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Name: KYNEL L.


Course & Year: BSBA-FM1



1. Reflective writing.

Instruction: In not less than 200 words and not more than 250 words answer the following


Mary said YES to God and her YES is her total offering to God.

a. Why do we need to say ‘Yes’ to God’s invitation in our life?

Saying "Yes" to God's invitation in our lives is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it
acknowledges our recognition of God's sovereignty and wisdom, demonstrating our
willingness to submit to His divine plan. By saying "Yes," we open ourselves to the
transformative power of God's grace, allowing Him to work within us to fulfill His purpose.
Moreover, accepting God's invitation fosters a deep sense of trust and reliance on His
guidance, leading to spiritual growth and fulfillment.

Furthermore, saying "Yes" to God's invitation aligns our will with His, enabling us to
experience the abundant life He intends for us. It allows us to participate actively in
God's redemptive work in the world, serving as instruments of His love, mercy, and
compassion. Additionally, saying "Yes" to God's call fosters a sense of belonging and
purpose, as we become co-laborers with Him in building His kingdom on earth.

Ultimately, saying "Yes" to God's invitation is an act of surrender and obedience that
leads to a life of profound meaning, fulfillment, and eternal significance. It is through this
"Yes" that we find our true identity and destiny as beloved children of God, called to live
in communion with Him and to bear witness to His love in the world.

b. What make it so hard to say ‘YES’ to what is right and to what God asks of us?

Saying "Yes" to what is right and to what God asks of us can be challenging due to
various factors. Firstly, human nature is inherently flawed, prone to selfishness, doubt,
and fear, which can hinder our ability to align our will with God's. Additionally, societal
pressures, cultural norms, and personal desires often compete with God's will, leading to
internal conflicts and moral dilemmas.

Moreover, the uncertainty of the future and the unknown outcomes of obedience can
provoke anxiety and reluctance to step out in faith. Temptations and distractions also
abound, enticing us away from God's path with fleeting pleasures and worldly pursuits.
Furthermore, pride and arrogance can blind us to God's guidance, causing us to rely
on our own understanding rather than trusting in His wisdom. The fear of judgment,
rejection, or persecution from others may also deter us from embracing God's call

Ultimately, saying "Yes" to what is right and to God's will requires humility, courage, and
a deep-seated trust in God's goodness and faithfulness. It necessitates a willingness to
surrender our own desires and ambitions in favor of God's higher purposes, even when it
involves sacrifice and discomfort. Despite the challenges, saying "Yes" to God leads to a
life of true fulfillment, peace, and alignment with His divine plan.

2. Tabular Presentation
Instruction: Complete the table with information below. (You may use separate sheet for
this activity)

Dogma Teaching of What is the moral (The Role of Mary in

the Church challenge of this the life of Church)
Dogma to you?

1.Mother of God The teaching of the The moral Mary’s role in the life
Church asserts that challenge of this of Church as
Mary is the Mother Dogmais to deepen Mother of God is to
of God because my understanding serve as model of
she bore Jesus, who of Mary’s role in faith, intercede for
is both fully human salvation history and believers, and
and fully divine, emulate her virtues nurture the spiritual
affirming her role in of faith, humility, growthof the
the Incarnation and and obedience in faithful, guiding me
her unique my life amidst closer to her Son,
relationship with the academic and Jesus Christ.
Son of God. social pressures.
2.Virgin Mother According to The moral The role of Mary as
Catholic teaching, challenge the Virgin Mother in
Mary is regarded as presented by the the life of Churchis
the Virgin Mother dogma of Mary as to serve as a model
because she the Virgin Mother is of faith, purity, and
conceived Jesus by the call to uphold maternal
the power of the purity, chastity, and intercession. She is
Holy Spirit without reverence for venerated as a
losing her virginity. motherhood. It spiritual mother who
This concept emphasizes the guides and
emphasizes her importance of intercedes for
purity, obedience, honoring the believers, leading
and special role in sacredness of sex them closer to her
the birth of Jesus. within marriage and son, Jesus Christ.
respecting the
dignity of
3.Assumption The Catholic The moral The Assumption of
teaches that the challenge posed by Mary highlights her
Assumption of Mary the dogma of the unique role as a
refers to the belief Assumption of Mary model of faith and
that Mary, at the is the invitation to devotion for the
end of her earthly reflect on the Church. Her
life, was taken up, importance of assumption into
body and soul, into human dignity and heaven emphasizes
heavenly glory. This the ultimate destiny her close
doctrine of all believers. It connection with
emphasizes underscores the Christ and serves as
Mary’s unique role belief that Mary, as a source of
as the Mother of the mother of Jesus, inspiration and
God and her close was assumed body intercession for
union with her son, and soul into believers.
Jesus Christ. heaven, which
prompts believers to
contemplate their
own journey
towards eternal life
and the
responsibility to live
virtuously in
accordance with
one’s faith.
4.Immaculate The teaching of the The moral The role of Mary as
Conception church regarding challenge posed by the Immaculate
Mary as the the dogma of the Conception in the
Immaculate Immaculate life of the Church is
conception asserts Conception is the to werve as a
that she was call to strive for model of pureness
conceived without purity and holiness and sanctity,
original sin, in in one’s own life, inspiring believers to
anticipation of her following Mary’s strive for spiritual
role as the mother example. It prompts perfection. Her
of Jesus Christ. This believers to immaculate nature
doctrine confront the reality emphasise her
emphasizes Mary’s of sin and aspire specific role in
unique holiness and towards spiritual salvation to
purity, positioning perfection, relying intercede for
her as a fitting on Mary’s humanity before
vesselfor the intercession and God.
Incarnation of the guidance.
Son of God.
5.Mediatrix Mary as Mediatrix The doctrine of The role of May as
acknowledges her Mary as Mediatrix is Mediatrix in the life
special role as a a reminder to of the Church is to
mediator between entrust oneself to intercede for
humanity and Jesus Mary’s intercessory believers and bring
Christ, advocating role while their prayers and
for believers before maintaining a direct needs to Jesus
God. relationship with Christ, her son.
Jesus Christ. It
believers to deepen
their understanding
of Mary’s role
without detracting
from the centrality
of Christ in their
spiritual lives.

3. In not less than 30 words and not more than 50 words, write your personal prayer to
God with the intercession of the Blessed Mother.

"Lord, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, grant me the strength to say 'Yes'
to Your will. Help me overcome doubts and fears, guiding me to align my life with Your
divine purpose. Amen."

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