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The question of whether companies should be allowed to test products like

medicine or beauty items on animals is a complex ethical issue that involves balancing
scientific progress, human health, and animal welfare. On one hand, proponents argue
that animal testing is necessary for ensuring the safety and efficacy of products before
they are released to the market. They argue that without animal testing, it would be
difficult to assess the potential risks and benefits of new drugs or cosmetic products
accurately. Additionally, they suggest that advancements in medical science, such as
vaccines and treatments for diseases, have been made possible through animal research.
On the other hand, opponents of animal testing argue that it is inherently cruel and
unethical to subject sentient beings to pain and suffering for the sake of human
convenience or profit. They point out that animals used in experiments often endure
significant distress and may experience physical and psychological harm. Furthermore,
they argue that the results of animal tests may not always accurately predict human
responses, leading to potential risks for human health. In my opinion, while I
acknowledge the importance of ensuring product safety, I believe that alternatives to
animal testing should be prioritized and promoted. With advancements in technology and
scientific methods, there are now many alternatives available, such as computer
modeling, in vitro testing, and human tissue models, which can provide valuable data
without harming animals. By investing in and adopting these alternative methods, we can
uphold both human safety and animal welfare, ultimately leading to more ethical and
effective scientific practices.
Topic: (Biology) Should companies be allowed to test new products such as medicine or
beauty products on animals ? Why or Why not?

Topic sentence:
The question of whether companies should be allowed to test products like medicine or
beauty items on animals is a complex ethical issue that involves balancing scientific
progress, human health, and animal welfare.
Supporting Sentence:
- On one hand, , proponents argue that animal testing is necessary for ensuring the
safety and efficacy of products before they are released to the market.
- On the other hand, opponents of animal testing argue that it is inherently cruel and
unethical to subject sentient beings to pain and suffering for the sake of human
convenience or profit.
- In my opinion, while I acknowledge the importance of ensuring product safety, I
believe that alternatives to animal testing should be prioritized and promoted.
Concluding sentence:
By investing in and adopting these alternative methods, we can uphold both human safety
and animal welfare, ultimately leading to more ethical and effective scientific practices.

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