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For 25 years pizza makers in Naples have been trying to get their product protected, and now

it is, being granted a TSG, or Traditional Speciality Guaranteed label by the EU. The head of the
pizza maker’s association said the trademark was a great honour. The EU’s agriculture
commissioner said Neapolitan pizza was now part of Europe’s food heritage.

Há 25 anos, os fabricantes de pizza em Nápoles tentam proteger seus produtos, e agora

estão recebendo um rótulo TSG, ou tradicional especialidade garantida pela UE. O chefe da
associação dos pizzaiolos disse que a marca registrada é uma grande honra. O comissário de
agricultura da UE disse que a pizza napolitana agora faz parte do patrimônio alimentar da

Its means that all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing are, in future, supposed to be
vetted by a special commission that will check standards. They include using only San Marzano
tomatoes and fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese.

Isso significa que todas as pizzarias que aspiram a fornecer a coisa real devem, no futuro, ser
examinadas por uma comissão especial que verificará os padrões. Eles incluem o uso apenas
de tomates San Marzano e queijo mussarela de búfala fresco.

The Italian farmers’ association says that half of Italy’s 25000 pizzerias currently use the wrong
ingredients, like East European cheese or Ukrainian flour.

A associação de agricultores italianos diz que metade das 25.000 pizzarias da Itália
atualmente usam os ingredientes errados, como queijo do leste europeu ou farinha

Italy now tops the EU chart for products that are protected. It was 180, more than Spain or
France. Protected status enables producers to not only boast about their exclusivity but also
charge a premium. And now pizza makers from Naples will get their slice of the action.

A Itália agora lidera o gráfico da UE para produtos protegidos. Foram 180, mais que Espanha
ou França. O status de proteção permite que os produtores não apenas se vangloriem de sua
exclusividade, mas também cobrem um prêmio. E agora os pizzaiolos de Nápoles terão sua
fatia da ação.

● The sentence. “ The head of the pizza makers’ association said the trademark was
great honour”. In the Direct Speech would be:

The head of the pizza maker’s association said: “The trademark was a great honour.”

The head of the pizza maker’s association said: “The trademark will be a great honour.”

The head of the pizza maker’s association said: “The trademark is a great honour.” ✅

The head of the pizza maker’s association said: “The trademark has been a great honour.”

The head of the pizza maker’s association said: “The trademark was been a great honour.”
● We may infer that for many years pizzerias in Italy ________________ the wrong

Are using


Will be using


Have been using✅

● According to the text , pizza makers:

Are dissatisfied with the EU’s decision

Had never wanted to get the pizza protection

Protested against the protection.

Had fought for the protection for a long time✅

Enthusiastically thanked the EU for the protection

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