The Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics

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The use of computational fluid

dynamics in inhaler design
Conor A Ruzycki, Emadeddin Javaheri & Warren H Finlay†
1. Introduction University of Alberta, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

2. CFD modeling of
Introduction: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has recently seen increased
pharmaceutical aerosol
use in the design of pharmaceutical inhalers. The use of CFD in the design of
inhalers is made difficult by the complex nature of aerosol generation. At
3. Pressurized present, CFD has provided valuable insight into certain aspects of inhaler
metered-dose inhalers performance, though limitations in computational power have prevented
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4. Nebulizers the full implementation of numerical methods in the design of inhalers.

5. Dry powder inhalers Areas covered: This review examines the application of CFD in the design of
6. Other aerosol delivery systems aerosol drug delivery technologies with a focus on pressurized metered-
dose inhalers (pMDI), nebulizers and dry powder inhalers (DPIs). Challenges
7. Conclusions
associated with the application of CFD in inhaler design are discussed along
8. Expert opinion with relevant investigations in the literature. Discussions of discrete element
modeling (DEM) and the simulation of pharmaceutical aerosol dispersion
are included.
Expert opinion: The extreme complexity of coupled fluid and aerosol
dynamics associated with aerosol generation has somewhat limited the use
of CFD in inhaler design. Combined CFD–DEM simulations provide a useful
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tool in the design of DPIs, though aerosol generation in pMDIs and

nebulizers has eluded CFD modeling. The most beneficial use of CFD typically
occurs when concurrent CFD and experimental analyses are performed,
significantly enhancing the knowledge provided by experiment alone.

Keywords: deagglomeration, discrete element modeling, dry powder inhaler, in silico modeling,
nebulizer, pharmaceutical aerosol dispersion, pressurized metered-dose inhaler, respiratory drug
delivery, simulation

Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3):307-323

1. Introduction

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been used extensively in many branches
of science and engineering in the analysis of fluid flows. CFD provides an invaluable
tool in investigating a multitude of topics ranging from aircraft design to Earth
climate systems, and aerosol drug delivery devices are no exception. As a general
description, CFD is a technique in which the dynamic equations governing fluid
motion are solved numerically over a physical region of interest. The nature of
pharmaceutical aerosol drug delivery, being grounded in fluid dynamics, is well
suited for analysis using CFD.
For aerosol drug delivery, the most complete CFD model possible would calcu-
late the governing continuity, momentum and energy equations for the continuous
air phase and couple these with equations governing the discrete aerosolized drug
phase through all possible turbulence scales, ranging from macroscopic length scales
of flows to Kolmogorov microscales [1-4]. While this method of direct numerical
simulation (DNS) is the most accurate numerical approach, the associated compu-
tational costs are prohibitive, preventing the use of DNS in practical engineering
applications [3-5]. In practical applications to inhaler design, most CFD methods
solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier--Stokes (RANS) equations, which are time-
averaged versions of the actual governing equations. Time averaging introduces

10.1517/17425247.2013.753053 © 2013 Informa UK, Ltd. ISSN 1742-5247, e-ISSN 1744-7593 307
All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or in part not permitted
C. A. Ruzycki et al.

computational methods has been relatively limited. Methods

Article highlights. behind modeling the dispersion of pharmaceutical aerosols
. CFD has recently seen increased use in the design of are first reviewed to identify important considerations in
inhalers for therapeutic drug delivery into the the application of CFD when simulating aerosol transport
respiratory tract. and deposition. The use of CFD in commonly used aerosol
. Random walk methods provide a useful tool for
drug delivery technologies, including pressurized metered-
modeling the dispersion of pharmaceutical aerosols,
though care is required in applying these methods in dose inhalers (pMDIs), nebulizers and dry powder inhalers
situations where high accuracy is desired. (DPIs), is then discussed. For each of these devices, the
. The application of CFD to inhaler design is complicated challenges associated with computational modeling are con-
by the complex nature of aerosol formation in sidered, followed by a review and summary of relevant CFD
pharmaceutical aerosol delivery technologies, including
investigations in the literature. The present state and applica-
pMDIs, nebulizers and DPIs.
. Insights into certain aspects of pMDI and nebulizer bility of CFD in the design of these devices is then established
performance have been gained through CFD, but from these analyses.
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models describing the entire process of aerosol

generation in these devices have yet to be developed. 2.CFD modeling of pharmaceutical aerosol
. Recently developed coupled CFD--DEM models provide
an improved method for studying deagglomeration dispersion
mechanisms in DPIs compared with traditional
CFD methods. The dispersion and deposition of pharmaceutical aerosols in
. CFD, used concurrently with in vitro analyses, turbulent airflow is an important consideration when numeri-
complements and significantly enhances knowledge cally investigating inhaler performance. Prior to discussing the
provided by experiment alone.
specifics of CFD in inhaler design, it is useful to examine the
This box summarizes key points contained in the article.
techniques used in modeling these aspects of pharmaceutical
aerosols. Pharmaceutical aerosols are examples of multiphase
flows, consisting of a continuous phase (inhaled air) and a
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additional terms in the equations, the closure of which neces- discrete drug phase (particles or droplets containing an active
sitate the use of turbulence models. Various turbulence therapeutic agent). The behavior of the continuous phase can
models are available, each suited for difference situations. be predicted numerically using the Navier--Stokes equations
RANS approaches are relatively simple, computationally governing fluid physics, which are well documented in the
inexpensive and allow for various simplifications. As such, CFD literature [10-13]. Of special importance in the application
RANS CFD codes have been developed and tailored for a of CFD in modeling pharmaceutical aerosols are the techniques
wide range of flow conditions. However, time-averaging used in predicting the behavior of the dispersed drug phase.
incurs a loss of information, and turbulence models can Modeling the transport and deposition of the dispersed drug
become inaccurate in certain situations [6,7]. Many of the phase can be achieved using either Eulerian or Lagrangian
issues observed with RANS modeling can be mitigated using approaches [18]. In the Eulerian approach, the dispersed drug
large eddy simulation (LES), in which only small-scale turbu- phase is regarded as a continuum, and the transport equations
lent eddies are modeled. Time variations in large eddies are for conservation of mass and momentum are considered for
calculated from the governing equations. LES has demon- both the fluid and particle phases [18]. Alternatively, the
strated increased accuracy compared with RANS models Lagrangian approach treats the fluid phase as a continuum
in predicting aerosol deposition [8,9], though unfortunately and the drug phase as individual parcels of particles. Solving
this gain in accuracy comes at a significant increase in the equations of motion for these parcels, representative of a
computational requirements. number of similar particles, allows for the simulation of
The above constitutes an exceptionally brief summary of trajectories through the fluid phase [18-20].
CFD; the literature on CFD theory and application is exten- The Lagrangian approach to particle transport has been
sive, and a number of texts [10-13] and best practice guides [14,15] more commonly used than the Eulerian approach for aerosols
are available for the interested readers. To date, most applica- with particle sizes typical of inhalers. This is because the con-
tions of CFD in inhaler design have used RANS methods siderable inertia of such particles, which is particle size-
in commercial CFD software such as ANSYS FLUENT, dependent and is a primary determinant of wall deposition,
ANSYS CFX, CD-ADAPCO STAR-CCM+, CFD-ACE+ complicates an Eulerian treatment for the turbulent flows
or the freely available open source software, OpenFOAM. expected within inhalers. While progress has been made in
Recent reviews by Longest and Holbrook [16] and Wong Eulerian modeling of turbulent dispersed phase flows with
et al. [17] cover the considerable amount of work performed significant particle inertia (see, e.g., Refs. [21,22]), the natural
on in silico modeling of aerosol delivery to the respiratory tract ability of Lagrangian models to handle particle inertia
and the use of various computational approaches in inhaler and wall collisions makes them attractive for simulation of
development. The focus of the present work lies on the use inhaler aerosols, despite their higher computational expense
of CFD in inhaler design, in which the application of compared to an Eulerian approach.

