, iPhone 14 Pro and Iphone 14 Pro Max was released with dynamic island.
 In 2023, Iphone 15 and Iphone 15 Pro Max release , replaced with type - c charger .20
1.3. Products
Apple's product portfolio has always been something the brand has always been proud of. True to
the criteria of simplicity but quality, they always cover the world with top-notch, minimalist
devices. Some Apple products such as Iphone, ipad, macbook, airpods, apple watch, TV,etc.

Exibit 1.2 Apple products By Apple Trade in - Apple

1.4. Vision statement and Mission Statement
 Apple’s mission statement is “to bring the best user experience to customers through
innovative hardware, software, and services.”

 Apple’s vision statement is “to make the best products on earth and to leave the world better
than we found it.”
2. Business Environment Analysis
2.1. Micro Environmental Factor Analysis
 The mission of the historic Apple brand has always been a source of inspiration for millions
of people around the world. Since its founding in 1976, Apple has been committed to
providing the best products and services to its customers. This mission is not just about
creating leading technology products, but also about transforming the way people live, work
and communicate.
 Apple's vision has always been towards a world where technology is not simply a tool, but a
part of people's daily lives. That vision has driven Apple to develop groundbreaking products
like iPhone, iPad, Mac, and many cloud-based services like iCloud and Apple Music. Apple's
vision is not only to create new products, but also to create interesting and convenient
experiences for users.
 Apple Technology Corporation's Final Business Report is an important document,
recognizing the company's success and commitment in implementing that mission and vision.
This report not only represents growth in sales and revenue, but also a demonstration of how
Apple has created real value for customers and the global community. With constant
innovation and unwavering commitment, Apple continues to shape the future of the IT
industry and contribute to the progress of the world.

In this section, we will conduct a SWOT analysis to evaluate the business environment of APPLE
Technology Joint Stock Company. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats, and it helps us better understand a company's internal and external macro situation.

 Strengths:

- Strong brand: APPLE Company has built a strong and known brand worldwide, which creates
a great advantage in attracting customers and partners.
- Advanced research and development: APPLE always invests heavily in research and
development of new products and services, helping to stay competitive and create
breakthrough products.

- Extensive distribution system: APPLE's global retail store network and effective distribution
system ensure easy access for customers.

 Weaknesses:

- Dependence on key products: APPLE depends too much on revenue from key products like
the iPhone, causing the company to be seriously affected if problems occur with this product.
- High price: APPLE products are often priced higher than the competition, which may limit
accessibility for some customers.
- Fierce competition: The information technology market is under strong competitive pressure
from competitors such as Samsung and Google.

Exibit 1.3 iPhone 15 with a high price

 Opportunities:

- Potential markets: There are many new markets opening up for APPLE, such as China and
India markets, with billions of potential users.
- Service development: Services like Apple Music and Apple TV+ have strong growth potential,
creating additional revenue streams.
- New products and technologies:

- APPLE has opportunities to develop new products and technologies such as artificial
intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and self-driving cars.

 Threats:

- Tough competition: Competition from major players and emerging technology companies
could threaten APPLE's market share. Apple's competitors include Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo,
Oppo, Huawei, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, Microsoft, Logitech, Spotify, Amazon Prime
Video, Netflix, Disney+.
- Rapid technological change: Technology can change rapidly, making current products
- Security and privacy issues: Issues related to data security and privacy are receiving increasing
attention, which can impact a company's reputation and revenue.

Exibit 1.4:Android is a strong competitor of Apple

Besides SWOT analysis, we also conducted an assessment of APPLE Technology Joint Stock
Company's internal resources and organizational culture.

2.2. Macro Environmental Factor Analysis

In this section, we will conduct an analysis of macro environmental factors using PESTEL
analysis to evaluate external factors affecting the business operations of APPLE Technology Joint
Stock Company. We will also review industry trends and assess opportunities and challenges from
the macro environment.
 PESTEL Analysis:

- Politics: Political stability is an important environment for APPLE. Changes in tax policies,
consumer protection regulations and international trade issues may affect the company's
business operations.
- Economic: Fluctuations in the global economic situation can affect customers' purchasing
power. Economic downturn may result in reduced sales for APPLE products and services.
Apple’s total net sales amounted to 394.33 billion U.S. dollars in their 2022 financial year, an
increase from the historical record of 274.52 billion U.S. dollars in financial year 2020.
Apple’s annual revenue quadrupled in the last ten years.

