Soal UTS - Advanced Reading and Writing - ELB4B3 - 160524 - 145417

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Universitas Buddhi Dharma

Jl.Imam Bonjol No.41, Karawaci-Tangerang

Telp.021-5517853 Fax.021-5586820




Mata Kuliah :
Advanced Reading and Writing
Hari, Tanggal :
Selasa, 28 Mei 2024
Waktu :
08:00 – 10:00 WIB
18:00 – 20:00 WIB
Sifat Ujian : Closed book (Tutup buku)
Dosen Koordinator : Shenny Ayunuri Beata, S.S., M.M., M.Hum.
Dosen Pengasuh : Lalita Vistari Satyananda Wiryana Dharma, M.Hum.
Shenny Ayunuri Beata, S.S., M.M., M.Hum.
Kolom Verifikasi Soal
Tanggal dan Tanda Tangan Ka.Prodi Tanggal dan Tanda Tangan Dosen Koordinator

(2/5/2024) (2/5/2024)

Shenny Ayunuri
Riris Mutiara Paulina S, S.Pd., M.Hum Shenny Ayunuri Beata S., S.S., M.M., M.Hum

Adrallisman, S.S, M.Hum.

Reading 1
It is Friday evening and two young lawyers get phone calls at home. The trial date for an
important case has been moved up. Both of the lawyers will now have to prepare a report
for the case by Monday morning. It is a threatening situation for both. Each must do
extensive research and write a complex document of some 40 pages, all in a single
weekend. Furthermore, each knows that her work will be evaluated by the firm's partners,
and how well she does may greatly influence her future in the firm.
One of the lawyers finds the situation extremely stressful; she feels tremendous
anxiety, experiences headaches and stomach upset, and has difficulty working. She
somehow manages to produce a report, but she is not at all happy with it. The other lawyer,
although she too feels the pressure of the situation, sees it not so much as a threat but as a
challenge - an opportunity to show how good she is. She moves into the firm's offices for
the weekend and, sleeping only three hours a night, completes a brilliant report with a clear
mind and a surge of energy. As this example helps illustrate, stress is caused not so much by
events themselves as by the ways in which people perceive and react to events.

Degree of control
An important influence on people's ability to cope with stressful situations is the degree of
control that they feel they can exercise over the situation. Both animals and humans have
been found to cope better with painful or threatening stimuli when they feel they can
exercise some degree of control rather than being passive and helpless victims. Such a
sense of control can help minimize the negative consequences of stress, both psychological
and physical. In one well known experiment, Jay Weiss administered electric shocks to pairs
of rats. In each pair, one of the two animals was given a degree of control over the situation;
it could reach through a hole in the cage and press a panel that would turn off the shock
Universitas Buddhi Dharma
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.41, Karawaci-Tangerang
Telp.021-5517853 Fax.021-5586820

both for itself and for its partner. Thus, the two rats received exactly the same number of
shocks, but one was passive and helpless, and the other was in control. After a continuous
21-hour session, the animals were sacrificed and their stomachs examined for ulcers. Those
rats that could exert control had much less ulceration than their helpless partners.
The ability to control painful stimuli often benefits humans, too. For example, the
loud music coming into your ears from your iPod is probably not stressful; in fact, it's quite
enjoyable. But the same music coming from your neighbor's house can be terribly irritating
and stressful. Merely knowing that one can control a noise makes it less bothersome. That's
one reason why your loud music does not bother you - you know you can turn it off.

Even when you cannot control them, unpleasant events tend to be less stressful if they are
predictable - if you at least know when they will occur. This was demonstrated by Weiss in
another study with rats. One group of rats heard a buzzer about seconds before they would
receive a shock; although the animals could not escape the shock, at least they had a chance
to prepare themselves for the expected pain. A second group of rats received no such
warnings; the shocks came so unpredictably. Weiss found that the rats that were
forewarned of the shocks developed fewer ulcers than the rats that were not forewarned.
This finding has parallels in human life. The death of a loved one, for example, is usually less
traumatic when it is anticipated than when it is unexpected. On a less tragic level, many
students find surprise quizzes to be more upsetting than scheduled quizzes that they can
prepare for.

Personality factors
Are some people generally better than others at coping with stress? Research suggests that
the answer is yes - that there is a certain kind of person who has a relatively stress-resistant
personality. The leading researcher in this field has been Suzanne Kobasa. Dr. Kobasa
found that people who cope well with stress tend to have three characteristics: They are
committed to what they are doing, they feel in control (rather than powerless), and they
welcome moderate amounts of change and challenge. In studies of people facing stressful
situations, Kobasa and her associates found that those with stress resistant personalities -
that is, those who are high in commitment, control, and challenge - experience fewer
physical illnesses than those whose personalities are less hardy.
Until quite recently, it was generally believed that to maintain good health people
should strive to avoid stressors in their lives. Such a strategy can be quite limiting, however.
The desire to avoid stress may also lead people to avoid potentially beneficial changes in
their lives, such as job changes or promotions. Moreover, the attempt to avoid stress is
often unrealistic. How, for example, can a person avoid such shocks as a parent's death? In
fact, if people do not confront a certain amount of stress in their lives, they will end up being
bored and unstimulated, which also can be physically harmful. In the last analysis, each
person needs to come to terms with stress in his or her own way, sometimes trying to avoid
it, but sometimes accepting it or even seeking it out as a challenge to be mastered.

