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08:52 | Central de Atendimento

Sistemas Tiago Oliveira Aguiar SAIR

Dashboard / My courses / CII-2024-10 / _atividade2_

Started on quarta, 15 maio 2024, 9:22

State Finished
Completed on quarta, 15 maio 2024, 9:27
Time taken 4 mins 58 secs
Grade 50.00 out of 50.00 (100%)

Question 1 To describe actions that are happening during speech it is necessary to use the verb tense “Present Continuous”. It
Correct is formed by the verb “to be” plus the main verb ending in “ING”. Read the following sentences and evaluate the
Mark 10.00 out use of the verb "to be" and the main verbs conjugated in the present continuous. Mark grammatically correct
of 10.00 alternatives with C and incorrect ones with I.
(Para descrever ações que estão acontecendo durante a fala é necessário usar a estrutura do tempo verbal
“Presente Contínuo”. Ela é formada pelo verbo “to be” mais o verbo principal com terminação em “ING”. Leia as
frases a seguir e avalie o uso do verbo "to be" e dos verbos principais conjugados no presente contínuo. Marque
as alternativas gramaticalmente corretas com C e as incorretas com I).

I  They are lie about the fact.

C  Now I am driving.

C  They are arresting a thief.

I  The officers is doing their job.

Question 2 Possessive pronouns are those that make a reference to people in the speech indicating a possession relationship,
Correct they indicate what fits or belongs to the beings indicated by personal pronouns. Choose the alternative in which
Mark 10.00 out the possessive pronouns correctly complete the sentence.
of 10.00
(Os pronomes possessivos são aqueles que fazem uma referência às pessoas do discurso indicando uma relação
de posse. Eles indicam aquilo que cabe ou pertence aos seres indicados pelos pronomes pessoais. Escolha a
alternativa em que os pronomes possessivos completam corretamente a frase).

______ boss parked ______ car in the mall parking lot but now he doesn't know where ______.

Select one:
My, his, it is.

My, its, our.

Her, my, are.

Its, his; is.

Sua resposta está correta.

The correct answer is: My, his, it is.

Question 3 08:52 | Central de Atendimento
Expanding vocabulary is essential to gain proficiency in another language. In this module, you learned a few words
Tiago Oliveira Aguiar
Correct about firefighters,Sistemas
police and weapons. Based on this, read the following sentences, identify the terms learned in SAIR

Mark 10.00 out the module and evaluate the use of the verb “to be”. Then, mark grammatically correct alternatives with C and
of 10.00 incorrect ones with I.

(Expandir o vocabulário é essencial para adquirir proficiência em outro idioma. Neste módulo, você aprendeu
algumas palavras referentes a bombeiros, policiais e armas. Com base nisso, leia as frases a seguir, identifique os
termos aprendidos no módulo e avalie o uso do verbo “to be”. Em seguida, marque as alternativas
gramaticalmente corretas com C e as incorretas com I).

I  The thieves is exchanging shots with the police.

C  They are armed with pistols.

C  Are firefighters working every day?

C  The pistol is not loaded with ammunition.

Question 4 The verb “to be” can be used for people, animals and objects. It is necessary to use the correct form of the verb in
Correct accordance with the pronouns and nouns to which they refer. Fill in the blanks with the verb "to be" conjugated
Mark 10.00 out correctly.
of 10.00
(O verbo “to be” pode ser usado para pessoas, animais e objetos. É preciso utilizar a forma correta do verbo em
conformidade com os pronomes e substantivos a que se referem. Preencha as lacunas com o verbo "to be"
conjugado corretamente).

a) That car is  (is / are) out of date.

b) The population is  (is / are) very nervous.

c) They are  (is / are) going home.

d) The commander is  (is / are) on vacation.

Question 5 The structure of sentences with the verb “to be” changes depending on whether they are in the affirmative,
Correct interrogative or negative mode. Complete the following sentences with the available and appropriate options of
Mark 10.00 out the verb “to be” according to the indicated mode of the sentence in parentheses.
of 10.00
(A estrutura das frases com o verbo “to be” mudam a depender de se estão no modo afirmativo, interrogativo ou
negativo. Complete as frases a seguir com a opção disponível e adequada do verbo “to be” de acordo com o
modo indicado da frase entre parênteses).

a) Is  (Is / Are) the president giving an interview? (interrogative)

b) My co-workers are  (is / are) busy. (afirmative)

c) I am not  ( is not / am not) working today. (negative)

d) (Is / Are) Are  you worried about the changes that will happen? (interrogative)

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