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walkernaths. Step 2: Calculate the value of ¢ = horizontal distance between the f(x) axis and a maximum point on the function fix) = - faximujgint on the function Horizontal dltance = 5 sinc 5 Hs ie - An alternative value for ¢ Horizontal tance = 32 4 Maximum point on the function RS ae eats 3x 4 1 50 fx) = cos (x + 3) 1.4 2% Match the following graphs to the equations below. Hint for 1-4: Consider where the point (0, 1) on f(x) = cos x has moved to. 33 TRIGONOMETRY A fo) = cos e-3)-1 B f0)= cos x-58)-1 C fey= cose +1 D f= cos (x-F)+1 a walkernaths Write equations for the following functions 5 Avertical translation and vertical enlargement of f(x) = sin x which has a maximum value of 4 and a minimum value of -1 6 — Avertical translation and vertical enlargement of f(x) = cos x which has a maximum value of 2.4 and a minimum value of -8.2. : 2 Draw graphs of the following functions. 3n oe x3) 4 7 9) = cos e- 3) +06 i») ah rae < = | =n fe t * t an an 2 t 2 2 Ix f(x) = sin (x +22) -05 8B fi)=sin x +2) fi) 2 t = po =r oe si Se an 3 2 a PoToCoPING OF THSPMGES ESTRCTEDLNOER La, 18; 974017025738 3.3 TRIGONOMETRY Write equations for the following graphs. 9 This graph is a function of f(x) = sin x Hint: Consider where the point (0, 0) on f(x) = sin x has moved to. iy 10 This graph is a function of flx) = cos x Hint: Consider where the point (0, 1) on f(x) = cos x has moved to. &) 11 This graph is a function of f(x) = cos x. IS orecsTo42sr28 POTCCORYNG OF THIS NG ISRESTETED LAOER LAN 2» walkemaths. Enlargements * Enlargements can occur in a vertical or horizontal direction. + Remember, ‘enlargement’ is a general term, which may result in the curve being stretched or shrunk in one direction Vertical enlargements: f(x) = asin x or f(x) = acos x These cause stretching or shortening along the y or f(x) axis. They change the amplitude. You can enlarge a function along the y or f(x) axis by multiplying the entire function by a number (a) a> 1 =» function is stretched vertically ! 0 = function is'shortened horizontally = Notice that these -—— the opposite of b <1 function is stretched horizontally <> changes for verti enlargements. Exampl 5 1 {00 = sin 0.5x 0.5 = stretching along the Soares ‘The x values are doubled. 2 fx) = cos 3x '3 = shortening along the x-axis. | Bee The x values are divided by 3 , fi) = cos x \GONOMETRY Draw 1 fx) t 2n at 2 fx) =cos walkemaths. a eee 3 Combinations of enlargements Match the following g Hint for 1-5: Using f s to the equations below e the period and the amplitude in x as a basis, cor A fi) B f(x) =0.5sin 2x f(x) Df) =2sinx E f(x) = 2sin 2x u HOTOCOPNGOFTHS PENS RESTRETEDLNDERLAM. SB 9780170 walkernaths _ % tinue” + +E)” our ew ydei6 uso e s) siyy :oduiexa 97-2 +X)E SOrH"| = HY OS i poe = fouenbey = q i ‘Aouanboy 3y2'q puly :¢ dais 97-2 + X)q S0>p"L = (x)} OS 3 “GORSUNY Jo SnjeA WUNUITUTU— UORSUNy jo Onyen wuNUIKeUT 2 p-anjen apmydwe ay ‘e pul :z deis 9% - © +x)q sore = (x}} os mesg z UORSUNy JO SnjeA WuNUUTURL + UORDUNy jo enjen wINUUeUN -P YORDUNY a42 Jo sixe [eUOZOY aur ‘p pUly :| ders, ydei6 e woy uoenba ay} Bulpul4 4943260} 11 Bulan 33 TRIGONOMETRY 9°2-(2—xE wsP'L = C04 05 -yonoun ay) jo yujodpiws Bulseesour ysaieau ayy pue