Exibit 1.5 Apple's revenue worldwide 2004-2022 ( Published by Federica Laricchia Apr 13, 2023)

- Social: Changes in consumer tastes and product requirements can create opportunities or
challenges for APPLE. Consumers are increasingly concerned about issues such as
environmental protection and privacy. In ACSI's 2021 customer satisfaction report, Apple
ranked No.1. Previously, the iPhone also continuously helped Apple rank highest in customer
satisfaction surveys. This year, besides the iPhone, devices such as the iPad and Macbook also
contribute to helping Apple take the lead.
Exibit 1.6 User satisfaction survey in the US. (Photo: ACSI)

- Technological: Rapid advances in technology can create new opportunities for APPLE, but
also pose the challenge of remaining competitive in the field. Trends like 5G, artificial
intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) can change the way consumers use technology
products and services.
- Environmental: Pressure to protect the environment is increasing, and APPLE needs to face
demands for sustainable business practices and reducing negative impacts on the environment.
- Legal: APPLE must comply with legal requirements for personal data protection, intellectual
property rights and international trade regulations. Legal cases can create legal challenges.

 Poter’s 5 forces of Apple

 Assessing Industry Trends:

- Increasing services: Technology companies are focusing on developing services to create more
stable revenue streams, including music services, streaming TV and cloud storage.
- Increased security and privacy: Consumers are increasingly concerned about online security
and privacy, requiring technology companies to invest in security and comply with relevant
- China and India Markets: There is great potential to expand business to new markets, such as
China and India, but there are also local competition and regulatory challenges.

 Opportunities and Challenges from the Macro Environment:

- Opportunity: APPLE has the opportunity to develop new products and services based on
technology trends and consumer interest. Additionally, expanding into new markets has the
potential to bring in large revenues.

- Challenges: Challenges include fierce competition, privacy and security issues, and
environmental protection pressures. Changes in the global economic situation may also affect
APPLE's sales.
- Analyzing the macro environment and PESTEL factors is important so that APPLE
Technology Joint Stock Company can better understand the external situation and promote
future business strategic decisions.

3. Human Resource Management - HRM

In this section, we will look at how APPLE Technology Joint Stock Company manages human
resources, including the recruitment and training process, employee evaluation and development,
and organizational structure building.

 Apple has different talent management strategy for its employees. Therefore, it is not surprising
that different participants faced different strategies that can be seen from the table above.

Exibit 1.7.Graphical representation of different talent management strategy for its

 Recruitment and training:

Recruitment is an important part of ensuring that APPLE has enough high-quality human
resources to drive growth and competitiveness. This company often conducts a careful recruitment
process to select candidates with knowledge and skills that match the company's mission and

After recruitment, APPLE often provides new employees with a comprehensive training process
to ensure they understand the company's products, services, and organizational culture. This helps
ensure that new employees will be able to perform their jobs effectively.

 Employee Evaluation and Development:

To maintain development and improve employee performance, APPLE typically conducts annual
appraisals and an ongoing appraisal process to track employee progress. This company uses clear
standards and targets to evaluate employee performance and contributions.

Based on the assessment results, APPLE provides training and personal development programs to
help employees develop their skills and competencies. The company also promotes internal
advancement and career development opportunities for high-potential employees.

 Building Organizational Structure:

APPLE's organizational structure is built to promote efficiency and interaction between

departments and work groups. This company typically has a management model that focuses on
innovation and creating excellent products and services.

This includes setting up specialized departments such as research and development, marketing,
manufacturing and customer support. Building a flexible and adaptable organizational structure
helps APPLE adapt to changes in the market and technology.

Human resource management is an important part of ensuring that APPLE has enough human
resources and capacity to maintain growth and success in the competitive information technology
industry. We will continue to look at other aspects of business management in subsequent sections
of the Final Business Report.

3.1. Developing Organizational Culture

In this section, we will look at how APPLE Technology Joint Stock Company defines and
develops its organizational culture, how it fosters a culture of collaboration, and the process of

continuous evaluation and improvement in maintaining and develop organizational culture.

 Identifying and Developing Company Culture:

APPLE's organizational culture is determined by the company's values, vision, and goals. This
includes promoting creativity, respect for diversity, and commitment to environmental protection.
This process often begins with Steve Jobs's founding principles and has been preserved and
developed over time.

To develop organizational culture, APPLE creates programs and activities such as annual
employee meetings, training programs on values and ethics, and celebrating employee
achievements in the spirit of the culture. company chemistry.

 Methods to Promote a Collaborative Culture:

APPLE fosters a culture of collaboration by creating a work environment where people feel
valued and encouraged to share ideas and work together. This company encourages open
communication and collaboration between different departments and work groups.

APPLE also uses digital tools and platforms to create opportunities for communication and
collaboration across the company, including internal applications and project management

 Continuous Evaluation and Improvement:

To ensure that organizational culture is always evolving and adapting, APPLE regularly conducts
ongoing assessments and reviews. This includes gathering feedback from employees, examining
performance, and the company's ability to deliver on its values and goals.

