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'-NAC.CTC--Uc.cR=E'----V-'---O=L=-·-=-3'--14c_c2:..:.l_cM=A-=R.:.::C::.:H:_1:..:.9.::,85:___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LETTERSTONATURE-------------------!'.

The type of binary system we have invoked, although yielding Figure l is an example of Seasat SAR image of coastal waters
apparently correct -y-ray reprocessing properties, presents a west of Portugal showing surface expressions of nonlinear inter-
difficulty that must be resolved if the model is to be viable. The nal wave trains propagating towards the coast. The internal
mass-loss rates from the secondary lie in the range of -0.2-3 x wave groups are believed to be generated at the continental
10- 11 M 0 yr- 1 (Fig. l). If this matter were accreted ontoa-1 M 0 shelf break by interaction of the tidal current with underwater
collapsed star and emitted isotropically in the X-ray range, the bottom topography. Within each group the wavelength decreases
flux at the Earth would be with distance from the leading crest, indicating that they rep-
2 resent nonlinear dispersive wave trains; their partly irregular
F =7xl0 9 [ - -
M - -1 ][-D-]-
- structure is attributed to refraction effects caused by the shoaling
x 10- M0yr- l00pc bottom and to interactions with the current field.
1 It may seem surprising that internal waves can generate such
R - ]- erg cm- 2 s- 1
x [ - 6- (2) large signatures in radar imagery. These signatures must orginate
10 cm from the sea surface, as the penetration depth of the microwaves
where R is the radius of the collapsed star. The measured X-ray emitted by the radar in the sea water is only a fraction of their
flux from the 19 November 1978 source in quiescence is wavelength. The radar senses the short-scale roughness of the
-10- 13 erg cm- 2 s- 1 (ref. 21), which is -5 orders of magnitude ocean surface by means of Bragg scattering. Thus, the radar
below the level implied by equation (2) for a neutron star, at a signatures must be the result of a modulation of the short surface
distance of,,,; 100 pc, accreting at;;;, 10- 12 M 0 yr- 1. This dilemma waves, generated by interactions with the internal waves 12 ; this
may be resolved if there is a reduction or cessation in the rate modulation can either be achieved by surface films (slicks) that
at which matter is steadily accreted onto the collapsed star when accumulate in flow convergence zones and damp the short
the mass-loss rate from the secondary falls below some critical surface waves there 13 , or by hydrodynamic interaction of these
value. (We note that this picture may support some theoretical waves with the horizontal surface current associated with inter-
ideas concerning the nature of -y-ray bursts 22 .) It is also possible nal wave motion 14- 17 _
that the accretion-driven luminosity will be emitted at ultraviolet The first mechanism is often active in coastal waters where
or very soft X-ray energies when the accretion rate is very low. surface films, either of natural or anthropogenic origin, are
We thank L. Greenhill for contributing to the initial phases present. These films, even when monomolecular, damp short
of this work, L. Cominsky, R. London, F. Melia, G. Ricker and surface waves very strongly 18 - 20 , reducing the radar reflectivity
B. Schaefer for useful discussions, T. Loredo for assistance with accordingly. When slicks modulate the short-scale surface
the computer programming and S. Black for the preparation of roughness, the radar image of an internal wave field consists of
the manuscript. This research has been sponsored in part by the dark streaks ( areas of reduced radar backscatter) on a uniform
National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contracts bright background. In most cases, however, the radar signatures
NAS5-24441 and NAGW-442 and grant NSG 7643, and by the of internal waves have double sign, which means that the corre-
NSF under grant AST-8217451. sponding radar image consists of bright and dark streaks associ-
ated respectively with enhanced and reduced radar reflectivity
Received 4 October: accepted 20 December 1984. as compared with the local mean, indicative of hydrodynamic
1. KJebesadel, R. W.• Strong, I. B. & Olson, R. A. Astrophys. J. Lett. 182, L85-L88 (1973). modulation. Although most investigators now hold that the latter
2. Schaefer, B. E. Nature 294, 722-724 (1981). mechanism is responsible for the imaging 7 -9, the question of
3. Schaefer. B. E. et al. Astrophys. J. Lett. 286, LI-U (1984).
4. Ricker, G. R., Doty, J. P., Vallcrga. J. V. & Vandcrspek, R. K. Soc. Photo-Opt. In.'tlrom. why these radar signatures are so large has not been answered
E•gr. 445,370 (1984). satisfactorily. I have attempted to do so here using the weak
5. High-Energy Transients in Astrophysics (ed. Woosley. S. E.) (American Institute of Physics.
New York, 1984).
hydrodynamic interaction theory in the relaxation time approxi-
6. London. R. A. & Cominsky, L. R. Astrophys. J. Lett. 275, L59-L63 ( 1983). mation, the crucial point being that another approximation is
7. Woosley, S. E. in High-Energy Transients in Astrophysics (ed. Woosley, S. E.) 485 (American applicable compared with the case of the modulation of short
Institute of Physics, New York, 1984).
8. Katz, J. Astrophys. Lett. (in the press). by long surface waves 21 - 23 •
9. Rappaport, S., Verbunt, F. & Joss, P. C. Astrophys. J. 275, 713-731 (1983). Typical imaging radars operate at wavelengths A0 in the cen-
IO. Mazets, E. P. et al. Astrophys. Space Sci. 80, 3-83 (1981).
I I. Mazels. E. P. et al. Astrophys. Space Scl 80, 119-143 (1981). timetre to decimetre range and at incidence angles (J of 20-70°,
12. Schaefer. B. E. & Ricker, G. R. Nature 302, 43-45 (1983). within which the radar backscattering is dominated by Bragg
13. Schaefer, B. E., Seitzer, P. & Bradt, H. V. D. Astrophys. I. Lett. 270, U9-L52 (1983).
14. Pedersen, H. et al. Astrophys. J. Lett. 270, U3-U1 (1983).
scattering24 - 26 . In this case the normalized radar backscattering
15. Barat, C. et al. Astrophys. J. Lett. 286, L5-L9 (1984). cross-section, a, is proportional to the spectral energy density,
16. Schaefer, B. E. thesis, Massachusetts Inst. Technology (1983). E, of the Bragg waves, which have a wavelength of A= >.. 0 /2 sin (J
17. Oort, J. H. Bull. Astr. Inst. Neth. 15, 45 (1960).
I 8.Bahcall, J., Hut, P. & Tremaine, S. Astrophys. J. (in the press). and which travel towards or away from the antenna look-
19. Ventura, J .• Bonazzola, S., Hameury. J.M. & Heyvaerts, J. Nature, 301, 491-493 (1983). direction
20. Elvis, M., Solian, A. & Keel, W. C. Astrophys. J. 283, 479-485 (1984).
21. Grindlay, J.E. et al. Nature 300, 730-731 (1982).
22. Joss, P. C. & Rappaport, S. in High-Energy Transjents in Astrophysics (ed. Woosley, S. E.) a= T(E(+2ko)+E(-2ko)) (I)
555 (American Institute of Physics, New York:, 1984).

