Discussions - Rizal

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Discussions - Rizal

(D#1) I want to know more about you, if you don't mind sharing some information so I
could understand you better. You can also think of something that would describe yourself.
Let me start;

- I am Jacinto Miguel Isla, currently residing in Pasig City. I would describe myself as a
person who is adaptable to changes. The shift to an online setup has taught me to view
the problems and challenges I encounter as an opportunity to learn and improve myself.
My expectation in this subject is to understand the significance of Rizal's principles and
beliefs in connection to current societal events.

(D#2) Together with the upload power point presentation and other learning references,
watch the video above and make a reflection paper with following guide questions:

1. What are the major events in Spain which led to a major change in political,
economy and social?
- Spain during the 19th century was unstable and full of unrest. Liberalism and absolutism
separated the country, which caused internal conflict. In 28 years, four constitutions were
adopted, 28 parliaments were elected, 529 ministers were installed, and political party
strife, revolutions, and political turmoil transpired. Political instability in Spain also
became detrimental to Philippine affairs since it resulted in continuous policy changes
and the corresponding attributes of colonial administration.

2. Cite some factors that developed nationalism among the Filipinos.

- Filipinos experienced countless injustices when it was colonized by the Spaniards. The
denial of human rights deprived the Filipinos of the freedom of speech and freedom of
association; Misadministration of Justice resulted in Justice being expensive and
often imprecise. Since they could not afford the costs of litigation, Filipinos were denied
access to the courts. The implementation of forced labor ended in the abandonment of
farmlands, and workers became separated from their families. Filipinos were not
compensated for their work, and they were deprived of their rice rations by Spanish
officials. Excessive abuse from authorities has caused the Filipinos to revolt and fight for
their freedom.

3. The Philippine in the 19th Century made Jose Rizal a hero, why?
- Rizal inspired many Filipinos; his writings Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
fuelled the Philippine revolution. Rizal gave us independence through virtue. Jose Rizal
became a national hero because he fought for freedom peacefully and effectively. Rather
than using violence or hostility, he communicated his devotion to the Philippines through
his books, essays, and writings. At the time, Rizal preferred to fight for improvements
with his works rather than by revolution. Instead of being confrontational, he used his
knowledge, abilities, and talents in a civilized manner. For Rizal, violence or armed
rebellion was only a last resort; he considered the restoration of the restoration of people's
dignity as a reason for attaining national independence.

1. Effect of the Spanish rule in Education and Cultural Formations
Compared to any other country, Spain has had the biggest influence. Years of occupation
saw the creation of the earliest colleges, universities, and professional institutions, some
of which date back to the 16th century. Spanish Catholic missionaries has also effectively
reshaped Filipino society and culture to conform to Hispanic norms by having the trades,
mannerisms, customs, language, and habits of the Spanish people taught to them.

2. Rizal’s perception on Education.

Rizal has always viewed education as one of the primary solutions to solve the issues
facing the Philippines. He supported public education that is unconstrained by politics
and religion. He believed that creating and implementing various reforms can be
challenging with the lack of proper education. Rizal also expressed that the fundamental
purpose of education is to shape the minds of citizens, Rizal also stated that education is
the only way to free the country from foreign rule. Rizal's concept of education is
consequently focused on providing the right incentive to support and instill in students an
inherent desire to develop their intellect.

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