308 Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3)

The use of computational fluid dynamics in inhaler design

In both approaches, the main interest lies in the behavior of consistent. Solving the Langevin equation requires the deter-
particles in a turbulent flow. In dilute suspensions, where the mination of the statistical moments of j, which becomes
particle volume fraction is sufficiently low, particle--particle increasingly difficult in flows exhibiting strong inhomogeneous
interactions and the influence of particles on the fluid are turbulence [30].
negligible, allowing for one-way coupling between phases [23]. Compared with continuous random walk, discrete random
This is typically the case for micrometer-sized drug particles walk is more widely accepted, and is typically implemented in
in turbulent airflow, and as such a one-way coupled commercial flow simulation software. Discrete random walk
Lagrangian approach in modeling pharmaceutical aerosols is has been applied in investigations of capillary aerosol genera-
widely accepted. tion (CAG) systems [33], spray aerosol burst effects [34] and
To determine particle trajectories in a Lagrangian deposition in the Respimat inhaler [35]. However, when
approach, the equations of motion describing the influence turbulence is anisotropic and discrete random walk is com-
of forces exerted on particles must be solved. Viscous drag is bined with two-equation turbulent models (e.g., k-e or
the dominant force exerted on micrometer-sized particles, k-w), near-wall fluctuating velocity modifications are needed
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provided the particle density (rp) is much larger than the to prevent overestimation of deposition [7,36]. Ilie et al.
surrounding fluid density (rf) [24,25]. In this case, the equation employed a ‘frozen’ LES scheme that gave good agreement
of motion for a particle with velocity up in a fluid with with experimental deposition in an idealized mouth geome-
velocity uf simplifies to: try, and captured relevant flow features that standard RANS
plus discrete random walk without near-wall corrections
= − (u p − uf )
dup 1
could not reproduce [37]. In ‘frozen’ LES, a LES simulation
dt is first performed for the fluid flow without particles. Particle
where t is the particle relaxation time. Wall collisions, and trajectories are subsequently calculated using only the instan-
possibly particle bounce, occur when particle trajectories taneous velocity field at one point in time (a ‘frozen’ flow
intercept walls and are easily handled (in contrast to an field), treating the ‘frozen’ flow field as steady state. While
Eulerian approach where such effects must be treated via frozen LES can provide an improvement in computational
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artificial boundary conditions). The largest challenge in requirement compared with dynamic LES [37] (in which
simulating particle trajectories lies in modeling fluid velocity groups of particles are released at different time steps
fluctuations encountered along particle paths [2], which is an and tracked over time), LES simulations generally incur
inherently stochastic problem. considerable computational expense. With this in mind,
The aforementioned velocity fluctuations that complicate Ilie et al. suggested that a more practical approach than LES
particle trajectory predictions can be modeled using one of was to use a RANS plus discrete random walk model with
two approaches, involving either discrete random walk or accurate near-wall corrections [37].
continuous random walk. In discrete random walk, individual Further issues are associated with turbulence. In most

neous fluid velocity fluctuation uf′ is chosen randomly at the

eddy--particle interactions are considered [26,27]. The instanta- pharmaceutical aerosol applications, turbulent fields are wall
bounded and inhomogeneous. Two major challenges arise
beginning of a particle--eddy interaction as: when applying random walk methods (both continuous and

uf′ = ufrms N
discrete) to these cases. First, accurate determination of the
Lagrangian integral time scale (TL) for inhomogeneous turbu-
where is the root mean square of the fluid velocity and N, the lence, particularly in near-wall regions, remains a point of
stochastic component, is a random Gaussian number with controversy [38,39]. Second, practical limitations mean that
mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Normally, only the first all the statistical moments of j in the Langevin equation
two statistical moments of the random fluctuations are and in the particle--eddy interaction formulation cannot be
known. During interactions, N is held constant, while specified, meaning random walk methods are approximate
ufrms is allowed to vary. The time over which particle--eddy by nature [30,40]. However, the level of detail required to accu-
interactions occur is referred to as the Lagrangian integral rately apply random walk methods is highly situational [30,40].
time scale. The second method for modeling velocity fluctua- When simulating deposition, knowing the moments of the
tions, continuous random walk, is based on the Langevin random terms and TL in wall distances on the order of
equation [28-31], which is a stochastic linear first-order magnitude of particle size is important. In contrast, when
differential equation initially developed for describing modeling only the dispersion of particles (ignoring deposi-
Brownian motion [32]. Here, evolution of the fluid velocity tion) such near-wall details are not necessary. For many
is described by: applications, and j are conventionally assumed, without
duf′ u′
= − f +ξ
solid mathematical reasoning, to be Gaussian random varia-
bles [26,41]. The degree of uncertainty that stems from this
dt TL assumption depends on the characteristics of the turbulent
where j is a random velocity increment and TL is the Lagrangian field [30]. With these considerations in mind, random walk
integral time scale during which fluid particle motion remains methods can produce physically sensible results in many

Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3) 309

C. A. Ruzycki et al.

applications, thus providing additional insight into the aerosol formation in the production region of these devices.
dispersion of pharmaceutical aerosols. As a cautionary note, Studies have primarily focused on modeling spray physics in
however, the results of random walk methods should be post-nozzle flow, often comparing numerical predictions with
examined carefully in situations where high accuracy in vitro experimental measurements of droplet velocity, size
is desired. and deposition. In addition to pMDIs, some studies have
examined spacer devices using CFD.
2.1Computational models for pharmaceutical
aerosols 3.1 pMDI CFD modeling
The analytical techniques discussed in the previous section Dunbar et al. performed one of the first CFD studies on
form the basis for numerical modeling using CFD. For pMDIs in examining droplet transport and formation during
multiphase flow systems, CFD codes solve the equations inhaler actuation [46]. A model of actuator flow from the
governing fluid and particle behavior in a systematic manner, metered chamber to the nozzle provided the initial conditions
a process described in great detail in the literature [42]. As an for a spray model describing the flow further downstream.
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extremely brief summary, first a mesh (or grid) is generated Results showed mixed agreement with experimental phase
that subdivides the overall flow domain into a number of Doppler particle analysis (PDPA) measurements [47]; good
non-overlapping cells. Second, the governing equations are agreement was obtained for droplet velocity and size distri-
transformed into a system of algebraic equations using discre- butions a distance of 25 mm from the spray orifice, but not
tization techniques such as the finite volume method. Finally, further downstream. This was attributed to deficiencies in
specific numerical techniques are used to solve the discretized the spray model in capturing flow characteristics [46] and cal-
equations across the mesh representing the flow domain. As ibration issues with the PDPA system [47]. Unfortunately,
described in the introduction, a number of well-developed since the computationally intensive nature of the solution pre-
commercial CFD codes are available that can be applied to vented the completion of sensitivity tests, the results of the
pharmaceutical aerosol modeling. However, traditional CFD study were taken as preliminary.
does carry some limitations. Where traditional CFD methods Versteeg et al. used CFD to examine steady-state airflow
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fail to accurately account for particle--particle and particle-- and aerosol plume behavior in two pMDI models [48]. Simu-
wall interactions, discrete element modeling (DEM) more lated flow fields through an experimental pMDI and the
accurately models these aspects of particle dynamics. AstraZeneca Pulmicort pMDI were found to be similar
Wong et al. [17] recently reviewed the use of coupled and highly complex; multiple regions of recirculation,
CFD--DEM models in inhaler developments. In these carrying high levels of turbulence, were observed inside the
approaches, the continuous phase and discrete particle phase inhaler. The development of a confined aerosol plume was
are modeled using CFD and DEM, respectively [43]. Coupling then modeled in the mouthpiece region of an AstraZeneca
can be either one-way, in which the influence of the fluid inhaler connected to a United States Pharmacopeia induction
phase on particles is considered, or two-way, in which both port (USP-IP), revealing the evolution of the plume as it
the influence of the fluid phase on particles and the influence travelled through the geometry. Droplet trajectories were
of particles on the fluid phase are considered. CFD--DEM initially straight and dominated by inertia, but evaporation
methods are now increasingly used in the analysis of DPIs, and the entrainment of surrounding air quickly reduced
as discussed in Section 5.2. droplet speed and size. Further downstream, trajectories
were consistent with a stochastic random walk associated
3. Pressurized metered-dose inhalers with turbulent effects. The majority of deposition occurred
in the horizontal section of the induction port, consistent
CFD modeling of the formation and delivery of pharmaceu- with in vitro measurements by Stein and Gabrio [49]. Interes-
tical aerosols from pMDIs incurs several inherent challenges. tingly, additional simulations showed that USP-IP deposition
From a basic physical perspective, pMDI actuation involves a decreased with increasing flow rates, a trend observed in
transient, cavitating, turbulent fluid that flashes into rapidly the experimental results of Shrubb [50]. Shrubb attributed
evaporating droplets. The physics of this process is extremely this trend to the influence of airflow velocities closer to the
complex, involving turbulent and compressible flows, multiple velocity of the aerosol plume exiting the pMDI [50]. Though
phases, heat transfer and evaporation and condensation [44-46]. the findings by Versteeg et al. correlated well with in vitro
Furthermore, some of these phenomena, such as the effect of measurements [49,50], technological limitations allowed only
turbulence on cavitation, remain poorly understood [44]. The qualitative agreement between the CFD model and
combination of complex physical processes, transient effects, experiments to be achieved [48].
small length and time scales and limited knowledge of initial A comprehensive study by Kleinstreuer et al. examined air-
conditions all complicate the notion of CFD modeling of flow, droplet transport and deposition in a pMDI and human
pMDI aerosol formation and delivery. Perhaps as a result of upper airway model [51]. The effects of spacer use (discussed in
these complications, there have been relatively few CFD studies Section 3.2) and nozzle diameter were investigated, and
performed on pMDI inhalers, especially on the process of both chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrofluoroalkane-134a

310 Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3)

The use of computational fluid dynamics in inhaler design

A. B.
Canister Canister 3.5% deposited
53.4% deposited in spacer
in oral airway 21.9% deposited
Soft palate in oral airway
Q = 30 L/min Soft palate

Pharynx Pharynx
Actuator nozzle Actuator nozzle

Q = 30 L/min
Glottis Glottis
Larynx Larynx

Trachea Trachea
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74.6% to lung
46.6% to lung

Figure 1. Simulated deposition of droplets in the upper respiratory tract for (A) an HFA-pMDI and (B) an HFA-pMDI with a
spacer, showing improved lung deposition with spacer use.
Adapted from [51] with permission of Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

(HFA) propellant aerosols were simulated to determine the were employed in the study to examine differences in
influence of propellant properties on deposition. Simulated deposition obtained when either neglecting or accounting
flow fields showed the formation of several vortices in for evaporation. Results showed that the model containing
the inhaler body at a steady flow rate of 30 L/min. Lung depo- droplet evaporation provided better agreement with in vitro
For personal use only.