where ko denotes the projection of the radar wave vector on the

horizontal plane and T a scattering coefficient which can be
Theory of radar imaging of internal waves calculated from Bragg scattering theory and which depends on
incidence angle, dielectric constant, radar wavelength and
Werner Alpers polarization (see, for example, refs 24, 26). The synthetic aper-
ture radar on Seasat had a wavelength of A0 = 0.235 m (L-band)
Institut fiir Meereskunde, Universitat Hamburg, and
Max-Planck-Institut fiir Meteorologie, Bundesstrasse 55,
and operated at incidence angles of -23°; the short waves
2000 Hamburg 13, FRG responsible for the backscattering had a wavelength of' 34 cm
and a wave period of 0.47 s.
Equation ( l) relates the modulation of the normalized radar
Radar images taken over ocean areas, in particular, those obtained cross-section to that of the spectral energy density E(±2ko) of
by the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) onboard the American the Bragg waves, which reduces the problem to that of the
Seasat satellite in 1978 1•2, sometimes show features that seem to modulation of the Bragg waves by the surface current associated
be surface manifestations of oceanic internal wavesJ- 11 • Here I with internal waves.
present a theory explaining the large radar signatures of internal Typically, internal waves visible on radar images have
waves in which the imaging is attributed to variations in the wavelengths greater than several hundred metres and wave
short-scale surface roughness induced by current variations associ- periods > l 0 min; the space and time scales of the currents
ated with internal waves. associated with these waves are much greater than those of the
© 1985 Nature Publishing Group