sxe (x)j ay) UBEeMeq eoUEISIP [eqUOZ}I04 => senino ous e sem sis! py ders 92 - (5 -x)¢ sony’ = (xy 05 “uoRoun) ayy jo WinME yseieaU ayy PU sixe (x)} ‘atp usemiag S2UeISIp [eLUOZOY = 2 05 ‘@AIND BUISOD e SI SI) “yiys jewozvoy a4 > pulp ders 97-2 + XIE SO>'L = Ox} OS Nz ut sappho jo sequinu ay uno 5 annewisiy € dais walkemath: ” ie = 3 z cE uber enn e+ & ~*)Z UIsg'L = (Xp :ojduiexg Le 51 SIU 104 >e, BETTI wospuny 21 jo ensues, eur sue —30e UISS"L = boy uonsuny aup Jo sixe jequozHoY ey} UO 9q snus eU sI4) :uORDURy eUIS uoRe|sueR jequozHOY oy) sjusseide!> :¢ dais uonsuny ‘94 Jo senjen win few Bj} 10} SAU] MEI ‘apnyyjdure 24 nok sje e -z dais uLsiyy medg, SL = OO ‘I UORDUN} By} Jo SIXE [eIUOZ}OY B47 B104"M NOK sijarp =| dais uonenba ue Woy ydei6 e Bumerg 3.3 TRIGONOMETRY uo aq ysnw yew 8d eU} 'UORDUN} BUISOD e 404 :230N) ‘ydei6 inoK erejduioa 01 syuiod pue sau eseyp esp) “Ana uuuls Jo sixe ay uo squiod ayy ueemeq squlod wnuyujw pue winWiIKeU yeu 101 ydeu6 auls e yo adeys ay) jo aBpaymouy snok asp) ()) ‘eseu) usemyaq Aenyjey spew Jojews eW, (e) poued ‘yp jo sjeniarut ye anuad sip Jo apis ayye siulod EW q 1 = 3h ~ poued :6usmn poued axeinaje> ‘Rouenbeyy 247, NOf 51/23 q ‘9 dais g dais xy dais 39 walkemaths_ the followi 1 ‘Se Re q 2 ie 8 5 i 35 TRIGONOMETRY ae 2- OR OD Write equations for the following graphs. soe 5 This graph is a function of fx) = sin x. iy 6 This graph is a function of f(x) = cos x 7 This graph is a function of f(x) = sin x. 4 aie y t e \spw-oTos70125728 PHOTOOOPINGOFTHS PE RESTRCTED OER LAN a r Well rennet ea ES Draw graphs for the following equations. B fix) = 2cos 0.5(x- 4) +3 d= horizontal axis = a= amplitude = so maximum is at ________ and minimum is at ¢ = horizontal translation = ______, so ‘centre’ is at ( +——) frequency = __, so period fx) 9 fx) = OBsin 3x +-5)-2 d = horizontal axis = a= amplitude = ____, so maximum is at and minimum is at ¢ = horizontal translation = ___, so ‘centre’ is at (___, __) b = frequency = __ so period ie croc CFTHES GES RESTRCTED UNGER LAN, ote 780170457 33 TRIGONOMETRY 10. 0) = 14sin0.8%e-3%)-06 11 fp) = 35cos 50+ 2) +15 Ss o7e0270425728 MOTCCOPYNG OF TS LE ISRESTRETED UNDER LAN 4B walkemaths Using a graphics calculator to draw trigonometric graphs Example: Draw the graph of f(x) = 1.5sin 2(x - "3 Check that your calculator is set to = MENU radians. = GRAPH => EXE Graph Func t dual Screen => Shift, SET UP Simul “Graeh Backsround ee Sketch Line = Angle = F2Rad = EXE Go to Graph on the main menu. => EXE Yidde WAN MENU ZH peep eae RU areal Contes] aun ra Tor eer dy Enter the function. => 1.5sin(2(x - 0.75x))+3 = EXE => F6Draw _|Note the extra pair of brackets. Graph Func 44 VEINS View Window max 16.3 44159265 seal aot yinin maz roadie 0c. Isto Often you will get a graph with an unsuitable range and/or domain. ‘Also normal numbers on the x-axis are not as useful as radians. For this graph: = Shift F3 (V-window) 1 VV Change the scale to x. EXE 2 VChange the Ymin to -1. EXE 3 Change the Ymax to 5. EXE Note: You could also change the scale to 0.5 m, 0,333 x, ete. EXE => F6 Draw 4 This is a useful check for when you need to draw a function, but there are no gridlines, so its use at this stage is limited

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