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Name: KYNEL L.


Course & Year: BSBA-FM1



Picture Analysis:
Mary’s picture below is the Marists Brothers’ image of Mary. Answer the questions that

1. Describe Mary in the picture.
Mary, portrayed through the lens of the Marist Brothers, embodies profound compassion,
depicted as the tender mother who cradles humanity within her embrace. Her gaze,
gentle yet penetrating, speaks volumes of her unconditional love and unwavering
protection. With hands outstretched in solace, she beckons all to find refuge in her
maternal care, guiding them towards the boundless mercy of her son, Jesus Christ. In
her serene countenance lies the embodiment of grace, offering solace to the weary
and hope to the despondent.

2. Based on the picture, why do you think Mary is considered by the Catholic
Church as “Mother of God?”
The Catholic Church venerates Mary as the "Mother of God" because she bore Jesus,
who Catholics believe is both fully human and fully divine. In the Marist tradition, Mary's
role as the nurturing mother of Jesus reflects her unique relationship with the Son of God.
By accepting the title "Mother of God," Catholics honor Mary's pivotal role in the
Incarnation, affirming her as the vessel through which God entered the world in human
form. This designation underscores Mary's profound significance in salvation history and
her intimate connection to the divine.
3. Based on this image, why do we consider Mary as the “Model of Christian
Mary is regarded as the "Model of Christian Faith" in the Marist tradition because of her
unwavering trust and submission to God's will, as demonstrated in her acceptance of
the angel's message at the Annunciation. Her steadfast devotion and obedience serve
as an example for believers, inspiring them to emulate her profound faith in God's plan.
By embracing her role as the Mother of Jesus with humility and courage, Mary
epitomizes the essence of Christian discipleship, encouraging others to entrust
themselves entirely to God's providence. In her fidelity and devotion, Mary offers a
timeless model for all Christians striving to live a life rooted in faith and surrender to
God's purposes.

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