sition with the CFC-pMDI (5.2%) was significantly less than measurements of regional deposition in the pMDI mouth-
that obtained with the HFA-pMDI (46.6%). These results piece and induction port than the non-evaporating particle
were generally in good agreement with both in vivo [52] and approximation.
in vitro [53] studies, with some minor inconsistencies that
may have originated from the assumptions made in the 3.2 Spacer CFD modeling
CFD simulations; some physical processes, such as droplet The study by Kleinstreuer et al. [51] demonstrated the effect of
coalescence, were assumed negligible. From the comparison spacer use on deposition rates for pMDIs. Inserting a spacer
of propellants, significantly better deposition performance between the pMDI and upper airway model provided a
was obtained using HFA as compared with CFC. This was sudden expansion in volume that decreased flow velocity
partially attributed to differences in nozzle diameters used and increased droplet residence time and evaporation.
with the two propellant types; the CFC-pMDI nozzle A subsequent reduction in droplet speed and size resulted in
diameter of 0.5 mm was larger than the 0.25 mm diameter significantly reduced deposition in the oral cavity, while
nozzle used in the HFA-pMDI. An additional simulation of simultaneously increasing drug delivery to the lungs. Perfor-
a CFC-pMDI with a 0.25 mm diameter nozzle yielded lung mance of both the CFC and HFA pMDIs improved with
deposition of 23.2%, still well short of that achieved spacer use, with lung deposition increasing from 5.2 to
with the HFA-pMDI. Kleinstreuer et al. noted that HFA 52.9% for the CFC-pMDI and from 46.6 to 74.6% for the
properties, including a lower surface tension and lower boiling HFA-pMDI. Figure 1 shows the simulated deposition
point than CFC, aided in the formation of smaller obtained for the HFA-pMDI with and without a spacer.
droplets [51]. While the simulations by Kleinstreuer et al. [51] suggested
Longest et al. [54] simulated aerosol transport and deposi- that spacer use increased lung deposition considerably, Leach
tion in three spray delivery systems, including a pMDI, capil- and Colice [55] observed in vivo that lung deposition was rela-
lary aerosol generator and Respimat Soft Mist inhaler. In the tively unaffected using small particle aerosols (HFA) and
pMDI, choked vapor flow was assumed at the nozzle, creating either the same or less using large particle aerosols (CFC).
a high-pressure spray that caused significant flow acceleration Leach and Colice [55] also found a higher proportion of depo-
and velocities exceeding 100 m/s. Simulations showed that sition in the spacer compared with the simulations by
these high velocities generated significant regions of recircula- Kleinstreuer et al. [51]. The discrepancy in deposition measure-
tion in the pMDI mouthpiece, where turbulent dispersion ments may arise from nozzle diameter or formulation diffe-
and vortical flow dominated particle trajectories. The amount rences between the in vivo pMDI of Leach and Colice [55]
of recirculation in the pMDI mouthpiece exceeded that and the simulated pMDI of Kleinstreuer et al. [51], which
observed in the other spray systems. In addition to compari- could lead to significant variations in droplet size and velocity
sons between different inhalers, two separate CFD models and subsequently influence deposition. Despite the observed

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C. A. Ruzycki et al.

differences in deposition, both studies demonstrated the mechanics of droplet formation vary depending on the type
general trend of decreased oropharyngeal deposition with of nebulizer. The most commonly used is the jet nebulizer [44],
spacer use [51,55], a trend further observed in an in vitro study though traditional ultrasonic nebulizers, vibrating mesh nebu-
of HFA-pMDIs by Cheng et al. [53]. With this in mind, the lizers and soft mist inhalers are also available [57]. Aerosol for-
differences in deposition between the Kleinstreuer et al. simu- mation in a jet nebulizer involves several complex processes.
lations and in vivo measurements by Leach and Colice suggest Primary production of droplets occurs as high speed air flows
this is an area requiring further exploration. across a water surface. Contact between these droplets and
While the study by Kleinstreuer et al. suggested that spacer faster moving airflow may result in aerodynamic breakup,
use could increase lung deposition and decrease oropharyn- but most additional fragmentation occurs due to splashing
geal deposition [51], the effects of spacer design were not con- on primary baffles. Secondary baffles then force aerodynamic
sidered. In a recent study, Oliveira et al. [56] used CFD to size selection of droplets. Furthermore, interfacial phenomena
optimize the design of the Volumatic spacer for improved are important in determining the drug lost in drops clinging
deposition performance. It was proposed that modifications to nebulizer surfaces and the induced charge on droplets.
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to the spacer body and valve could reduce the large areas of The formation and delivery of aerosols from other types of
recirculation observed in the Volumatic spacer. An optimized nebulizers is similarly complex [57]; direct modeling of aerosol
spacer was designed by combining the best-performing formation in nebulizers is therefore difficult and computa-
body and valve geometries following simulations of several tionally prohibitive [44]. As a result of these complications,
prototypes. Noticeable improvements in flow features and in a similar situation to pMDIs, relatively few CFD
were observed in the optimized spacer. Reduced regions of studies have been performed on nebulizers.
recirculation and decreased levels of turbulence kinetic energy
suggested that the improved design would increase drug 4.1 Nebulizer CFD modeling
delivery to the patient while reducing deposition inside the Shakked et al. [58] performed one of the first CFD studies
device. The design process employed by Oliveira et al. allowed examining nebulizer performance by investigating aerosol
for the evaluation of several concepts using CFD prior to deposition in a nebulizer hood attached to an infant head
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physical prototyping. model. The dispersion of water droplets throughout the

hood was examined in three breathing phases: inspiration,
3.3 Summary of pMDI CFD modeling expiration and apnea. CFD simulations showed that
Results of the aforementioned studies on pMDIs indicate that while droplet trajectories in the nebulizer funnel were
in general, spray physics in post-nozzle flow can be accurately unaffected by the breathing phase, highly variable airflow in
modeled using CFD. Good agreement has been obtained other parts of the hood led to large differences in deposition.
between CFD predictions and in vitro measurements for A simulation of six consecutive breathing cycles showed
droplet speed, size and deposition [48,51,54]. It is important to that 37% of the drug leaving the nebulizer reached the
emphasize that these studies have focused primarily on post- mouth, 39% exited the hood, 10% deposited on the head
nozzle flow; initial conditions, often based on experimental and 14% deposited on the surface under the infant model.
measurements, are used to model the spray from the nozzle Further simulations showed that altering the design of
rather than numerically calculating the entire process of the hood influenced deposition; widening the funnel exit
aerosol formation from the metering chamber upon actu- reduced the efficiency of drug delivery to the mouth during
ation. In one exception, Dunbar et al. created a model of inspiration.
aerosol formation from the metering chamber through to CFD has been used in studies of the performance of
the nozzle, though the results were preliminary, and there piezoelectrically actuated nebulizers [59-61]. Jeng et al. [59]
was limited success in predicting downstream flow characte- investigated the performance of a traditional ultrasonic
ristics [46]. To the authors’ knowledge, no further studies nebulizer under varying operating conditions. Results
have attempted to model the entire process of aerosol forma- showed that the optimal nebulizer flow rate was achieved
tion upon pMDI actuation. The lack of accurate modeling in at an operating frequency equal to the resonant frequency
this phase of pMDI operation prevents the intuitive design of of the piezoelectric actuator. Increasing the operating
components such as the metering chamber, expansion frequency reduced droplet diameters but introduced more
chamber and actuator nozzle. As such, the use of CFD in air into the reservoir, thereby decreasing ejection perfor-
the evaluation and design of pMDIs has yet to be fully mance. In a similar study, Shen et al. [60] examined the
implemented [16,45]. formation and ejection of droplets from a prototype low
power piezoelectrically actuated nebulizer. Simulations
4. Nebulizers showed optimal performance at a frequency of 120 kHz,
where droplets with a mean diameter of 4.04 µm were
Unlike the volatile propellant spray used to deliver medication generated at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Su et al. [61]
from metered dose inhalers, nebulizers deliver aqueous used CFD to examine liquid droplet production from a
droplets for inhalation at comparatively low speeds. The novel valveless micropump droplet generator (MDG).

