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Teleport: (hung on sword twice)

Casting Time: One Hour.

Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each.
Magic of Shadow, Name of Destination, Type of Special
Effect (Color, flame, Light, Mist, Cloud, Swirl, etc.),
Transition Style (fade up, fade down, fade clockwise,
dissipate, fold up, diminish, “pop” out, etc.), Sound Effect
(Optional-boom, roar, whistle, whoosh, etc.), and After-
Effect (OptionaLscent, temperature, electrical affect, or a
physical token like leaves, confetti, etc.)

Mists of Ayalos [ hung on sword]:

A deep mist that enables the person to invisibly escape a scene to be able to regroup.

Casting time: One hour

Lynchpin: Magic of Shadow, Special Effects, Transitions

Paralysis [ hung on sword]

A variant on the Basic Spell “Quell,” this spell locks the
target’s voluntary muscles into spasm, preventing them
from moving, casting spells, etc. (Since the spell doesn’t
affect the involuntary muscles, the target continues to
breathe, pump blood, or whatever life-sustaining activities
are normal for it.)
Spell Type: Invasive.
Casting Time: One Hour
Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each.
Magic of Shadow (Optional for Logrus Sorcery), Target
(Optional for Logrus Sorcery),

Alter Object Aspect[ Hung on sword]

One of those beginner “practice” spells that master
sorcerers tend to forget about. All it does is slightly
modify some small detail of Shadow. It’s usually easier to
change objects by manipulating Shadow directly.
Spell Type: Summoning.
Base Casting Time: Fifteen Minutes.
Lynchpins: Additional five minutes of casting time
each. Magic of Shadow, Aspect Affected (Color, Texture,
Scent, etc.), and Type of Alteration. Note that this is a
pretty quick spell, so usually
Fire Fountain [hung]
The caster can point, and a literal fountain of burning
liquid spurts from the pointing finger. This is rather like a
magical flame thrower, The burning liquid continues to jet
forth for a maximum of thirty seconds. It will stick to skin,
scales, clothing, etc., and continue burning for several
Spell Type: Summoning.
Base Casting Time: One Hour.
Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes of casting time
each. Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word
Variations: The caster points at the ground, anywhere
within sight range, and the fountain will spring up from
that point. This version requires an additional
lynchpin-Location of Target Area.
Strength Drain [ Hung]
Invisibility [Hung]
Magic Drain [hung]
Lightning Bolt [Hung]
Defensive Shield [Hung]
Infestation [Hung]
Coat Poison (Not hung)

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