A. Reading for main ideas

1. Look at the three subheadings in the above text. Find the subheadings to each of the
following main ideas, write your answer on the available space.
a. It is easier to cope with stress if you are able to do something to try to stop the cause of
the stress. _____________________________
b. It is easier to cope with stress if you are a person who welcomes challenge.
c. It is easier to cope with stress if you have some advance notice that a stressful event is
going to happen. _____________________________
2. Below are some situations that support main idea a, b, and c above. Please match each
situation to the main idea it supports. Write a, b, or c on the line next to the situation.
Universitas Buddhi Dharma
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.41, Karawaci-Tangerang
Telp.021-5517853 Fax.021-5586820

____ 1) the anxious lawyer and the lawyer who sees a challenge in writing the report
____ 2) the active rat and the passive rat
____ 3) the rat that hears the buzzer and the rat that hears nothing
____ 4) the sudden death of a loved one and the expected death of a loved one
____ 5) Scheduled quizzes and surprise quizzes
3. What is the central question that this text is trying to answer?
1) Why do people feel stress?
2) What happens to people who feel stress?
3) What are some ways to reduce stress?
4. Answer this multiple-choice question about the reading
1) Which of the following is not true for the two lawyers who had to write reports over
the weekend?
a. Both lawyers were nervous.
b. Both lawyers produced excellent reports.
c. One lawyer felt sick while writing the report.
d. Both lawyers finished their reports by the given deadline
2) Which of the following is true of all the rats in both of Weiss's experiments?
a. They received the same amount of electric shock
b. They heard a buzzer before they were shocked.
c. They had some degree of control over when they were shocked.
d. They had the same degree of ulcerations following the experiments.
3) Which of the following statements is not true for people who have a "stress-resistant
a. They have feelings of powerlessness.
b. They welcome a challenge.
c. They are hardy.
d. They commit themselves to what they are doing.
4) Which statement is true according to the reading?
a. It is possible to avoid all stressors in one's life.
b. Benefits always come to people who take on stressful challenges.
c. In the past, people generally believed one should try to avoid stress.
d. A certain amount of stress is never good for you.

B. The Academic Word List

1. Match an Academic Word List word from the text with a word or phrase of similar
meaning in the right column.
1) encountered (Line 3) a. very important
2) thereby (Line 6) b. made smaller
3) major (Line 11) c. seemingly
4) induced (Line 13) d. in this way
5) apparently (Line 32) e. showed
Universitas Buddhi Dharma
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.41, Karawaci-Tangerang
Telp.021-5517853 Fax.021-5586820

6) minimized (Line 34) f. fall

7) demonstrated (Line 37) g. made to happen
8) duration (line 40) h. met
9) data (Line 52) i. information
10) decline (Line 54) j. length of time

2. Use eight of the words from the Academic Word List above to complete the following
short text.
Stress comes about when a ___(1)_____ change takes place in a person's life.
____(2)____ from research suggest that when the _____(3)_____ of the stress is long and
the stress is _____(4)_____ continually, then the chance of developing an illness is high.
Several experiments have _____(5)______that the immune system reacts to stress. This
reaction_____(6)_____ causes a ______(7)______ in the immune system's effectiveness.
However, there are also indications that the effects of stress can be_____(8)_____ if
people react to stress in an active way.

C. Writing
Can You Tell from a Facial Expression if Someone Is Lying?
A drama on U.S. television that premiered in 2009 is called Lie to Me. The main character is
Dr. Cal Lightman, a psychologist who assists law enforcement by helping them find out if
someone is lying to them. In the show, Lightman reads people's body language, especially
their faces, to tell if they are lying. Can someone really do this?
The character of Dr. Lightman is actually based on a real psychologist, Dr. Paul Ekman, who
has been studying facial expressions for over 50 years. He has created a system called
M.E.T.T., which stands for Micro Expression Training Tool. According
to Ekman, the face produces thousands of tiny movements, or micro expressions, which he
has cataloged. His claim is that, if you train people to notice these expressions, which may
last for just 1 /15 to 1/25 of a second, they can tell if they are
being lied to.
Ekman's techniques have been taught to the FBI, the CIA, and other law enforcement
agencies Perhaps these trained experts can tell if someone is lying to them, but for most of
us, however, there's probably no way to tell at all.

1. Read the text above and write one paragraf summary of it. Make effective summary with
your critical thinking.
2. Please write body paragraphs about your chosen person. You could write about:
a. The stressors in his or her life
b. His or her facial expression
c. Possible lifestyle changes he or she could make
Before you submit your writing, please check;
1) Did you include topic sentences in your body paragraphs?
Check your body paragraphs to see if you have written a general opening statement that
prepares the reader for your ideas in the rest of the paragraph.
2) Did you support your topic sentences well?
Check to see if you have enough details that make the reader feel that your topic
sentences are true. If not, add more details to make your ideas more convince.
Universitas Buddhi Dharma
Jl.Imam Bonjol .41, Karawaci-Tangerang
Telp.021-5517853 Fax.021-5586820

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