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DieL Soda Found Lo Cause PremaLure 8irLh, SLudy

(NaturalNews) A new research study, which included nearly 60,000 pregnant women in Denmark,
found that those who drink artificially sweetened beverages (carbonated or not) were more likely to
have a premature birth. The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The researchers found that one serving per day of artificially sweetened, carbonated drinks were
38% more likely to give birth before 37 weeks of gestation (1.38 AOR). Those who consumed four
servings of these drinks were 78% more likely to have a premature delivery (1.78 AOR).

Dr. Shelly McGuire, a spokesman for the American Society of Nutrition, was quoted as saying
"Certainly, until more experimental work is done, this study suggests that pregnant women should
steer clear of artificially sweetened drinks."

Maybe the words "pregnant women" could be replaced with "everyone" in that statement?

According to a whole host of experts, it should be so. Soft drinks in general, in fact, should be
avoided according to health practitioners and authors Michael Murray, Joseph Pizzorno, James
Duke, Marion Nestle; to name a few.

The abstract for this latest study by Dr. Thornallur Haldorsson, principal author, says that soft drinks
in general are suspected of many adverse health effects:

"Sugar-sweetened soft drinks have been linked to a number of adverse health outcomes such as
high weight gain. Therefore, artificially sweetened soft drinks are often promoted as an alternative.
However, the safety of artificial sweeteners has been disputed, and consequences of high intakes of
artificial sweeteners for pregnant women have been minimally addressed."

Results in the study were cross-referenced with women who consumed sugar-sweetened soft
drinks. t was found that the possible causative was clearly the artificial sweeteners, rather than the
soda or other ingredients. Both carbonated and non-carbonated drinks were included as well with
the same result.

The actual physical change that causes the rise in premature birth rates is not known, according to
the study's authors. Artificial sweeteners have been connected to a host of adverse health effects, so
it's likely that doctors could just take their pick here.
The study did point out that most of the
premature births were due to medical induction rather than spontaneous delivery and removing data
from women diagnosed with preeclampsia also had little effect on the odds for premature delivery
and sweetener intake. With all of the other things eliminated as suspects by the authors, it's clear
that the artificial sweeteners are changing a fundamental aspect of pregnancy that is usually not

This could include hormone production, muscular or cellular function, or another chemical
interaction. Aspartame, for instance, breaks down into three major chemicals: aspartic acid,
phenylalanine, and methanol. Methanol oxidizes into formaldehyde and then formic acid, both of
which are toxic. These can accumulate in the body and have been linked to premature birth in
primate studies.

So, from kidney function loss to cancer to premature birth, these sweeteners sure do have a lot
going for them.

Clinical Lrials underscore Lhe meriLs o ginger or
gesLaLional nausea and vomiLing

(naLuralnews) nausea and vomlLlng or mornlng slckness ls a very common compllcaLlon of pregnancy
affecLlng over 70 of pregnanL women Mornlng slckness sLarLs early and Lends Lo perslsL Lhrough Lhe
1416Lh week of pregnancy Whlle Lhere are many Lheorles of whaL causes mornlng slckness Lhe
LreaLmenLs are well esLabllshed and generally effecLlve Surprlslngly one of Lhe LreaLmenL opLlons ls
glnger Cllnlcal Lrlals have proven LhaL Lhe merlLs of glnger go far beyond Lhelr anecdoLal repuLaLlon and
should recelve more wldespread recognlLlon and use as an effecLlve and safe LreaLmenL for mornlng

8orelll eL al conducLed a sysLemaLlc llLeraLure search of doublebllnd randomlzed conLrolled sLudles
(8C1s) LhaL LesLed Lhe efflcacy of glnger and publlshed Lhelr resulLs ln Lhe [ournal CbsLeLrlcs Cynecology

1helr analysls whlch lncluded slx 8C1s and one prospecLlve cohorL sLudy showed LhaL glnger was more
effecLlve Lhan a placebo and as effecLlve as Lhe sLandard drug ln Lhe gesLaLlonal LreaLmenL of nausea
and vomlLlng WhaL ls more when safeLy was assessed Lhe sub[ecLs Laklng glnger were absenL of
slgnlflcanL slde effecLs and adverse pregnancy ouLcomes

1he daLa on glnger ls promlslng and should be sLrongly consldered for unlversal use WhaL ls more
proper dosages and dosage forms need Lo be esLabllshed for pregnanL women slnce Lhe cllnlcal Lrlals
have used varylng doses and dosage forms (le powder and alcohollc exLracLs)

neverLheless aL lowdoses glnger seems Lo be exLremely safe for all pregnanL women and does noL
carry Lhe rlsk of causlng malformaLlons of Lhe developlng embryo when compared Lo Lhe oLher fronLllne
agenLs Clven Lhe hlgh prevalence of nausea and vomlLlng durlng pregnancy and Lhe poLenLlal dangers
of anLlemeLlc drugs pregnanL women should sLrongly conslder uslng Lhls Llme (and cllnlcally) LesLed
anclenL rooL


Clnger ls a very nuLrlLlous food LhaL beneflLs Lhe enLlre body and can be Laken every day lor Lhe
beglnner sLarL by graLlng a Lhumb slze plece of glnger and Lhen sLeep lnLo hoL waLer for abouL 30
mlnuLes Cr Lhe beglnner can [ulce Lhe Lhumb slze plece of glnger and Lhen add Lhe [ulce lnLo a cup of
hoL waLer Slowly lncrease Lhe dose of glnger Lo deslred effecL or Lolerance (whlchever comes flrsL) lor
lnsLance drlnk Lhe glnger Lea Lwlce a day Lhen Lhree Llmes a day eLc and Lhen sLarL Lo lncrease Lhe
amounL of glnger Lo hoL waLer

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