312 Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3)

The use of computational fluid dynamics in inhaler design

A. Spray time 0.005 s Number of particles

in parcel

1 10 50 100 1000 10000

x = 2.4 cm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance (cm)
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B. Spray time 0.0175 s

Number of particles
in parcel

1 10 50 100 1000 10000

x = 4.5 cm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
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Distance (cm)

C. Spray time 0.03 s Number of particles

in parcel

1 10 50 100 1000 10000

x = 6.1 cm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance (cm)

Figure 2. Simulated evolution of the aerosol spray emitted from the Respimat Soft Mist inhaler at (A) 0.005 s, (B) 0.0175 s
and (C) 0.03 s with two-way droplet and airflow coupling.
Adapted from [35] with permission of Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

A model of the proposed MDG was examined to determine investigated using CFD [35,54,62]. Longest et al. examined
concept feasibility and characterize performance. CFD flow fields and deposition in the Respimat Soft Mist Inhaler,
simulations confirmed the feasibility of the design and Proventil HFA pMDI and a capillary aerosol generator [54].
showed that droplet properties could be altered by modi- Increased mouthpiece deposition was observed in the Respi-
fying the nozzle diameter and actuator frequency. This mat, resulting from a combination of low spray momentum
suggested that the MDG could be used for targeted drug and recirculating flow downstream of the spray nozzle.
delivery to multiple regions, including the lungs and the Performance of the Respimat was further evaluated using a
nasal airways. Interestingly, the proof-of-concept study by combination of CFD modeling and in vitro dispersions into
Su et al. was conducted entirely using CFD. Prototyping of the USP-IP and realistic mouth--throat (MT) geometries [35].
the MDG was left to future work. The unconfined evolution of the Respimat spray plume in the
The Respimat Soft Mist inhaler, which uses a spring-driven absence of any given throat geometry is shown in Figure 2.
mechanism to generate a slow moving aerosol, has also been Considerable deposition was observed in the mouthpiece

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with comparatively little deposition measured in the throat 5. Dry powder inhalers
geometries. Computed flow fields revealed significant recircu-
lation zones in the inhaler mouthpiece that entrained and sub- Aside from pMDIs and nebulizers, DPIs provide another
sequently prevented a large portion of respirable particles common delivery method for pharmaceutical aerosols. The
from exiting the inhaler. Longest and Hindle [35] proposed basic operating principle of a DPI involves the dispersion of
that intuitive modification of the Respimat mouthpiece using small powder particles for inhalation and delivery to the
CFD could significantly improve inhaler deposition efficiency lungs. Though this concept is simple, the processes involved
by reducing regions of recirculation. Wachtel et al. [62] opti- in dose delivery from a DPI are highly complex and interre-
mized the design of the Respimat inhaler using a combination lated, including the aerosolization of the powder, deaggrega-
of CFD and flow visualization techniques. It was found that tion of active drug particles from larger carrier and/or
increasing the size of the air vents at the base of the mouth- drug-only agglomerates, and aerosol dispersion and transport
piece reduced flow turbulence levels and minimized recircula- through the device [1,44,64]. In addition, the irregular shapes
tion, creating a more uniform airflow through the device that and rough-surfaces of small pharmaceutical powder particles
Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. Downloaded from by University of Victoria on 04/15/13

improved drug delivery. inhibit the quantitative prediction of adhesive and aerody-
CFD has also been used to examine issues extending namic forces, resulting in a relatively poor understanding of
beyond aerosol aspects. Arulmuthu et al. [63] undertook a DPI aerosol formation and delivery [44]. Mechanisms of deag-
study to determine the suitability of the MicroAIR mesh glomeration are also complex, and include turbulence-
nebulizer for the delivery of aerosolized plasmid DNA induced aerodynamic forces, particle--device impactions
therapeutic solutions. Using a CFD model of fluid flow in within the inhaler body, mechanical vibration and particle--
the nozzle of the mesh nebulizer, high strain rates capable particle collisions. Furthermore, the relative importance of
of damaging the sensitive plasmid DNA were identified near these mechanisms remains unclear [44,65,66] and varies with
the nozzle exit. Hydrodynamic forces on the plasmid struc- inhaler design and powder properties. Further adding to the
tures were estimated based on the predicted strain rates and complexity of DPI mechanics is the transient nature of aerosol
experimentally measured molecule sizes. Results of the CFD formation. Though these various processes complicate the
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simulation suggested that a 5.7 kb length plasmid DNA notion of numerical modeling, several studies have employed
would undergo reversible elastic stretching during delivery, CFD to investigate airflow and deagglomeration mechanisms
while a longer 20 kb plasmid would be irreversibly damaged. in DPIs. In addition, more recent work has investigated the
These predictions were confirmed with experimental measu- use of DEM in conjunction with CFD to better model
rements, with observations of no damage in 5.7 kb plasmids agglomerate breakup, allowing a more in-depth analysis of
and significant fragmentation in 20 kb plasmids. It should DPI deagglomeration than was previously possible.
be noted that the calculation of fluid strain rates in simplified
geometries does not necessitate the use of CFD; estimation 5.1 DPI CFD modeling
of fluid strain can sometimes be made using more In 2004, Coates et al. performed one of the first CFD studies
elementary methods. on DPI performance by examining the flow fields generated
in the Rotahaler and Aerolizer inhalers [67]. CFD simula-
4.2 Summary of nebulizer CFD modeling tions and experimental measurements were used to investigate
To date, a comprehensive CFD study examining aerosol the effects of flow features and device design on inhaler
formation in a jet nebulizer has not been performed. The performance. Simulations showed that flow in the Aerolizer
design of these devices using CFD will require more advanced was more turbulent than in the Rotahaler, with experimen-
computing capabilities than are currently available. CFD has, tally measured fine particle fractions (FPF) reflecting this
however, found use in the design of other types of nebulizers. difference in turbulence. Removal of the grids from the
CFD simulations have provided insight into piezoelectrically inhalers was found to decrease the FPF emitted from
actuated nebulizer operating conditions [59,60] and concept the unmodified Aerolizer (from 43 to 22%) and Rotahaler
feasibilities [61]. Flow fields and deposition in the Respimat (from 19 to 9%), but did not significantly alter flow turbu-
Soft Mist Inhaler have been successfully predicted numeri- lence kinetic energies. This suggested that the inhaler grid
cally, with proposals put forth for the intuitive modification had a large effect on DPI performance.
of the mouthpiece using CFD to reduce deposition within Coates et al. then performed a series of investigations on
the inhaler [35,54,62]. Furthermore, CFD simulations have the influence of the Aerolizer grid structure and mouthpiece
been used to determine the suitability of mesh nebulizers in length [68], mouthpiece geometry [69], capsule presence and
the aerosolization of delicate plasmid DNAs for therapeutic size [70], airflow [71] and air inlet size [72] on inhaler perfor-
treatments [63]. These studies show that certain aspects of mance. Coates et al. [68] found that the presence of the grid
nebulizer design and performance are well suited for CFD straightened airflow at the inhaler exit (Figure 3). Increasing
analysis. As technological capabilities of computing systems the grid porosity decreased integral scale strain rates and
improve, the practicality of design and evaluation of reduced the frequency of particle--grid impactions, but
nebulizers using CFD will continue to increase. increased the number of particle--mouthpiece collisions; this

314 Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3)

The use of computational fluid dynamics in inhaler design





(m s-1)
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(m s-1)





(m s-1)

Figure 3. Particle tracks (left) and velocity vectors (right) through the Aerolizer DPI for (A) the full grid case, (B) the grid one
case and (C) the grid two case, illustrating the flow straightening effects of the grid.
Adapted from [68] with permission of John Wiley and Sons.

Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3) 315

C. A. Ruzycki et al.

had the effect of increasing powder retention without altering since impact-based torques typically exceeded fluid-based
the FPF of emitted powder. While the mouthpiece length [68] torques by several orders of magnitude.
and design [69] had a negligible effect on dispersion Tibbatts et al. [74] correlated in vitro dispersion performance
performance, wider mouthpieces reduced throat deposition with flow dispersion energy in three commercially available
by decreasing the axial velocity of air exiting the inhaler [69]. DPIs. Results showed that the relative contributions of
Presence of the capsule was found to significantly reduce collisions, drag and turbulence to the total dispersion energy
turbulence levels, while the capsule size had no effect on per- varied considerably among the TwinCaps, HandiHaler
formance [70]. The significant increase in turbulence levels and and Diskus inhalers. Dispersion energy was related to two
device performance in the absence of the capsule suggested factors, including the instantaneous energy in the airflow
that particle--capsule impaction was a weak mechanism for (inspiratory power) and the duration over which this power
deagglomeration [70]. Increasing the flow rate through the acted on the powder particles. From the results of the investiga-
Aerolizer increased the integral scale strain rates, the intensity tion, Tibbatts et al. suggested that maintaining a constant inspi-
and number of particle--device impactions and overall levels of ratory power was more important than attaining a specific
Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. Downloaded from by University of Victoria on 04/15/13

turbulence [71]. Optimal performance was achieved at a flow inspired volume during in vitro characterizations [74].
rate of 65 L/min, where maximum FPF, low throat deposi- Donovan et al. [75] found that complex cyclonic flow in
tion and low capsule retention were observed. Increasing the the Aerolizer resulted in significantly more particle--device
flow rate beyond 65 L/min provided no increase in perfor- impactions than were observed in the HandiHaler. A depen-
mance [71]. It was also observed that reducing the size of air dence of Aerolizer performance on carrier particle size further
inlets increased turbulence and particle impaction velocities suggested that impaction was a major deagglomeration
at low flow rates, leading to improved dispersion perfor- mechanism in the Aerolizer but not in the HandiHaler.
mance [72]. At higher flow rates, however, reducing the air Donovan et al. proposed that matching the physical proper-
inlet size caused the release of a considerable amount of ties of carrier particle formulations to the dominant deagglo-
powder prior to full flow development, thereby reducing meration mechanisms in a given inhaler could significantly
performance [72]. improve aerosol performance [75].
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In the series of investigation by Coates et al. [67-72], trans- Shur et al. [76] investigated the influence of Cyclohaler
port characteristics obtained using CFD were used to explain design modifications on aerosolization performance and
in vitro observations of various performance parameters. comparability to the HandiHaler. Simulated flow in the
Lagrangian particle tracking allowed for the observation of HandiHaler was consistent with that observed in similar
particles under the influence of aerodynamic and turbulent CFD studies by Donovan et al. [75] and Wachtel et al. [62].
dispersion forces during transport through the inhaler. Flow in the Cyclohaler was found to be predominantly
Coates et al. noted that particle--device collision data was cyclonic, with the air inlets supplying significant tangential
not intended to be treated quantitatively, but rather to illus- momentum to air entering the device. Modifications were
trate significant trends in impaction [68]. Actual deagglomera- made to these air inlets to match the specific resistances of
tion of particles was not modeled [72], meaning CFD could the HandiHaler and Cyclohaler. Large differences in experi-
not directly estimate dispersion performance of the Aerolizer. mental aerosolization performance between the modified
Instead, performance was inferred from experimentally Cyclohaler designs and the HandiHaler suggested that
measured FPFs and mass distributions. Furthermore, the matching the specific resistance of test and reference DPIs
CFD models could not predict the frequency or intensity of was not sufficient for attaining comparable in vitro
particle--particle collisions, meaning this entire mechanism performance.
of deagglomeration was neglected. Despite these limitations, The use of spacers with DPIs has also been investigated
these investigations provided considerable insight into the numerically. Matida et al. employed CFD in the development
influence of various design features on flow fields within of a spacer for the Turbuhaler DPI [77]. An optimized spacer
the Aerolizer and allowed for an estimation of the relative was developed that dissipated jets emerging from the inhaler
strengths of different deagglomeration mechanisms. and reduced turbulence kinetic energies in the flow. Concept
Similar studies by other investigators have used CFD to designs were optimized using CFD, and experiments con-
provide insight into airflow and deagglomeration mechanisms firmed a significant improvement in deposition performance
in various DPIs. Nichols and Wynn [73] developed a CFD using the optimized spacer. The combination of a straight-
model to calculate separation torques acting on carrier- forward CFD optimization and experimental validation in
drug agglomerates in an Ultrahaler DPI. CFD calculations this proof-of-concept study eliminated the need for either
of impact-based torques in particle--device collisions and complex simulations or lengthy in vitro comparisons.
fluid-based torques experienced during aerosol transport
were compared with the experimentally determined separa- 5.2Deagglomeration and DEM
tion torque, allowing a prediction of carrier-drug particle While a considerable amount of work has been performed
deaggregation. Results suggested that impaction was the examining flow characteristics in DPIs using CFD, the
dominant deagglomeration mechanism in the Ultrahaler, study of deagglomeration in these devices has been less

316 Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3)

