A1 - Event Briefer-HackforGov 2024 Region 3

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HACKFORGOV 2024 Region 3

“Today’s Generation, Tomorrow’s Champion: Shaping the Future of Cybersecurity through

Shared Responsibility”

Event Briefer
Table of Contents

I. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
A. Rationale .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
B. Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
II. TARGET VENUE AND PARTICIPANTS ....................................................................................................... 4
A. Venue ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Participants ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
III. JOINING PROCESS ........................................................................................................................................... 5
A. Team Composition ......................................................................................................................................... 5
B. Submission of Letter of Intent ....................................................................................................................... 5
C. Submission of Curriculum Vitae (CV) ......................................................................................................... 5
D. Upload Documents ........................................................................................................................................ 5
E. Waiver for Minor Participants ....................................................................................................................... 5
F. School Representation .................................................................................................................................... 6
IV. EVENT INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................. 6
A. Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 6
B. Methodology .................................................................................................................................................... 6
V. DRILL EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK ....................................................................................................... 7
VI. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) .............................................................................................. 7


A. Rationale
As stipulated in Section 5 of the 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Department
of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Act of 2015 (RA 10844), the department
is mandated “to facilitate international cooperation on intelligence, investigations, training and
capacity building related to cybercrime prevention, suppression, and prosecution.”

In order to effectively perform this function, the NCERT works closely with regional offices to
conduct various capacity-building activities. These activities aim to enhance the overall
cybersecurity posture of the country and to improve the skills and knowledge of individuals,
organizations and government agencies in the field of cybersecurity. This includes training,
workshops, and awareness campaigns on the latest security trends and best practices.

One of which is the conduct of the HackforGov Capture-the-Flag (CTF) Competition. It is an annual
nationwide cybersecurity competition organized by the Cybersecurity Bureau - Philippine
National Computer Emergency Response Team (NCERT/ CERT-PH). It is designed to raise the
level of awareness among students on the importance of cybersecurity and provide them with
hands-on experience in the techniques used in the virtual world.

HackforGov was initially introduced in 2019 but was temporarily halted due to the COVID-19
pandemic. It resumed in 2023, enabling winners to represent the Philippines at prestigious
international events such as the ASEAN - Japan Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre (AJCCBC)
Cyber Sea Games in Bangkok, Thailand, and the 1st ASEAN CyberShield (ACS) Hacking Contest
(ACS CON) in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The competition serves as a platform for participants to showcase their expertise in identifying and
mitigating cybersecurity threats, as well as to exchange knowledge and best practices in
cybersecurity defense. It features a series of challenges and scenarios designed to simulate real-
world cyber threats, covering various categories such as network security, web security,
cryptography, and incident response.

B. Objectives

The primary objective of HackForGov 2024 is to cultivate a generation of cybersecurity champions

among today's students. Grounded in the theme "Today’s Generation, Tomorrow’s Champion: Shaping
the Future of Cybersecurity through Shared Responsibility," the competition seeks to go beyond
traditional educational approaches. Participants will engage in a hands-on and immersive
experience through the Capture the Flag competition, where they'll grapple with real-world
cybersecurity challenges.

The emphasis on shared responsibility underscores the collaborative nature required to effectively
combat the intricate landscape of cyber threats. By working collectively and fostering a culture of
cooperation, participants will not only enhance their technical skills but also cultivate a mindset of
responsibility and ethical behavior in the digital realm.

HackForGov aims to provide a platform for students to develop the necessary skills, knowledge,
and ethical values essential in addressing the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats. The
competition is designed to inspire a sense of leadership and innovation, encouraging participants
to envision themselves as future leaders in the field of cybersecurity.

Ultimately, the objective is to equip participants with the tools and mindset required to shape the
future of cybersecurity. Through this immersive experience, students will emerge as not just skilled
professionals but as ethical leaders who understand the importance of shared responsibility in
safeguarding the digital world. The competition aims to leave a lasting impact, motivating
participants to contribute actively to the resilience and integrity of cybersecurity ecosystems.


A. Venue

The venue for HackForGov Kickoff is located within Manila, providing convenient access for
participants primarily from the National Capital Region (NCR). This central location allows
students from various colleges and universities in the metro area to easily join the competition
without significant travel constraints.