Based on the assessment results, APPLE can adjust training programs and develop organizational
culture, while promoting continuous improvement and adaptation to the changing business

4. Production process

Exibit 1.8 Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California

 Analyze and Improve Production Process:

To ensure optimal manufacturing performance, APPLE often conducts detailed analysis of their
manufacturing processes. This process can include the use of advanced software and technology to
track production flows and identify weaknesses. When problems or opportunities for improvement
are discovered, the company takes measures to improve the production process.

 Evaluate and Improve Product Quality:

Product quality is an important priority for APPLE. This company uses rigorous quality standards
and testing procedures to ensure that products meet or exceed customer and industry requirements.
When there are incidents or quality-related problems, APPLE quickly conducts investigations and
takes corrective measures.

 Optimize Production Efficiency:

APPLE is always looking to optimize production performance to reduce waste and increase
productivity. This includes using automation technology and smart production management

systems to monitor and optimize operations in the factory. The company also invests in research
and development to develop new and innovative technology.

4.1. Supply Chain Management

 Supply Chain Analysis and Improvement:

The supply chain is an important part of APPLE product manufacturing. The company conducts
digital analytics and uses data to evaluate supply chain performance. This helps identify potential
sources of supply and problems that may arise. APPLE often works closely with suppliers to
improve supply chain processes.

 Optimize Inventory Management:

The global nature of APPLE's supply chain requires effective inventory management. The
company uses information systems and data analytics to track inventory at locations around the
globe and maintain flexibility in delivering products on time. This helps reduce waste and
optimize goods availability.

 Developing and Expanding Distribution Network:

APPLE not only focuses on manufacturing, but also manages the distribution network to ensure
that their products reach customers around the world. The company builds a strong distribution
infrastructure and creates strategic distribution partners to meet market needs. This includes
optimizing direct and indirect sales channels.

5. Financial management

Exibit 1.9 : Apple Reports (Excerpts from Apple’s financial statements, from their September 26, 2020)

 Financial Analysis and Planning:

APPLE conducts financial analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of financial decisions and
determine financial goals. This process involves building a financial plan based on revenue, cost,
and interest rate projections. This helps the company determine how to structure its finances to
ensure stability and sustainable growth.

 Financial Risk Assessment and Management:

Financial risks can affect the stability of the company. APPLE conducts financial risk assessments
to identify weaknesses in the financial process and find ways to mitigate them. This includes
managing risks associated with changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in markets and unforeseen

 Optimizing Financial Performance:

APPLE always optimizes financial performance by managing finances effectively. This company
focuses on managing capital resources, optimizing capital structure and minimizing financial
costs. This helps increase profitability and ensures that the company's finances are used optimally.

5.1. Accounting and Financial Reporting

 Building and Improving Accounting Systems:

APPLE's accounting system is an important part of tracking and managing a company's finances.
This company not only ensures accuracy and timeliness in the accounting process but also
continuously improves the system to ensure efficiency and meet international accounting

 Financial Reporting and Analysis:

APPLE produces quarterly and annual financial reports to provide detailed information about a
company's financial health. These reports include cash flow statements, profit and loss statements,
and asset and liability statements. The company also performs financial analysis to evaluate
financial performance and make strategic decisions.

 Tax Compliance and Administration:

APPLE complies with international and local tax regulations and manages taxes carefully. This
company works with tax experts to ensure that taxes are calculated and paid properly and that tax
benefits are optimized. Tax management is an important part of maintaining a company's financial

5.2. Development Plan and Strategy

 Determine Development Strategy:

APPLE determines its development strategy based on the company's vision and long-term goals.
This strategy may include expanding into new markets, developing new products and services, or
focusing on improving performance and profitability in existing areas.

 Development Planning:

After defining the strategy, APPLE makes a detailed plan on how to implement this strategy. The
development plan includes specific goals, time, required resources and specific steps to achieve
the goals. This includes resource allocation, scheduling, and defining performance metrics.

 Development Plan Management:

Development plan management is the process of implementing and monitoring strategies and
plans. APPLE establishes project management structures, assigns tasks to work groups, and tracks
progress. This company ensures that projects and activities are carried out on time and with

 Evaluate and Adjust Strategy:

APPLE's development plans and strategies are periodically evaluated to ensure effectiveness and
adapt to changes in the business environment. If necessary, the company will adjust its strategy
based on market feedback, performance data, and changes in the business environment.

Development plans and strategies play an important role in ensuring the future development and
success of APPLE Technology Joint Stock Company. We have gone over the business
management aspects in the Final Business Report and hope that this information will help you
better understand how this company operates.


In this Final Business Report, we have performed a comprehensive analysis of APPLE

Technology Joint Stock Company's business operations. We have examined many aspects of
business management, including analyzing the business environment, human resources
management, developing organizational culture, supply chain management, financial management
and accounting, and accounting. development plans and strategies.

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