Playful Stickers Classroom Rules - Elementary - 20240228 - 202729 - 0000

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We have an exiting year ahead of us as we grow
and learn together! With a few rules we will be
ready to have so much fun!
Our Classroom Rules
In our class, we have a few rules to keep
us safe and on track to have fun together.
(Our Classroom Rules)
1. Show Respect
Show respect to your
peers, your teacher
and your school.
2. Give your
best effort
Give 100% to everything that you do!
3. Bring your
best attitude
Each and everyday, bring your best attitude even
for things that may not be your favorite.
4. Have self-control
Keep your hands to
yourself and control your
actions to be obedient In
all things.
5. Be ready
to learn
Show up to class everyday with all your
supplies. Be ready to listen fully and
participate In our class!

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