Meanwhile, venues for regional qualifiers will be strategically determined based on factors such as
geographic accessibility and the distribution of participating teams across different regions. The
goal is to ensure equitable opportunities for students from various parts of the country to engage
in the competition. By strategically selecting regional venues, we aim to minimize travel burdens
for participants while fostering a broad and inclusive participation across diverse regions.

The HackForGov 2024 for Region 3 will be hosted by the DICT Zambales Provincial Office and will
take place within the province of Zambales. The first HackForGov event for the region was held in
Tarlac Province in 2019, followed by Pampanga Province in 2023. The hosting and location of the
HackForGov event in Region 3 will be chosen on a rotational basis from the seven provinces of
Central Luzon. This means that the host province will change every year.

B. Participants

HackForGov welcomes participation from all enrolled college and university students, irrespective
of their chosen educational path or program, as long as they are 29 years old or below 29 years old
this 2024. This inclusive approach ensures that students from diverse academic backgrounds and
disciplines can showcase their cybersecurity skills and contribute to the event's vibrant

Additionally, senior high school students are encouraged to participate, recognizing the
importance of nurturing interest and talent in cybersecurity from an early age. Their involvement
adds diversity and fresh perspectives to the competition, enriching the overall experience for all

To maintain fairness and ensure a level playing field, students pursuing master's and doctoral
degrees will not be eligible to participate. This decision aims to prioritize the engagement of
undergraduate students and aligns with the competition's objective of developing the next
generation of cybersecurity professionals.


A. Team Composition
● Teams must consist of four members.
● Teams can be a mix of tertiary and senior high school students.
● All members must be from the same school. If not, kindly choose a school to represent.

B. Submission of Letter of Intent

● Prepare a Letter of Intent signed by all team members and a school representative (e.g.,
department head, chairperson, or director).
● The Letter of Intent should express your team's interest in participating in HackForGov

C. Submission of Curriculum Vitae (CV)

● Each team member must submit an updated Curriculum Vitae highlighting relevant skills
and experiences.

D. Upload Documents
● All documents, including the Letter of Intent and individual CVs, must be uploaded
through the provided registration link.

E. Waiver for Minor Participants

● In the case of a participant being a minor, a waiver must be submitted. This waiver should
be signed by a legal guardian or parent.

F. School Representation

● Schools are allowed to send a maximum of three (3) teams to participate in the event.

After completing the above steps, CERT-PH will review all submissions and release the final list of
qualified teams/students who will compete at the HackForGov. Successful teams will be notified
via email with further instructions.


A. Requirements
a. There will be 10 challenges for every qualifier which will vary from various categories such as
forensics, cryptography, steganography, web, and misc
b. Challenges contain a flag in the format of “flag {.....}”to be submitted to the system in order to
receive points. Points given vary depending on the difficulty of the challenge.
c. Teams will aim to complete as many challenges as they can to gain the most points
d. Only the top scoring team in each region will have a chance to proceed to the finals.
e. Please note that achieving the highest ranking during the qualifying rounds does not
necessarily guarantee a spot in the finals as only those who have met the minimum score will
advance to the final round to be held later this year.

Activity Requirements
a. For the competition proper, 1 laptop per member is encouraged for each team.
b. Recommended laptop specifications
> Processor: 4.5 Ghz
> RAM: 8 Gb
> Has internet connectivity / internet-ready
c. The activity will be held in-person/ face-to-face in the identified venue/ locations.

B. Methodology
Participants will engage in various in-person interactive challenges which will vary from categories
such as forensics, cryptography, steganography, web, and misc. This is a capture-the-flag
competition with the goal to immerse students in the realities of cyberspace. With the use of their
laptops/ devices and collaborative skills, the capture the flag competition is a computer security
exercise in which "flags" are secretly hidden in purposefully-vulnerable programs or websites.

CTF competitions simulate real-world scenarios in a gamified platform. The participants are
expected to apply and exercise their incident handling, response, and reporting capabilities
through the CTF format. They will carry out research, investigation, and analysis of the provided
evidence and simulation-based scenarios. This includes determining Indicators-of-Compromise
(IOCs), investigating using analysis tools, performing remediation through enhancement of
security controls, and preparation of incident reports.

