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Workshops by Pooja sheth ( +917980754354 )

Day 1 - theta healing

What Is Theta Healing & How Does it Work?

Theta Healing is a prominent healing method which was created in 1995 by Vianna
Stibal during her personal journey of healing from a cancerous leg tumor. Theta healing
is a technique of meditation and a spiritual philosophy that is not specific to one religion,
but recognizes all of them with the aim to become closer with the Creator. This training
is meant for the body, mind, and spirit and gives one the ability to get rid of limiting
beliefs and live a life full of positive thoughts through prayer and meditation.

This technique is taught to be used in correlation with conventional medicine and it

helps one learn how to use their intuition by relying on the unconditional love of the
Creator to do its “work”. The philosophy of ThetaHealing is to live, train, and coach other
people to create a better life through love and consequently, reach a harmony in our
mind, body, and spirit.

What are the various benefits of doing theta healing?

- Heals n curing physical diseases & pains

- Helps in relieving stress, anxiety & depression
- Helps in overcoming negative beliefs & movies self esteem & self confidence
- It makes mnd creative & increases the intuitive powers of the mind
- It increases our soul power & helps us connect closely with the creator/ god
- It helps in manifesting dreams & goals related to health, wealth, relationships &
personal peace
- It helps us shift from a scarce mindset to an abundance mindset

What are the different types of brain waves ?

Beta - frequency ( 13 - 40 hertz ) - this is the state in which our brain is alert & active.
Normally our brains are in this frequency itself

Alpha - frequency ( 7- 12 hertz ) - this is the state of mind where our brains are very
creative & give peak performance

Theta - frequency ( 4 - 7 hertz ) - this is the state of mind where the subconscious mind
is most powerful. It is a very relaxed & meditative state of mind.

Delta - frequency ( 0 - 4 hertz ) - this is the state of mind which the mind achieves when
we are in deep sleep.
Workshops by Pooja sheth ( +917980754354 )

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