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P&S THREADS: Clothing and Printing Co.

“Affordable Fashion for Every Profession”


Presented to the faculty

of School of the Teacher Education
Poblacion, Lake Wood, Zamboanga Del Sur

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the ENTREPRENEURIAL MIND,
(Food Service Management)


April, 2024
1. Industry Overview

The cost of school uniforms has been rising, which has made it difficult for lower-class
families in Lake Wood, Zamboanga del Sur, who want their kids to attend uniformed schools.
Even though learners will not be required anymore to wear school un\iforms in the Philippines
for the 2022 school year, according to the Department of Education (DepEd), the schools are
still encouraging the students to wear school uniforms; thus, the majority of the parents agreed
with it. As of now, the percentage of demand for school uniforms has dramatically increased
since the start of classes in 2022, after the pandemic.
According to some arguments, school uniforms do not serve any educational purposes
as some have even argued that it probably can interfere with the education of a child especially
if it is costly or they are a source of conflict with teachers.

However, arguments for school uniforms point out that it helps stop potential
competition amongst the children, where the students would be encouraged to consider issues
relating to peer pressure, gender and materialism.

Supporters of school uniform for students in elementary and high schools have pointed
out that it improves students’ behavior and also build community spirit, especially if the
uniform is one that is designed to make the students look very smart.

Allowing students not to wear school uniforms would however be cheaper for parents
especially if they are not mandated to buy the uniforms from a specific vendor but can instead
get them from major retailer store.

2. Executive Summary

P&S Threads: Clothing and Printing Company (Co.) is a standard school uniform
sewing business that is based in P-7 Mauswagon, Tubod, Lake Wood, Zamboanga del Sur and
will propose to sew school uniforms for its clients in public and private schools, neither, offices
and organizations.

Asides from our core service of sewing school uniforms for students, we also intend to
offer other services as well such as sewing school athletic and physical education wears, custom
made uniforms, ready to wear, consultation service, alteration services, as well as sublimations.

Our vision is to ensure that we offer our clients’ quality and standard school uniforms
by not only meeting but exceeding their expectations. We also intend to become the top school
uniform sewing business here in Zamboanga del Sur.

And in order to achieve our goals and objectives, we are going to build a solid business
structure and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that this is attained. Our facility is also
one that is spacious and conducive for all our employees. It is also easily accessible for
employees and customers.

We understand the value of our customers and how to make sure that they are always
satisfied with our services, in this regard, we have incorporated an excellent customer care
attitude that will ensure that from design to implementation, our clients are carried along.
We intend to employ highly trained tailors, to help ensure that we are able to achieve
all our set goals and objectives. Our key personnel have participated in skill-focused trainings
and seminars.
Additionally, we want to make sure that our workers receive higher welfare and
compensation packages and are well-paid compared to their counterparts in start-ups that are
similar to us around Philippines.
Finally, our owners, Mechelle Somoso, the daughter of a seamstress and former
manager of a gown shop, and Kimberly Pates, has a strong background and skilled in utilizing
software such as editing and lay outing for sublimation and prints. She possesses exceptional
attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetic design. Mechelle also has a managerial skill that
she would bring forth to bear in this business and supervise all the tailors in a bid to ensure that
all the expectations of our clients are met.

3. Our Products and Services

P&S Threads: Clothing and Printing Co. is a standard school uniform sewing business
that intends to sew school uniforms according to the specifications of our clients from our
permanent location here in Tubod, Lake Wood. In our aim to ensure that we boost our bottom
line and sustain our business, we have therefore created a strategy that would allow us earn
more through our multiple sources of income.

This means that asides from sewing school uniforms according to the specification of
our clients, we would offer customized uniform service, ready to wear, sublimations, alteration
services, other kinds of uniforms and consultancy services. In line with our personal goals and
the laws of the Philippines, we hope to make as much money as possible. Here are a few of the
goods and services we plan to provide:
• All sizes of school uniforms
• School athletic and physical education wears
• Custom made uniforms
• Sublimations
• Consultation service
• Alteration services

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

• Our vision is to ensure that we offer our clients’ quality and standard school
uniforms by not only meeting but exceeding their expectations.
• We also intend to become the top school uniform sewing business here in
Zamboanga del Sur by 2027.
• In order to achieve our vision, we will build a solid business structure by
employing experienced and highly professional tailors to sew a standard and
quality school uniforms for our clients.
Our Business Structure
One should expect certain bumps in the road when starting a business; if proper
precautions are not taken, these bumps could become costly for the company, particularly if
inexperienced staff members are employed who have little to no business knowledge.
For this reason, when we launch our school uniform sewing firm here in Tubod, Lake
Wood, we hope to create a strong business structure that will enable us to go through the
process with little to no bumps. Because of this, we want to make sure that, in order to assist
us in reaching our aims and objectives, we carefully select and hire only the best employees.
For instance, our management team is made up of people who have a deep
understanding of the fashion industry and know what it takes to make sure that our company
grows into the kind of national force that we want.
5. SWOT Analysis

• Strengths

We have several strengths to our advantage, chief of which is the fact that we are
offering various services in addition to our core services to our clients.

