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Prelude: My dear brothers and sisters, at the end of Church’s decisions.

decisions. We should not exclude Christ our King from any area
liturgical year, the readings describe the enthronement of the of our personal or family lives. In other words, Christ must be in
victorious Christ as King in Heaven in all his glory. This means that full charge of our lives, and we must give him independent
we live in the peace of Christ when we surrender our lives to him power over our bodies, our thoughts, our heart and our will.
every day, accept him as our God, Savior and King and allow him to 4. Beside of that we need to be serving disciples of a serving King.
rule our lives. Jesus declared that he came not to be served but to serve and
showed us the spirit of service by washing of the feet of his
disciples. We become Jesus’ followers when we recognize his
1. My dear brother and sisters, in order to enter into the presence in everyone, especially the poor, the sick, the outcast,
celebration of today’s feast, two points need to be clarified. The and the marginalized in the society and render humble and
first concerns the meaning of “kingship” in this context. In loving service to Jesus in each of them.
modern culture, kings and queens do not exercise much power. 5. And the last but not least, we need to accept Jesus Christ as the
In some countries or kingdoms, kings or queens are more King of love. Jesus came to proclaim to all of us the Good News
characterized as a symbol of countries; but in the Bible, of God’s love and salvation, gave us his new commandment of
however, their power is absolute. What we are celebrating in love: “Love one another as I have loved you,” (Jn 13:34), and
today’s feast, then, is the power of Jesus – who never used his demonstrated that love by dying for us sinners. We accept Jesus
power to his own advantage. as our King of love when we love others as Jesus loved,
2. Secondly, this power, real and effective though it is, is very unconditionally, sacrificially, and with agape love. Glory be to
different from power as the world understands it. We must not the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the
therefore presume that we know what we are celebrating. The beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
feast is rather an occasion to discover (or re-discover) the power
of Jesus, how it works and what are its effects, so that we can
celebrate it.
3. My dear brothers and sisters, now it’s important to us to grasp
the message from our feast today. We need to accept Christ the
King as our Lord, King, and Saviour and surrender our lives to
him. We surrender our lives to Jesus every day when we give
priority to his teaching in our daily choices, especially in moral

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