The use of computational fluid dynamics in inhaler design

extensive. The complexities of agglomerate breakup and showed more efficient dispersion. Agglomerates with nar-
dispersion that complicate numerical modeling are well rower size distributions had better dispersion performance,
documented [1,44,78-80], and the contributions of DPI design though this effect of polydispersity was less significant than
features to fundamental deagglomeration mechanisms are particle size.
difficult to determine [17]. To this end, deagglomeration Tong et al. [96] then investigated the dispersion of drug-
rigs have traditionally been used to study the breakup of mannitol agglomerates in customized impaction geometries
powders [66,79], and studies by Wong et al. have used CFD using a fully coupled CFD--DEM model. This two-way
in the investigation of aggregate breakup in these types of coupling allowed the model to fully capture the dynamics of
devices [81-83]. While these studies provided welcome insight particle flow interactions. Results indicated that deagglomera-
into deagglomeration mechanisms in simplified deagglomer- tion was primarily due to particle--wall impactions, with
ation geometries, application of the numerical simulation breakage governed by impaction energy and agglomerate
approaches used in these studies to the more complex strength. Turbulence was found to play a minimal role on
problem of deaggregation in actual inhaler geometries has mannitol agglomerate breakup, as interparticle cohesion far
Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. Downloaded from by University of Victoria on 04/15/13

rarely been implemented, partly because of the computa- exceeded numerical predictions of flow shear stresses. Gener-
tional expense associated with modeling particle--particle ation of fine particles occurred mostly during the second
and particle--wall interactions. impaction of agglomerates, where fragments from the first
Separate from CFD, DEM can account for the mechanics impaction underwent further disintegration. It was also deter-
of particle--particle and particle--wall interactions. A recent mined that powder deposition was dependent on impact
review by Wong et al. [17] on the use of computational angle and the inertial energy of fragments. Tong et al. sug-
approaches in inhaler development covered several aspects of gested that both device design and flow conditions should
DEM. In DEM, Newtonian equations of motion are used be considered when investigating optimal dispersion [96].
to determine the movement and rotational behavior of a finite A recent study by the same group examined dispersion in
number of discrete particles that interact through contact and the Aerolizer using the previously developed fully coupled
non-contact forces [84,85]. DEM can provide dynamic infor- CFD--DEM model [97]. Consistent with the results of earlier
For personal use only.

mation on trajectories and transient forces for individual studies [43,96], the dominant breakup mechanism was parti-
particles, allowing for more accurate modeling of particle cle--device impaction (Figure 4). Particle--particle collisions
collisions. Coupled CFD--DEM modeling allows for the were important only in the initial stages of actuation as
mechanistic prediction of particle interaction effects [86]. As agglomerates were spun out from the Aerolizer capsule.
a result, CFD--DEM models provide a vastly improved Fragments of agglomerates formed by strong impactions
method for studying the mechanics of deagglomeration com- with the Aerolizer base were further shattered by collisions
pared with traditional CFD. Unfortunately, the full number with the inhaler grid, creating a significant increase in fine
of particles and collisions in pharmaceutical aerosols cannot powders. In addition, inhaler performance showed a depen-
be modeled due to current computational limitations [17]. dence on flow conditions, with larger flow rates increasing
Accordingly, DEM studies on pharmaceutical aerosols have the dispersion performance but causing more powder reten-
been of a mostly fundamental nature. tion in the device. Tong et al. noted that the findings of
Several studies have employed DEM to investigate both the study were only applicable to the system under investi-
model [87-92] and pharmaceutical [93-95] agglomerates. While gation, in which loose agglomerates of fine powders were
these investigations have improved the understanding dispensed. That being said, the CFD--DEM studies by
of various aspects of deagglomeration, of special interest are Tong et al. provided valuable insights into deagglomeration
studies using coupled CFD--DEM in the analysis of inhaler that had previously eluded observation in traditional CFD
design. In particular, Tong et al. investigated the dispersion studies on DPIs.
of agglomerates in a number of CFD--DEM studies examin-
ing the fundamental mechanisms of powder dispersion in 5.3 Summary of DPI CFD modeling
inhalers [43,96-98]. Compared with pMDIs and nebulizers, CFD has been used
Tong et al. [43] examined the dispersion of agglomerates to a larger extent in the analysis of DPIs. This is partially
with different particle sizes and polydispersities in a cyclonic due to the strong dependence of DPI performance on airflow,
flow model similar to the Aerolizer. Results showed that the a dependence not as prevalent in other pharmaceutical aerosol
fluid--particle interactions governing agglomerate motion delivery systems [17]. CFD can provide insight into transport
caused several particle--device collisions, resulting in a signifi- characteristics in DPIs that can then be used to explain
cant increase in the number of agglomerate fragments. in vitro observations of various performance parameters.
Dominant factors in agglomerate breakup were identified as Though CFD analysis of DPIs is useful in this regard, limi-
particle--particle tensile strength and particle--wall impact tations prevent the quantitative analysis of deagglomeration
energy. Furthermore, particle size was found to have a signifi- mechanisms. The investigation of these deagglomeration
cant effect on dispersion performance depending on the flow mechanisms can be vastly improved using coupled
velocity; at high velocities, agglomerates of smaller particles CFD--DEM methods. While much of the work in this field

Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3) 317

C. A. Ruzycki et al.

A. B. C.

mg mg mg
5.0x10+04 2.0x10+04 2.0x10+05
4.5x10+04 1.8x10+04 1.8x10+05
4.0x10+04 1.6x10+04 1.6x10+05
3.5x10+04 1.4x10+04 1.5x10+05
3.0x10+04 1.2x10+04 1.3x10+05
2.5x10+04 1.0x10+04 1.1x10+05
2.0x10+04 8.0x10+03 9.2x10+04
1.5x10+04 6.0x10+03 7.4x10+04
1.0x10+04 4.0x10+03 5.6x10+04
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5.0x10+03 2.0x10+03 3.8x10+04

0.0x10+00 2.0x10+04

Figure 4. Spatial distribution of (A) the particle--device contact force, (B) the particle--particle contact force and (C) the total
For personal use only.

force in the Aerolizer DPI.

Adapted from [98] with permission of the author.

has been of a fundamental nature, recent studies using as turbulence intensity and the effective diameter of the
coupled CFD--DEM methods have successfully modeled mouthpiece. Quantitative correlations were then developed
dispersion in DPIs [43,96-98]. As the capabilities of computing between these transport characteristics and mouthpiece drug
systems continues to increase, coupled CFD--DEM methods deposition. Longest and Hindle suggested that these correla-
will likely see increased use in the design of DPIs. tions would allow for more intuitive design modifications of
the CAG spray inhaler to achieve desired performance.
6. Other aerosol delivery systems Enhanced condensational growth (ECG), a relatively new
concept for respiratory drug delivery, has also been studied
While pMDIs, DPIs and nebulizers together make up the vast using CFD. In ECG, a submicrometer aerosol is inhaled in
majority of the inhaler market, CFD has also been used to combination with saturated water vapor. The small initial
examine other inhaler designs. A CAG system was the subject size results in low extra-thoracic deposition, while subsequent
of a series of studies by Longest et al. In CAG, an aqueous condensation onto droplets in vivo increases the aerosol size,
solution is pumped through a capillary and electrically heated, resulting in improved lung retention. Longest and Hindle [101]
resulting in partial or full vaporization. Droplets are then developed a CFD model of ECG in a simple tubular geome-
dispersed from a turbulent spray jet at the capillary exit. try. They found that two-way coupling of mass and thermal
Longest et al. used a CFD model of CAG transport and depo- effects was important in modeling the ECG process. Using a
sition developed in previous work [33] to investigate the effects MT and upper tracheobronchial model in CFD simulations,
of spray momentum on deposition in throat geometries [99]. Hindle and Longest [102] found that ECG successfully
Simulations showed that significantly more throat deposition delivered nano-aerosols to the tracheobronchial airways with
was observed with a spray aerosol as compared with an ambi- minimal deposition in the extrathoracic region. While results
ent aerosol. Longest et al. then identified a significant ‘burst of these studies confirmed the validity of the ECG concept,
effect’ arising from the initial entrance of the spray aerosol the need for further work on boundary conditions, more
into the throat that increased deposition in the early stages realistic geometries, and transient breathing was identified.
of aerosol generation [34]. Longest and Hindle [100] found
that the size of the dilution air inlets and the flow conditions 7. Conclusions
near the nozzle had a significant influence on aerosol transport
and deposition with the CAG system. Primary transport From the studies examined in this review, it is evident that
characteristics associated with drug deposition were identified CFD can provide an effective tool for understanding and