We are also located in a very easily accessible and conspicuous facility, which makes
it very easy for our customers to locate us when the need arises. Our tailors are very experienced
and have the capability to meet with urgent demands from our customers.

We have also acquired several automatic and semi-automatic sewing and cutting
machines in order to make the work easier for our employees.

Our owners, Mechelle Somoso and Kimberly Pates have the leadership and managerial
experience needed to ensure that our school uniform and sewing business not only stands out
but is able to achieve all its intended goals and objectives.

• Weaknesses

Since we are a relatively young company, we need to compete with a number of well-
established school uniform sewing shops. Right now, we lack the financial resources and
manpower to properly compete with our rivals. As time goes on, we do hope to address this

• Opportunities
We have a number of opportunities at our service, which will increase the amount of
money our company makes. The students are travelling to other locations in order to meet their
demands for the sublimations and school uniforms. Since we provide these services, it is an
ideal opportunity for our firm to grow.
• Threats

Every business face threats every now and then and our school uniform sewing business
is no different. The threats we are likely to face will come from the arrival of a competitor into
our location and offering the same services as we are. Also, more schools prefer for their
students to wear home clothes, which is a threat to our business in addition to government
lenient regulations as regards school uniforms especially in public schools.


• Market Trends

The debate has always been on regarding whether students really need to wear school
uniforms to school, with people having strong opinions regarding the issue – for or against.
Those who struggle against point out that the economy isn’t helping parents as they have to
struggle with school costs which includes the uniforms. Those for say it helps add to the pride
of a school and give students an identity.

Most public schools in the Philippines do not make it compulsory for their students to
wear school uniforms as they understand that the school uniforms do not make a student study
better or like school.

Private schools have been known to ensure that their students wear school uniforms in
order to instill a sense of discipline in the students. Many schools however insist that their
school uniforms be purchased from certain designated shops, which further pushes up the costs
for parents.

7. Our Target Market

Even though it is apparent where our products would be used, we intend to ensure that
we conduct a thorough market survey that will probably point out more target opportunities
that would not otherwise have been known to us without the survey.

The reason why we need to conduct a market survey aside the opportunities that will
be opened to us is the fact that it will help us fully understand our target market and let us know
what they are expecting from us so that we would meet and exceed their expectations.

The result from the market survey shows that we would be offering our products and
services to the following group of people;

• Schools
• Sports teams
• Offices
• Organizations

Our competitive advantage

Our vision is to ensure that we offer our clients’ quality and standard yet affordable
school uniforms by not only meeting but exceeding their expectations. We also intend to
become the top school uniform sewing business here in Zamboanga del Sur by 2027.
In order to achieve this, we have set out competitive strategies that will enable us have
a competitive advantage over our competitors. Our first competitive advantage is the fact that
we are offering other products and services in addition to our core service, this has allowed us
to have the edge we need over similar businesses such as ours here in Tubod, Lake Wood.

We have a corporate customer culture that ensures that we not only meet the
expectations of our customers but exceed it as well. We intend to ensure that we give our
customers incentives from time to time and information that will make them aware of industry

We intend to build a solid business structure and this will be done by ensuring that we
employ highly trained and professional tailors, at P&S Threads: Clothing and Printing Co. We
intend to take great care of our employees by ensuring that they are not only well paid but that
they have the best welfare and incentive packages in the industry across similar startups like

8. Sales and Marketing Strategy

• Sources of Income
P&S Threads: Clothing and Printing Co. is a standard school uniform sewing business
that has been established with the sole intention of generating revenue and maximizing profit
through our different products and services in the fashion industry to all our various customers,
not only here in Tubod, Lakewood but all over the Zamboanga Del Sur Peninsula.

P&S Threads therefore intends to generate income by offering the following services;

• All sizes of school uniforms

• School athletic and physical education wears
• Custom made uniforms
• Sublimation
• Consultation service
• Alteration services
9. Sales Forecast

The uniform business is a highly profitable one that is always in demand as even schools
whose students do not wear school uniforms, use other sorts of uniforms such as for sports, and
school affiliated organization which means there will always be a demand for uniforms as long
as a school exists.

Lake Wood has a huge population and Tubod is a thriving barangay, which therefore
means that our school uniform sewing business is located in a strategic location that will see
us generating enough revenue and making our profit within six months of starting our
However, in order for us to give an accurate sale forecast as it will affect our business,
we intend to conduct a critical evaluation of this industry in order for us to analyze our chances
and know if we can generate a certain amount as have been stated.

