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Logistic quốc tế

Lý thuyết
The increased importance of logistics
- A reduction in economic regulation
- Changes in consumer behavior
- Technological advances
- Advances in retailing
- Globalization of trade
Control over the flow of inbound and outbound movements
Logistical Relationships within the Firm
Marketing Channels
Channel members
- Manufacturers
- Wholesales
- Retailers
Ownership channel: Covers movement of the title to the goods/ Banks, finance
Negotiation channel: Buy and sell agreements are reached/Brokers
Financing channel: Payments for goods/ Banks. Insurance companies, finance companies
Promotions channel: Promoting a new or existing product/Advertising agencies, public
Logistics channel: Contributes the sorting function to the overall channel process
Activities in the Logistical Channel
- Customer service
- Facility location decisions
- Inventory management
- Order management
- Procurement (làm giá cả)
- Transportation management
- Demand forecasting
- International logistics
- Materials handing
- Packaging
- Reverse logistics
- Warehousing management
Organizing Logistics Within the Firm
Two key organizational logistics topics
- Organizational structure: An organizational structure is a system that outlines how
certain activities are directed to achieve the goal of an organization. These activities can
include rules.
- Organizational design: is the process of shaping the way organizations operate to help
them achieve their goals.
Managerial Issues in Logistics
- Productivity
- Quality
- Risk
- Sustainability
- Complexity
Câu hỏi ôn tập:
- Các yếu tố về bền vững trong 1 doanh nghiệp logistic
+ Môi trường
+ Con người
+ Xã hội
+ Quản trị
- Phân biệt Return và Reverse
Logistic Management Optimization Current Challenges Faced by Logistics Company
- Lack of Technology
- Driver Shortage/Labor Costs
- Fuel/Transportation Costs
- Government Regulations
Connecting Strategy to Finacial Performance
Chât lượng
Các hình thức vận chuyển bằng container
- Có các size: 20’cq(30 tấn), 40’, 40HC, 45’
Cac mục đích
- General cargo
- Ref_____
- Special __,

Type of warehouse
1. Warehouse
2. DC
4. Hub
5. Fulfillment center
6. Sorting center

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