AP Chemistry Unit 1 Review

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Detailed Class Note 1: Atomic Structure and Properties

1. Atomic Theory
 Dalton's Model: Solid spheres, indivisible. Introduced the idea that
atoms of the same element are identical.
 Thomson's Model: Plum pudding model, discovered electrons as
negatively charged particles embedded in a positive "soup."
 Rutherford's Model: Nuclear model based on the gold foil experiment,
proposed a dense, positively charged nucleus.
 Bohr's Model: Electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed paths or shells
without losing energy.
 Quantum Mechanical Model: Electrons are in orbitals, probability
distributions rather than defined paths.
2. Periodic Trends
 Atomic Radius: Decreases across a period due to increased effective
nuclear charge; increases down a group as electron shells are added.
 Ionization Energy: The energy required to remove an electron.
Increases across a period and decreases down a group.
 Electron Affinity: The energy change when an electron is added.
Generally becomes more negative across a period.
 Electronegativity: Ability of an atom in a molecule to attract shared
electrons. Increases across a period and decreases down a group.
3. Types of Chemical Bonds
 Ionic Bonds: Formed when one atom donates an electron to another,
typically between metals and nonmetals (e.g., NaCl).
 Covalent Bonds: Shared pairs of electrons between atoms, typically
between nonmetals (e.g., H2O, CO2).
 Metallic Bonds: Delocalized electrons shared among a lattice of metal
atoms, giving rise to properties like conductivity and malleability.
 Bond Polarity: Determined by the difference in electronegativity; polar
bonds have unequal sharing of electrons (e.g., HCl).
4. Practice Problems
 Write the electron configuration for sulfur (S).
 Predict the bond type and molecular structure of NH3.
 Explain why atomic size increases down Group 1 (alkali metals).

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