The critical examination of this industry made use of certain data and assumptions that
are peculiar to businesses such as ours Tubod, Lake Wood. Below therefore, are the sales
projections for P&S Threads: Clothing and Printing Co. depending on certain variables and

• First Year: P220,000

• Second Year: P360,000
• Third Year: P480,000

The above sales projections were conducted based on what is obtainable in the industry
and also based on certain assumptions like an economic downturn and an arrival of a competitor
offering same services in the location that we have set up for our business.

If any of these factors were to change, it would affect our sales estimates and could
result in an increase or decrease in the stated statistics within the specified time frame.

• Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing is very important for any business that intends to generate revenue for itself.
Marketing does not only increase revenue generation for an organization, it also helps increase
awareness for the organization and helps it stand out in its own industry.

Effective marketing strategies are very important if one wants to not only penetrate the
target market but also compete favorably against its competitors, not only here in Tubod, Lake
Wood but all over the Zamboanga Del Sur as well.

Due to this, we have conducted a thorough market survey that will allow us have the
right information about this sector of the industry we would be going into. The market survey
has allowed us to gather detailed information and data that we will utilize to be able to attract
the right set of customers to our business.

The market survey will also allow us know what our target market expects from us and
then allow us create strategies that would be able to not only meet up with these expectations
but surpass it as well.

We have also empowered our marketing team to ensure that they attain our corporate
sales goals. They have also been empowered to directly meet with clients to negotiate and in
doing so generate more revenue for the organization.

Our marketing team will also ensure that the marketing strategies used are effective and
align with our goals and objectives, ineffective marketing strategies can either be removed or
modified. Therefore, the marketing and sales strategies that we intend to adopt at P&S Threads:
Clothing and Printing Co. to sell our products are;

• Ensure that we introduce our school uniform sewing business to schools and other
stakeholders in the industry
• Use our social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to market
our products and services
• Engage in direct marketing
• Hand out fliers and handbills in strategic locations
10. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Every business that intends to remain long and relevant in the business world requires
enough publicity that would increase awareness for it in the industry and amongst its target
market. Publicity and advertising are a way of communicating the image of the brand positively
to the target market.

Also, publicity and advertising generate revenue for the organization which is why it
is necessary for a business to carefully choose what publicity and advertising strategies that
would best suit it for the enhancing of the company’s image.

Therefore, the platforms we intend to leverage on in promoting and advertising P&S

Threads: Clothing and Printing Co. are;

• Distribute our handbills and fliers in various strategic locations here in Lake Wood
• Attend educational seminars and events in order to network and meet with
important school personnel
• Use our social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to
showcase our works and attract more customers
12. Our Pricing Strategy

Putting a price on our uniforms depends solely on several factors such as where and
how we sourced for our raw materials, what kind of materials we used, what our overhead and
running expenses are, the quantity of the school uniforms as more would attract less price, if it
was a standard service or an emergency service, and what our competitors are likely offering
or going to offer in same situation.

In order for us however to be able to increase awareness for our business and attract the
customers that we would need, we intend to give price discounts or a period of two months no
matter the quantity or quality of uniforms that we would be sewing.

It should be noted that we do not intend to create a price war but this is our strategy for
grabbing a huge share of the market. Additionally, the results show that even though we might
not make as much money during this time, we would most certainly not be losing money.

• Payment Options
Due to the numerous services we intend to offer that will attract numerous customers
to us, we at P&S Threads: Clothing and Printing Co. have come up with different payment
options that will accommodate all the preferences of our customers with convenience.
In this regard, the payment options that we intend to make available to all our various
customers are;

• Payment via cash

• Payment via check
• Payment via bank draft
• Payment via Gcash
The above payment options were deliberately chosen by us after a critical analysis on
what would best suit our customers and not only offer them convenience but also make running
our business easy for us as well.
13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Even though starting and running a standard school uniform sewing business is not as
capital intensive as some other kinds of businesses, capital is still needed for the business to
run smoothly. As an entrepreneur sourcing for start-up capital in your business, you should
know that there are certain areas that would require a boost till the business is able to pay for
The items you would need to procure for your business are; sewing and cutting
machines (automatic and semi-automatic), sublimation printer and heat press, and paying the
salaries of employees and utility bills. The key areas where we will spend our start-up capital
on in order to run a business that is of standard are;

• Total fee for registering and incorporating our school uniform sewing business in
the Tubod, Lake Wood – P500
• Obtaining of municipal licenses and permits, and other legal expenses – P1,500
• Insurance coverage (general liability, equipment insurance, vehicle insurance, and
workers’ compensation) – P2,000
• Marketing, promotion and publicity expenses for the grand opening of our school
uniform sewing business as well as general marketing promotion for at least a year
– P5,000
• A facility carrying out the needed renovation – 50,000
• Operational cost for the first six months which would include employee salaries
and payment of bills – 50,000
• Start-up inventory (raw materials, sewing and cutting machines, sublimation
equipment and materials and other accessories) – 150,000
• Other start-up expenses (POS Machines, utilities, signage, and stationeries) –
• Cost of store equipment (security, ventilation, racks) – 5,000
• Miscellaneous – 10,000

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