*Important Notes
● Participants are expected to complete the exercises. This will require them to exercise various skills
necessary when responding to and investigating a cyber incident.

● All instructions and guidelines shall come from the Rules of Engagement to be provided beforehand
and discussed by the CERT-PH during the preliminary program.


● All participants are kindly requested to complete the CERT-PH Feedback Form, which will
play a crucial role in enhancing future events and activities.
● The form will be distributed before the conclusion of the event.
● Only participants who have submitted both the attendance and feedback forms will be eligible
to receive a certificate of completion or participation for the event.


1. What is HackForGov?
● HackForGov is an innovative Capture the Flag (CTF) competition designed for students,
providing a platform to showcase their cybersecurity skills in a challenging and
collaborative environment.

2. Who can participate in HackForGov?

● The competition is open to students interested in cybersecurity. Whether you're a beginner
or an experienced enthusiast, all students are welcome to participate as long as you are
under 29 years of age. Minors are allowed to join as long as a signed waiver will be

3. Is the event exclusive only for students enrolled at universities & colleges in Region 3?
● Yes, the participants for this particular event are composed of students currently enrolled
at the universities and colleges in Region 3. A series of separate qualifying rounds for all
the regions across the country will be conducted to ensure the participation of other
students/schools in the succeeding regions.

4. How do I register for the event?

● To register for HackForGov 2024 Region 3, visit our official registration link
https://bit.ly/h4g2024r3-reg and follow the registration instructions. Make sure to provide
accurate information to ensure smooth participation.

5. What is the format of the competition?

● HackForGov follows a Capture the Flag (CTF) format, where participants solve a series of
cybersecurity challenges to obtain "flags" and score points. Challenges cover various
aspects of cybersecurity, testing participants' skills in different domains.

6. Is there any registration fee for the event?

● No, participation in HackForGov is free of charge. We encourage students to take
advantage of this opportunity to enhance their cybersecurity skills.

7. What are the technical requirements for participation?
● To ensure a smooth and seamless experience during the competition, participants are
required to bring their own laptops equipped with the necessary cyber/security tools and
software. We recommend the following laptop specifications:
○ Processor: Minimum 4.5 GHz
○ RAM: Minimum 8 GB
○ Ethernet port for stable connectivity
○ Internet-ready with Wi-Fi capability

8. Do we need a team to accomplish the activity?

● Yes, the whole activity will require teamwork. Each team must consist of four (4) members.

9. How are the winners determined?

● Winners are determined based on the cumulative points earned through successfully
solving challenges. The top-performing teams will advance to the finals while top-
performing individuals may have a chance to move forward as part of a wildcard team.

10. What are the perks for the winning team?

● Represent your Region/School in the HackForGov Finals that will be held in Metro Manila
● Chance to join and bear the Philippine flag on the international Capture the Flag stage
● Plaque of Recognition for the four members of the winning team
● Certificate of Recognition for the school of the winning team

11. Can we allow non-registered participants to join the event?

● No, we will not accommodate additional participants past the registration deadline as this
may disrupt the event flow.

12. Is it possible to change members due to last minute adjustments?

● Registered team names cannot be changed but teams can change members as long as they
belong to the same school. Replacements are still subject to the screening process.

13. Is it allowed to bring mentors/ coaches/ guardians during the event?

● Yes, as long as the schools/ or their mentors/ coaches/ guardians, will cover their own
logistics and meals. Only registered participants will be covered during the activity.

14. Will teams that didn't make it to the finals still have a chance to participate in the final event?
● Yes. Although teamwork and cooperation are highly encouraged, it's crucial to understand
that individual scores will determine the selection of wildcard participants if your team
doesn't advance to the finals. Therefore, if you manage to attain the highest individual
points, there's still an opportunity for your team to progress to the finals. However, it's
important to note that only one or two members may be chosen as wildcard participants
in some cases.

15. What if I encounter technical issues during the competition?

● Technical support will be available throughout the event to assist participants with any
issues they may encounter. Detailed instructions for seeking assistance will be provided
during the competition.

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