4 Types of Sentences Worksheet

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Activity: Sentence Transformation Challenge

1. Transform the sentence into the other three types while maintaining the original meaning.
2. Repeat the process for each new sentence.
Example: Original Sentence: "The scientist made a groundbreaking discovery."
 Declarative: "A groundbreaking discovery was made by the scientist."
 Interrogative: "Did the scientist make a groundbreaking discovery?"
 Imperative: "Make a groundbreaking discovery, scientist!"
 Exclamatory: "What a groundbreaking discovery the scientist made!"

New Sentences for Transformation:

1. "The orchestra played a mesmerizing symphony."
2. "She completed the challenging puzzle in record time."
3. "Let's explore the undiscovered caves in the mountains."

New Sentences for Transformation:

1. "The orchestra played a mesmerizing symphony."
 Declarative: "A mesmerizing symphony was played by the orchestra."
 Interrogative: "Did the orchestra play a mesmerizing symphony?"
 Imperative: "Play a mesmerizing symphony, orchestra!"
 Exclamatory: "What a mesmerizing symphony the orchestra played!"
2. "She completed the challenging puzzle in record time."
 Declarative: "The challenging puzzle was completed by her in record time."
 Interrogative: "Did she complete the challenging puzzle in record time?"
 Imperative: "Complete the challenging puzzle in record time, her!"
 Exclamatory: "How she completed the challenging puzzle in record time!"
3. "Let's explore the undiscovered caves in the mountains."
 Declarative: "The undiscovered caves in the mountains are to be explored by us."
 Interrogative: "Should we explore the undiscovered caves in the mountains?"
 Imperative: "Explore the undiscovered caves in the mountains, let's!"
 Exclamatory: "What undiscovered caves in the mountains to explore!"

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