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1. Listen to the audio and answer the following questions. Use complete answers. (1. Point)
 Who is having a party?

R// Sarah is having a party.

 What is Sarah wearing?

R// Sarah is wearing a skirt green.

 What activities are people doing in the party?

R// Sarah's friends are listening to music, dancing, talking and sitting on the couch
watching television.

 What is Rachel doing?

R// Rachel is dancing with Peter jazz music.

 What are people doing in the backyard?

R// Malika fallsing into the backyard pool and everyone is having a great time.

2. This is an example of a comic. You have to design a comic and describe the actions that
are happening at your story. Use capital letters, connectors, and pay attention to the use of
the present progressive tense and the spelling. (4. Point)

 Design at least 6 scenes at your comic.

 Write what people are doing, at least 8 ideas in present progressive tense.
 Give enough details by using correct connectors.
 Use punctuation marks.
 Your story must have between 80 and 100 words.
Family activities
Without leaving home

Today is a beautiful Sunday and Alexa is with her boyfriend Juan and her mother Yuliza at home,
Alexa and Yuliza are sleeping. Alexa and her boyfriend enjoy doing housework, like sweeping and
mopping. They love to talk and tell stories, they enjoy exercising together, putting on masks,
sleeping, making dinnering, and having coffee for a romantic evening at home, after a long day of

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