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Jhon Robert D.



 Playing volleyball is considered as an excellent cardiovascular exercise and it
was proven by the players of volleyball. Playing volleyball improves the
stability of our heart, and being physically fit one must have a good
cardiovascular strength especially the players of volleyball game. Since
volleyball includes numerous actions like jumping, rotating, spiking, passing,
tossing, squatting etc. therefore it can have a direct impact to your
respiratory and cardiovascular strength. Engaging yourself in volleyball game
can help you boost up your heart rate that can help in the circulation of
more blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. It can also help you
in reducing your dull moments and keep you moving, you not just move but
you also give your body an enjoyment. Playing volleyball is really a great
help in maintaining yourself physically fit, and at the same time can reduce
your chances of having cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.
 Playing volleyball is a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength and
endurance training which can help us in reaching our goals to lose weight. As
what I have mentioned earlier, playing volleyball requires numerous motions
and those can help us in burning amount of calories and later lose weight.
And it was said that your calorie that you expend must be bigger than what
you intake so, when you keep yourself physically active and with regular
exercises the greater the chances that you can lose weight. Therefore the
more time and rigid your engagement in volleyball game the more amount
of calories you can burn which can help you in maintaining the equilibrium
between the amount of your fats and muscles. Data also supported this fact
that playing volleyball can help us in losing weight.
 Playing volleyball involves the whole body to function and therefore
increases your endurance levels in order for your body to be able to play for
a longer period of time. Enhancing energy levels is the end up of all the
benefits of playing volleyball. Exercises and playing volleyball can increase the
level of your energy by also escalating the circulation of your blood and
strengthening our heart. Your energy is a must in playing volleyball and
when your energy increases your performance as well together with your
wellbeing and the optimal state of your health. Staying physically active can
help your body in sending more oxygen and nutrients to your tissues that
can make you feel energetic.

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