Sermon Sunday May 12 2024

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Text Observation Questions Application

Not that I have *obtained means acquire, get  Is their a certain level of Pressing on dictates motion –
already obtained this or am or secure perfection one should attain always continuing to move
already perfect, but I press on *already means by now in order to show approved forward.
to make it my own, because *perfect means without fault, in Christ?
Christ Jesus has made me his flawless  What is Paul referring to This is not about Paul per se,
*press on means to continue ‘make it his own’? but ‘making it his own’ is guided
moving forward  Jesus Christ made Apostle by the fact that Jesus made him
*own means belonging to Paul his own --- own what? his own, first.
oneself or itself  Where to press forward?
There is a repeated phrase

pressing on --
Straining forward --
Walk accordingly --

Seems like a motion started by

God, to draw near to God --
Brothers, I do not consider *Consider means think about Forget what? Can you leave everything
that I have made it my own. *forgetting means put out of Straining forward to what? behind just to know Jesus
But one thing I do: forgetting one’s mind What are the things that we Christ?
what lies behind and straining *straining forward means need to leave behind?
forward to what lies ahead, toward what is ahead. In
Greek in can mean, ‘to reach
out’, or to ‘lay out’
I press on toward the goal *goal means the object of a *What is the upward call of Believers are given an upward
for the prize of the upward call person’s ambition or effort, an God that is found in Christ call, and the way to do it, is
of God in Christ Jesus. aim or desired result. Jesus? following through Christ’s
*prize means a thing given as *Why do we need to press example.
a reward to the winner toward this goal?
Let those of us who *mature means fully developed *What does maturity have to Those who are in the walking in
are mature think this way, and physically; full grown. do with pressing towards the the faith should re-energize
if in anything you think *anything means emphasis upward call of God in Christ their ‘Christian Walk’ by being
otherwise, God will reveal that *otherwise means differently or Jesus reminded of the destination
also to you. in another way
*reveal means to make known
to others, disclose, tell, let out
Only let us hold true to what *hold true means remain true, How to keep aiming/pressing
we have attained. continue to be true towards the upward call?
*attained means What did we attain?
achieve,accomplish Why is there a need to hold
true to what was attained?
Brothers, join in imitating me, *imitating means take or follow *why do we need to keep our Jesus Christ’s example – was
and keep your eyes on those as a model eyes on those who are the only way to press on
who walk according to the *according means as stated by walking in Christ? towards
example you have in us. or in
*example means specimen,
sample, exemplar
For many, of whom I have *many means a large number Who are considered the Paul is saying these in tears –
often told you and now tell *tears mean drops of clear enemy of the cross of Christ?
you even with tears, walk as salty liquids, teardrop,
enemies of the cross of Christ. crying,weeping, sobbing,
Their end is destruction, their *end means the furthest or The ungodly have a Ungodliness has a definite end.
god is their belly, and they most extreme part or point of determined end ----
glory in their shame, something The godly proceed to the
with minds set on earthly *destruction means ruin more eternal things
things. *belly means abdomen
*glory means takes pride
*shame means a painful
feeling of humiliation or

But our citizenship is in *citizenship means a legal Who made our citizenship in Jesus is the sole reason for our
heaven, and from it we await a status and relation between an heaven possible? citizenship
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, individual and a state that
entails specific legal rights and
who will transform our lowly *transform means change, How This is God’s promise.
body to be like his glorious alter convert or metamorphose
body, by the power that *glorious means having a
enables him even to subject all striking beauty and splendor
things to himself

Monthly Theme
May : Progressing Towards God’s Limitless Promises

Key Text: Philippians 3:12-21

When We Move Toward God
Good morning mga kapatid, I want to give emphasis on one word from our May theme, which is Progressing
Towards God’s Limitless Promises, that is Progressing which means, moving towards. We are motion creatures. We
always move. Even if we are not moving, say we are seated, our organs are still in motion.
For today’s sermon, I want to go take us in one type of motion that we all love to do. That is walking.

In life, we are always walking. Getting to the destination is affected by two things:
a. Speed
b. Direction
We should be able to track our motion/speed and we should point our feet into the right direction to arrive at the
destination that we desire.
God’s Word is filled with reminders, warnings and commands with regards to our manner of walking.
Psalm 1 says, blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, but meditates God’s law day and night.

 Also, the steps of a good man is ordered by the Lord. In Psalms 23, though I walk though the valley of the
shadows of death, I shall fear no evil. In 2 Corinthians we are command to walk by faith, not sight.
 1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
 Deuteronomy 10:12
“And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in
all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul,

“Ang tumatakbo ng matulin, pag masugat ay malalim

Napakaimportante ng paglakad mga kapatid. At sa ating binasang mga verses, isang tanong lamang ang kailangan
nating i-klaro sa umagang ito.
Kamusta po ang paglakad natin sa Panginoon?
Tayo ba ay naglalakad patungo o palayo sa Diyos?
Nevermind the speed, kasi I believe daig ng slow but sure ang mabilis pero mali yung direksyon ng tinahak.
. If you want to go fast, walk alone, if you want to far, go together.
In the verses that we have read, we are reminded of three realities when we move towards God
1. Moving towards God is Moving Against the World
Paul is pressing on, straining forward – these words do not mean the road is clear, light and easy. They
require a specific effort. Following Christ in today’s world is exactly described as that ---As our Lord Jesus
Christ made us His own, we can move towards Him. But again it is not going to be EASY.

Matthew 7
13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and
there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life,
and there are few who find it.
It is not easy, however it leads to life as He had come to bring life and life that we could enjoy to the full

The World Hates the Disciples

18“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19If you belonged to the world, it would love
you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why
the world hates you. 20Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ b If they
persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21They
will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.

2. Moving Towards God is Putting God Above Everything that We Consider Important and Valuable

13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and
straining forward to what lies ahead,

This is coming from a man whose credentials and service to God is utmost. He simply said, forget whatever
I have already achieved, that is nothing compared to what I have gained – I knew Jesus, I met Jesus, I
experienced Jesus, I had the chance to be His hands and feet in the world.

Mga kapatid, what are we willing to put in the line just to know our Lord Jesus Christ?
What are we willing to put away to give way for His blessings to flow in our house?
What are the things that we can call ‘rubbish’ in exchange of knowing Jesus Christ – His sacrifice, and love
for us?

3 . Those who walk as enemies of the Cross have a rather short trip with only one route:destruction
..those whose gods are there bellies..
…those who glory in their shame..
…minds are set on earthly things…
4. When We Move Towards God, He moves us towards eternity– All through Jesus Christ
Paul was so invested in following Christ’s examples. He always pointed out that our lives as a Christian
believers will be patterned after Jesus Christ’s examples himself. The suffering, being hated by the world,
honoring God with all of our lives, strength to endure sufferings and the hope that is to come.

Before we progress to God’s limitless promises, we must first establish if we are heading that direction or
not. It is not because of the limitless being used here, but God, being with him trough eternity, The Prize of
the Upward Call in Christ Jesus is God Himself.

What makes heaven habitable for eternity is God and His glory.

Citizenship is a weighty word, it puts our living here in earth sensible.

Let’s pray that we are moving. Moving towards God.
Are you closer to God more than when we first began?

Let’s pray mga kapatid.

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