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Exercise Technique

The Exercise Technique Column provides detailed

explanations of proper exercise technique to optimize
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performance and safety.


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The Pull-up
Peter Ronai, MS, RCEP, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D and Eric Scibek, MS, ATC, CSCS
Department of Physical Therapy and Movement Sciences, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT

ABSTRACT major, posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, used to test upper-body strength and
latissimus dorsi, teres major, subsca- endurance in children, adolescents,
pularis, biceps brachii, brachialis, bra- and men and women attending the
chioradialis, flexor carpi radialis, flexor U.S. military service academies (9).
INCREASE SHOULDER GIRDLE carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, flexor
STABILITY, UPPER-BODY MUSCU- digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum STARTING POSITION
LAR PULLING STRENGTH, AND superficialis, and flexor pollicis longus, Subjects grasp an overhead horizontal
PERFORMANCE OF ACTIVITES external oblique, and erector spinae bar with a slightly wider than shoulder
REQUIRING HIGH LEVELS OF REL- act statically (1,2,4,7–9). width, pronated (palms away) handgrip
ATIVE STRENGTH. THIS EXERCISE  Ascending portion of the pull-up: All while hanging vertically (with feet just
AND ITS VARIATIONS CAN BE muscles previously described during above the ground). Static contractions
PROGRESSED, REGRESSED, AND the start position section act concen- of muscles described in the previous
PERFORMED THROUGHOUT A trically during the ascending phase (muscles involved) section facilitate the
TRAINING YEAR. THIS COLUMN (1,2,4,7–9). shoulder girdle’s stability with the scap-
PROVIDES A DETAILED DESCRIP-  Descending portion of the pull-up: ula in a relative position of elevation,
TION AND FIGURES OF THE All muscles previously described in abduction, and upward rotation and
PROPER EXERCISE TECHNIQUE the start position and ascending the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint in
FOR A PULL-UP. phase sections act eccentrically dur- a position of relative abduction. The
ing the descending phase (1,2,4,7–9). elbow joint is in extension and the hand
and wrist are in flexion. The trunk main-
TYPE OF EXERCISE tains an upright neutral position between
he pull-up is a closed kinetic

BENEFITS OF THE EXERCISE flexion and extension (4) (Figure 1).
chain, multi-joint upper-body The pull-up is a closed kinetic chain
exercise that can improve an upper-body exercise that promotes ASCENDING PHASE
athlete’s shoulder girdle strength, sta- proximal stability of the shoulder gir- While maintaining a vertical trunk
bility, and ability to produce high dle, multiplanar motion, and multiple position, the scapulae are forcibly
forces during pulling activities, such muscle cocontractions necessary to depressed, retracted, and rotated in
as (but not limited to) rope climbing, perform activities like climbing ropes a downward position by concentric ac-
rock climbing, gymnastics, rowing, and and poles, swimming, rowing/paddling, tions of the rhomboids, middle and
swimming (3,5). gymnastics, pole vaulting, and wres- lower trapezius, and pectoralis minor.
tling. Pull-ups have traditionally been The glenohumeral (shoulder) joint is
MUSCLES USED used as a physical fitness testing tool adducted by concentric actions of the
 Initial static stability in the start posi- with persons who engage in activities pectoralis major, infraspinatus, posterior
tion: middle trapezius, lower trapezius, requiring a large upper-body strength- deltoid, teres major, subscapularis, and
rhomboids, pectoralis minor, pectoralis to-body mass ratio. They have been latissimus dorsi. The elbow, wrist/hand

88 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2014 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
joints are flexed by concentric actions help to prevent excessive scapular
of muscles discussed in the previous (shoulder girdle) elevation, glenohumeral
(muscles used/ascending portion) sec- (shoulder) flexion, elbow extension and
tion. The body is pulled upright in a lin- trunk flexion, and/or extension. Perform-
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ear path until the underside of the chin ers are verbally cued to “stay straight,”
is level with or above the top surface of “avoid dropping,” and “lower gently” dur-
the horizontal bar (4,6,7,9). The per- ing descending phase of the pull-up (4,6).
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former is encouraged to avoid all swing-