Fig. 1 Synthetic aperture radar

image of Atlantic coastal waters off
the Portugese coast near Figueira da
Foz and Aveiro. This radar image
was taken from the Seasat satellite
on 20 August 1978, 21 :42 UT (orbit
785). It shows surface manifestations
of a large number of nonlinear inter-
nal wave trains generated by the
action of the tide at the continental
shelf break.

Bragg waves and therefore we can apply a Wentzel-Kramers- k into equation (2) and retaining only first-order terms gives
Brillouin-type theory to describe their interaction. In this theory
the transport equation describing the variation of the spectral a a ) au aN
( -+(c +U0 )·-+µ 8N=k·-·-0 (3)
energy density of short waves in a slowly varying current field at g ax ax ak
is the action balance or radiation balance equation 21 - 23 •27
where cg= aw' I iJk is the group velocity. The time scales of the
a .
= ( -+.i·-+k·- a)
ax ak
(2) three terms on the left-hand side are the local time, T, the
advection time, Ta, and the relaxation time, T,; T = !r 1, where
where N(x, k, t) = E(x, k, t)/ w' is the action spectrum, E(x, k, t)
n is the radian frequency of the internal waves, and Ta=
\(cg+ U0 ) • K\- 1, where K denotes the wave vector of the internal
the wave spectrum, w' the intrinsic frequency of the wave in a wave. In general, both T and Ta are » I min; consequently, the
reference system which is locally at rest, x the space variable, first two terms on the left-hand side of equation (3) should be
k the wavenumber and S(x, k, t) a source function. The waves much smaller than the third, the relaxation term, which alone
propagate along trajectories in four-dimensional phase space, is retained.
given by the ray equations, x = aw I ak and k = -aw/ ax, where Specializing equation (3) to describe the modulation of Bragg
w(x, k, t) = w'(k) + k · U(x, t) denotes the wave frequency in the waves, defining the projection of the antenna axis on the horizon-
moving medium with variable velocity V(x, t). tal plane as x axis, we obtain
We assume that the variable surface current leads to only
small deviations of the action density from equilibrium and 80- 8N 8E aux
therefore write the action density, N, and the surface current, -=-=-=-(4+-y)T,- (4)
0-o No Bo ax
V, as sums of a constant equilibrium term and a time-dependent
perturbation term, N(x, k, t) = N 0 (k) + 8N(x, k, t) and Here 80- = u - o-0 denotes the deviation of the normalized radar
V(x, t) = U0 + 8U(x, t). Furthermore, for small perturbations we cross-section, er, from its mean value cr0 ; y is the ratio between
can approximate the source term S by a diagonal operator, the group and phase velocity of the Bragg waves ( y = 0.5 for
S(x, k, t) = -µ8N(x, k, t), where J.L is a parameter with gravity waves). In deriving equation (4) we have assumed that
dimension (time )- 1, called relaxation rate, and T, = J.L - i is the E ~ \k\- 4 , that is, E has the form of the Phillips equilibrium
relaxation time, a system constant determined by the combined spectrum 15 , and that er is related to E through equation (1 ).
effects of wind excitation, energy transfer to other waves caused Equation (4) is our principal result here, showing that the
by conservative resonant wave-wave interaction and energy loss cross-section modulation caused by internal waves is propor-
through dissipative processes such as wave breaking. No direct tional to the product of the surface current gradient in the
measurements of T, in the open ocean exist, but theory predicts look-direction of the antenna and the relaxation time, T,.
that it is of the order of 10-100 wave periods. Applied to An analysis of Seasat-SAR imagery of underwater sandbanks
Seasat-SAR Bragg waves, this means that T, should lie in the in the Southern Bight of the North Sea27 has estimated the
range 4.7-47 s. Inserting the above equation for N, U, S,x and relaxation time of the Bragg waves; for a wind speed of 4 m s- 1,
© 1985 Nature Publishing Group
_N_ATU_R_E_V_O_L_._3_14_2_1_M_A_R_C_H_!_9_85_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LETTERSTONATURE- - - - - -- - - - -- -------=-24:.:.7
diw,genl C0IM<'gll1t \eod,ngedge