318 Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3)

The use of computational fluid dynamics in inhaler design

predicting the performance of various inhalers. CFD investi- improved design of several inhalers, part of the reason for the
gations of pMDIs, nebulizers and DPIs have improved our relatively limited use of CFD during inhaler design is the
understanding of aerosol transport and deposition in these extreme complexity of the coupled fluid and aerosol dynamics
devices. CFD has also allowed for the intuitive optimization that occurs within inhalers during aerosol generation. Inroads
of inhaler technologies, saving time, resources and labor into modeling of aerosol generation and powder deaggrega-
when compared with conventional empirical design. In addi- tion in DPI have been made by combining CFD with DEM
tion, the recent development of coupled CFD--DEM models that captures certain aspects of the mechanics of particle--
provides an improved method for studying deagglomeration particle and particle--wall collisions. An important part of
in DPIs over traditional CFD. such models are the interparticle adhesion forces, which can
While CFD can provide an effective tool for analysis, the be supplied by experimental measurements. However, such
highly complex nature of aerosol formation and transport CFD--DEM simulations are forced by their extreme computa-
complicates the application of computational methods in tional demands to track the behavior of only a small portion
inhaler design. Care is required to ensure that CFD models of the full powder dose. Despite this limitation, detailed
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capture the relevant physics involved in inhaler operation. exploration of powder deaggregation within inhaler proto-
Simplifications should be justified, and some degree of valida- types can be made, giving DPI designers a highly useful
tion may be needed to confirm the accuracy of numerical tool in their quest to improve inhaler design. Unfortunately,
predictions. It is important to note that CFD is not meant aerosol generation in the most common type of inhaler, the
to wholly replace traditional experimental techniques but pMDI, has not yet yielded to CFD modeling due to the com-
rather to provide an additional means for analysis. Even plex, turbulent, highly transient multiphase flow that occurs
then, regulators have yet to approve significant changes to in the production region of these inhalers. Droplet produc-
inhalers using combinations of computational and experi- tion within traditional jet nebulizers is also exceptionally com-
mental methods [45,103]. Furthermore, current limitations in plex and remains impractical to model with CFD during
computational power have prevented the full implementation design. However, the use of experimentally measured aerosol
of CFD in the design of inhalers. properties in the post-production region of pMDIs and
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Moving forward, Longest et al. [54] commented on the need nebulizers as input to CFD modeling has allowed previous
for concurrent in vitro and CFD analyses to develop correlations researchers to examine post-production aerosol behavior.
for predicting in vivo inhaler performance. Concurrent CFD The placement and shape of internal walls and dilution air
and experimental analyses could address issues related to spray inlets, for example, has been examined with CFD, allowing
physics and geometric factors. In this approach, in vitro experi- inhaler designers to reduce the number of design cycles
ments provide initial conditions and validation data for the final needed to achieve an optimized inhaler design. Inexorable
CFD model. Insights from this analysis could then guide assess- increases in computing power will inevitably see the day
ments of remaining in vivo correlation issues related to respira- when CFD expands its horizons to modeling of the entire
tory physiology and variability. Future work involving CFD in aerosol generation process within all inhaler types. While
both powder and spray inhaler design may well use this that day is some decades away, in the meantime, CFD has
approach to predict aerosol drug deposition, offering a proven its ability to model various important aspects of aero-
convenient method of comparison and optimization of inhaler sol behavior in inhalers. As a result, for the knowledgeable
performance [45]. With these considerations in mind, as compu- user, CFD is an important tool that can reduce design time-
tational technologies improve, the practicality and prevalence of lines and yield improved inhaler designs. The most beneficial
CFD and DEM in inhaler design will continue to increase. use of CFD is typically seen when it is coupled with judicious
experimental measurements, allowing CFD to complement
8. Expert opinion and significantly enhance the knowledge that can be provided
by experiment alone.
CFD has emerged over the past few decades as a powerful tool
in the design of devices that depend on fluid flow for their Declaration of interest
operation. While CFD is heavily used to guide design in
traditional engineering applications, it has only recently seen WH Finlay and CA Ruzycki gratefully acknowledge funding
increased use in the design of inhalers for therapeutic delivery from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of aerosols into respiratory tract. Although CFD simulation of of Canada. The authors state no conflict of interest and have
aerosol and fluid behavior has successfully played a role in the received no payment in preparation of this manuscript.

Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3) 319

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322 Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. (2013) 10(3)

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99. Longest PW, Hindle M, Choudhuri SD, drug delivery with comparisons to Affiliation
Xi J. Comparison of ambient and spray in vitro data. J Aerosol Sci Conor A Ruzycki1 BSc,
aerosol deposition in a standard 2010;41(8):805-20 Emadeddin Javaheri1 MSc &
induction port and more realistic 102. Hindle M, Longest PW. Evaluation of Warren H Finlay†2 PhD
mouth-throat geometry. J Aerosol Sci enhanced condensational growth (ECG)

Author for correspondence
2008;39(7):572-91 for controlled respiratory drug delivery in
University of Alberta,
100. Longest PW, Hindle M. Quantitative a mouth-throat and upper Department of Mechanical Engineering,
analysis and design of a spray tracheobronchial model. Pharm Res Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G8, Canada
aerosol inhaler. Part 1: effects of 2010;27(9):1800-11 Professor,
dilution air inlets and flow paths. University of Alberta,
103. Borgstr€om L, Clark A, Olsson B.
J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Introduction 1000 years of
2009;22(3):271-83 Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G8, Canada
pharmaceutical aerosols: what remains to
Tel: +1 780 492 4707;
101. Longest PW, Hindle M. CFD be done? J Aerosol Med Pulm
Fax: +1 780 492 2200;
simulations of enhanced condensational Drug Deliv 2010;23(Suppl 2):S1-4
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growth (ECG) applied to respiratory
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