ing, kicking, and twisting motions and VARIATIONS
to pause momentarily to allow the chin Pull-ups can be performed with a supi-
to pass over the top of the horizontal nated (chin-up) (Figure 3) forearm
bar. Performers are verbally cued to position to enhance biceps brachii acti-
“Keep the chest high,” “squeeze the vation and are generally considered
shoulder blades down, back, and in,” easier for novices to perform than the
and to “pull the arms and elbows down pronated grip variation. In addition, a
toward the hips and in toward the ribs.” midprone or neutral forearm grip can
Maximal work and repetitions can be be used (1,4–9).
performed by maintaining a smooth
and steady, controlled, and self- Two additional exercise techniques
selected speed during the ascending that can help novices develop the req-
phase of the pull-up (6) (Figure 2). uisite strength to eventually perform
full pull-ups include “elastic exercise Figure 3. The supinated/chin-up grip
band–assisted vertical pull-ups” (Figure 4) variation.
DESCENDING PHASE and “pull-ups from the seated position”
While maintaining shoulder girdle and (Figure 5A and 5B). Using only the
glenohumeral (shoulder) joint fixation eccentric (or descending) portion of middle of the horizontal pull-up bar
and stabilization, the performer lowers the movement pattern can also be use- while the other end is placed under
the entire body to the original starting/ ful for novice trainees to initially the performer’s feet.
static hanging position. Eccentric ac- increase strength to the required levels From a full hanging position, the per-
tions of muscles discussed in the previ- to perform the pull-up exercise (5). former executes the pull-up in a similar
ous section (muscles used/descending Elastic exercise band pull-ups are per- manner as that described for an unas-
portion) help the body to follow a line- formed by attaching one end of the sisted pull-up in the previous “ascending
ar and controlled downward path and elastic exercise band loop over the phase” section. Exercise band thickness

Figure 1. Starting position of the pull- Figure 2. Ascending phase of the pull- Figure 4. Assisted pull-up with elastic
up exercise. up exercise. resistance bands.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 89

Exercise Technique

1. Antinori F, Felici F, Figura F, Marchetti M, and
Ricci B. Joint moments and work during pull-
ups. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 28:
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132–137, 1988.
2. Chandler T, Ware JS, and Mayhew JL.
Relationship of lat-pull repetitions and
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pull-ups to 1-RM lat-pull strength in male

athletes. J Hum Mov Stud 41: 25–37, 2001.
3. Ellenbecker TS and Davies GT. Closed
Kinetic Chain Exercise: A Comprehensive
Guide to Multiple-joint Exercise.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2001. 1–5:
4. Floyd RT. Structural Kinesiology. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill, 2012. pp. 208–209, 217.
Figure 5. (A) Seated pull-up starting position. (B) Seated pull-up ascending position.
5. Harman EA, Gutekunst DJ, Frykman PN,
Nindl BC, Alemany JA, Mello RP, and
Sharp MA. Effects of two different
determines the amount of assistance pro- PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS eight-week training programs on military
vided during an exercise band pull-up. Performers can increase their muscu- physical performance. J Strength Cond Res
lar strength, muscular endurance, and 22: 524–534, 2010.
Pull-ups from the seated position
require the performer to pull the chin ability to perform more pull-up 6. LaChance PF and Hortobagyi T. Influence of

over a horizontal bar while raising the repetitions by combining sets of full cadence on muscular performance during
body weight pull-ups with sets of push-up and pull-up exercise. J Strength
weight of the trunk upward in a linear Cond Res 8: 76–79, 1994.
path from a seated position. The per- assisted pull-ups. In addition, full
body weight pull-ups can be made 7. Ricci B, Figura F, Felici F, and Marchetti M.
former grasps a horizontal bar placed Comparison of male and female functional
just beyond arm’s reach height and sits more challenging by adding weight
capacity in pull-ups. J Sports Med Phys
with the trunk perpendicular to the (weight belts, vests, etc.) to the per-
Fitness 28: 168–175, 1988.
former (2,5).
floor with the hips flexed, knees 8. Signorile JF, Zink AJ, and Szwed SP. A
extended, and heels resting on top of Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: comparative electromyographical
either a training box or portable train- The authors report no conflicts of interest investigation of muscle utilization patterns
ing bench. The feet can provide as and no source of funding. using various hand positions during the
much or little assistance to the per- lat-pull-down. J Strength Cond Res 16:
539–546, 2002.
former as necessary while he/she at- Peter Ronai is an associate clinical
tempts to raise the chin above the professor in the exercise science Depart- 9. Youdas JW, Amundson CL, Cicero KS,
ment at Sacred Heart University. Hahn JJ, Harezlak DT, and Hollman JH.
horizontal bar during the ascending
Surface electromyographic activation
phase. The seated pull-up can be per- patterns and elbow motion during a pull-up,
formed on either an adjustable Smith Eric Scibek is a clinical assistant pro- chin-up, or perfect pull-upÔ rotational
Machine or weightlifting bar placed in fessor of exercise science at Sacred Heart exercise. J Strength Cond Res 24:
adjustable power racks. University. 3404–3414, 2010.

90 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2014

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