rasj, ~ ,.lq. smoott, ~b_ro~h_t_ radar image

~_..,.,.,,.""'',,.,,.,.,...._.,,,..,,..,..,,..,_:_\'IAA , .............~
sea SIJfoce
"°'" intensrty



internal wow propagation direction -

Fig. 3 Schematic plot of the thermocline displacement, the surface

roughness modulation and the radar image intensity modulation
associated with a nonlinear internal wave packet travelling along
nterrol wove propagation direction - -
a shallow thermocline. The leading edge of the wave packet is
associated with increased surface roughness leading to a bright
band in the radar image.
Fig. 2 Schematic plot of streamlines and particle velocities associ-
ated with a linear internal wave propagating along a sharp thermo-
dine (adopted from ref. 28). The short-scale surface roughness is
modulated by the surface current associated with the internal The leading edge of the nonlinear internal wave train is associ-
waves. ated with a convergence zone 29 , giving rise to a bright band in
the radar image.
Typical values for the strain rate of linear internal waves in
it is -30-40 s, corresponding to 60-80 wave periods. This value coastal regions are 10- 3 s- 1 (ref. 7), but can be more than an
of Tr seems large, but is still within the predicted range. order of magnitude greater for strongly nonlinear waves. If a
Note that if we wanted to describe the cross-section modula- surface current gradient of 10- 3 s- 1 and a relaxation time of
T r = µ,- = 40 s is inserted' into equation (4), then one obtains
tion by long surface waves, equation (4) would not be applicable.
In this case the corresponding equation would be for the modulation depth, Bu/ u 0 - 0.2, values commonly
observed in radar imagery of internal waves. Although the
8cr = 8N = 8E = -(4-+-y)aUx (5) surface current gradient associated with internal waves is typi-
ao N 0 Eo w ax cally an order of magnitude smaller than that associated with
long surface waves, the modulation depth of internal waves can
where c.i denotes the radian frequency of the long surface wave nevertheless be stronger than that of long surface waves, because
and Uthe associated orbital velocity. Note that in equation (5) the factor by which the surface current gradient is multiplied is
the factor in parenthesis is typically a factor of 10-20 larger an order of magnitude greater for internal waves ( compare
than the corresponding factor in equation (4). The other factor equations (4) and (5)).
in equation (4), the horizontal current gradient (or strain rate), The physical explanation for the large cross-section modula-
a Uxf ax, can be calculated from internal wave theory 15 • tions obtained with our theory is as follows. In the case of
Figure 2 shows the streamlines and water-particle orbits in internal waves, the straining exerted on the short-wave system
a linear internal wave travelling from left to right at the boundary by the current gradient is balanced by the relaxation of the wave
of two water layers of different density (thermocline). The inter- system. This balance is different from the one active in the
nal waves cause almost no elevation of the surface and are modulation of short waves by long surface waves, where the
associated with a spatially and temporally varying surface cur- straining is balanced mainly by the temporal variation .of the
rent field which interacts with the surface waves, giving rise to orbital velocity. Typically, the time scale of the relaxation (the
the surface-roughness modulation depicted in Fig. 2. relaxation time) is an order of magnitude greater than that of
In the case of a nonlinear internal wave packet travelling from the orbital velocity, given by w- 1 • Thus in the case of short-wave
left to right, the vertical displacement of the thermocline and modulation by internal waves, the straining can act sufficiently
the roughness pattern have qualitatively the form shown in Fig. long on.the short-wave system for a strong modulation to build
3. The roughness pattern consists of pairs of adjacent very rough up. Indeed the modulation is .only limited by the relaxation
and smooth streaks separated by broad areas with a mean local time, which is a parameter describing how much disequilibrium
roughness; the associated radar image therefore consists of pairs the short-wave system can endure while subject to strain by a
of adjacent bright and dark bands on a uniform background. variable currenL

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