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A. Strengths of the Study

This study has various objectives that it helped us achieve. Few of the objectives are centered on;

1. The method of assessment in the country used in the study.

2. The problems associated with the method of assessment as indicated in the study.

3. The strategy the study designed to solve the above problems stated in the study.

1. The method of Assessment in the country used in the study

Based on the research done in the study, the study identified the usage of Summative assessment

over the years in Nigeria. The study explained, summative assessment cannot be used to make

daily or weekly decisions by students and teachers during the instructional process. Summative

evaluation cannot diagnose students' learning needs nor provide advice to parents on how to

support their children. Hence, in recent years, the country migrated to the usage of Formative

Assessment Practices.

2. The problems associated with the method of assessment as indicated in the study.

The study mentioned some problems associated with the assessment practices established in the

country of study. Problems discussed are; Insufficient and Inadequate Facilities or Tools,

Inadequate Training Opportunities for Teachers, Issues with Curriculum Planning and Problems

Associated with Feedback Literacy. The study capitalized especially on the problems associated

with feedback literacy as this problem helps to give better understanding and outright solutions

to other problems discussed in the study.

3. The strategy the study designed to solve the above problems stated in the study.

This study capitalized on the research of Carless & Winstone, 2019 to give relevant solutions to

the problems discussed in the study. The concept of the old and new paradigm in assessment

practices and feedback processes was the benchmark used to answer the questions regarding the

problems associated to feedback literacy in the study. As part of the factors considered in

designing a strategy to solve the above problems, this study centered on conditions like;

Involvement of Students in Feedback Processes, Feedback as Sense-Making (Student Feedback

Literacy), Social Constructivism and Students Self-regulation.

B. Weaknesses of the Study

The study has tried to answer many problems associated with the assessment practices in

Nigeria. Nevertheless, there are still some loose ends in the study that needs to be identified to

enable further concentration of strength in future researches. Some of the weaknesses are;

1. The work can be work in the aspect of the range of the study. There are different cadre in

academics from the primary education to the Higher education. This study.

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