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SECTION A: Multiple-Choice Questions (30 marks)

There are thirty questions in this section. Answer ALL questions. For each question,
there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct
and record your choice on the OAS paper in soft pencil.

1 A scientist crafted an experiment and stated her hypothesis. However, after

conducting the experiment, the results showed that her hypothesis was wrong.

What should the scientist do with the results?

A Change the results so that her hypothesis is correct.

B Conclude that her hypothesis was false.
C Ignore the results because they did not fit her hypothesis.
D Repeat the experiment until her hypothesis is proven right.

2 A reagent is known to be toxic and corrosive. Which hazard symbols should

be labelled on the bottle?

1 2 3 4

A 1 and 3 only
B 1 and 4 only
C 2 and 3 only
D 3 and 4 only


3 Which safety precautions should be taken when heating a liquid in a test tube?

1 ensure no flammable liquids are near the flame

2 point the opening of the test tube away from people
3 smell the liquid to ensure it is reacting correctly
4 wear safety goggles throughout the experiment

A 1 and 2 only
B 2 and 4 only
C 1, 2 and 4 only
D 2, 3 and 4 only

4 Which row correctly shows how a Bunsen burner should be used for strong

part of Bunsen burner

air hole flame
used to adjust air hole
A collar open steady
B collar closed unsteady
C gas tap open unsteady
D gas tap closed steady

5 Which measurement(s) can be taken by a Vernier caliper?

1 depth of a beaker
2 diameter of a test tube
3 volume of regular solid

A 2 only
B 1 and 2 only
C 1 and 3 only
D 1, 2 and 3

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6 What is the reading shown on the scale of the Vernier caliper below?

0 10
A 6.31 cm
B 6.37 cm
C 6.47 cm
D 7.23 cm

7 A block of copper was cut into two parts, X and Y. Part X was twice as heavy
as part Y.

Which statement about the copper block is true?

A Part X is more dense than part Y.

B Part X and part Y have the same volume.
C Part Y and the original block are equally dense.
D The original block is more dense than parts X and Y.


An outline of the Periodic Table is shown below. Use it to answer questions 8

and 9.


8 Which elements are metals?

A R and T only
B R, T and V only
C W, V and Y only
D W, V, X and Y only

9 Which statement accurately describes the elements shown in the outline of the
Periodic Table?

A R and T have the same number of electron shells.

B T and W are in the same group.
C W and V have similar chemical properties.
D Y is in period VII.

10 Which of these mixtures is / are (a) suspension(s)?

1 dust particles floating in air

2 liquid syrup dissolved in water
3 sand particles floating in a colourless liquid

A 2 only
B 3 only
C 1 and 2 only
D 1 and 3 only

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Use the diagram below to answer questions 11 and 12.



11 Which statement about the process shown in the diagram is not true?

A Boiling chips are placed in P to ensure smooth boiling.

B The substance in T is the same as the substance in U.
C The temperature shown on Q is equal to the temperature at T.
D Water is pumped in from S and exits at R.

12 Which row correctly shows a substance U that can be obtained from the given
mixture P?


A liquid with boiling point 70 °C +

liquid with boiling point 100 °C
liquid with boiling point 100 °C

B insoluble solid +
insoluble solid
liquid with boiling point 70 °C

C soluble solid +
soluble solid
liquid with boiling point 70 °C

D soluble solid +
liquid with boiling point 100 °C
liquid with boiling point 100 °C


13 Calcium carbonate is a compound that can be found in egg shells. Its chemical
formula is CaCO3.

Which statement is true about calcium carbonate?

A Calcium cannot be extracted from calcium carbonate by physical

B Calcium carbonate and its constituent elements have the same physical
C Calcium carbonate contains the elements calcium and cobalt.
D The mass of each constituent element in calcium carbonate is the same.

14 The chromatogram shows dyes contained In 3 soft drinks, E, F and G.

They are compared to harmful dyes J and K.


Which soft drink(s) may not be safe for consumption?

A E only
B E and G only
C F and G only
D E, F and G

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15 Which of these is least likely to be more difficult to obtain if natural systems

become less diverse?

A The blood of the horseshoe crab humans use to help detect bacteria.
B The honey produced by bees from nectar obtained from flowers
C The iron found in the earth humans use to construct buildings.
D The wood of trees in forests humans use to make furniture.

16 The kakapo is a large, flightless bird that lives in forests. It used to be found all
over New Zealand, but is now critically endangered.


Which of these factors could have contributed to the decline in the kakapo’s

1 an invasive species hunted and ate the kakapo

2 forests were cleared by humans for farming
3 humans over-hunted the kakapo for its feathers

A 3 only
B 1 and 2 only
C 2 and 3 only
D 1, 2 and 3


17 Which row shows how bacteria can be helpful and harmful to humans?

helpful harmful

bacteria come in different shapes

A bacteria are found on our skin
and sizes

bacteria break down waste matter bacteria found in our intestines

into harmless products digest food

bacteria can convert milk into food bacteria can cause our food to
products like yoghurt spoil

bacteria produce toxins that can bacteria living in the mouth can
cause food poisoning cause bad breath

18 Which of these is not an example of how a cell is specially modified to perform

a specific role in a human?

role how the cell is modified

cells lining the small intestine have a cell membrane

A absorb food
that allows molecules to enter the cell

white blood cells produce vacuoles that contain

B destroy bacteria
molecules that are harmful to bacteria

nerve cells are very long to allow signals to be brought

C transmit signals
from the brain to other parts of the body

red blood cells have no nucleus so there is more

D transport oxygen
space in the cytoplasm to carry oxygen

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The figure shows part of the human body. Use it to answer questions 19 and 20.

19 Which level of organisation best describes what is shown in the figure?

A cell
B organ
C organ system
D tissue

20 What is the function of structure M?

A contain water and nutrients

B control cell activities
C control substances that exit the cell
D site of chemical reactions

21 Based on the particulate model of matter, which statement about solids is true?

A Particles in solids are held together by weak forces of attraction.

B Particles in solids are not arranged in a fixed, regular pattern.
C Solids have a definite shape but do not have a definite volume.
D Solids have a higher density than gases with the same volume.


22 Which diagram correctly shows particles during expansion?

23 Which graph shows the energy level of particles of oxygen gas as they are


temperature temperature



temperature temperature

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24 A substance is represented in the figure below.

What can be said about this substance?

1 the substance is an atom

2 the substance is an element
3 the substance is a molecule

A 2 only
B 3 only
C 1 and 2 only
D 2 and 3 only

25 What is the mass number of this atom?

A 6
B 8
C 10
D 14


26 Which ball-and-stick model could represent KMnO4?



27 Which of these properties of light cause shadows to be formed?

1 light can be reflected off a surface

2 light cannot pass through opaque objects
3 light travels at 300000 km / s
4 light travels in straight lines

A 1 and 2 only
B 1 and 3 only
C 2 and 3 only
D 2 and 4 only

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28 A person is standing 2.0 m away from a mirror, and sees an otter who is
standing on a rock 0.5 m behind him. How far away is the image of the otter
from the person’s eyes?

0.5 m 2.0 m

A 2.0 m
B 2.5 m
C 4.5 m
D 5.0 m

29 Which statement about reflection is not true?

A Images formed by plane mirrors are upright.

B Images formed by concave mirrors can be virtual.
C Images formed by convex mirrors are larger than the object.
D No images are formed on rough surfaces.

30 Which row correctly states the colour that a red ball will appear to be when
different colours of light are shone on it?

white light blue light red light

A red black red
B red blue black
C red red red
D white red black



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