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Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona


KIN 1530A.03 (35419) – Kickboxing
Syllabus – SPRING 2024
Class Time & Location
Class Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00pm to 1:50pm. PST.
Location: Building 43, Room 128

Instructor Information
Name: Mark Gonzales (You can call me Mark or MJ)
Office Location: Building 41 (Darlene May Gymnasium), Room 22
Office Hours: Thursdays 2:00pm-3:00pm PST (via in person and on Zoom)
• Zoom Meeting Link:
• Zoom Meeting ID: 859 2510 9258
• Zoom Passcode: 832309
• Please contact me via email to book an appointment for office hours to prevent overlap with
other students.
Responding to student emails - I will do my best to respond to emails sent during the week within 48
hours. All emails sent after Friday at 5:00 p.m. PST will be answered on Monday.

Course Information
Catalog Description
Instruction and performance of cardiovascular activities utilizing various moves from martial arts, boxing
and kickboxing. The main goal of the class is cardiovascular fitness. Variable levels of intensity are
included. May be taken unlimited times.

No prerequisites

Disclaimer #1
This class is a college class where you earn college credit. It is more than just a workout class, there will
be assignments due throughout the semester. Please be prepared to workout and learn. (Adopted from
Carlton, 2021)

Disclaimer #2
This class focuses primarily on kickboxing for fitness and learning the different types of punches and
kicks. We will NOT be free sparring in this class. (Carlton & Gonzales, 2024)
Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Course Learning Objectives

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate cardiovascular fitness to sustain a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise

• Demonstrate punching and kicking skills used in kickboxing in a safe and effective manner.
• Demonstrate the ability to adjust exercise intensity to individual appropriate levels.
• Identify and describe the five components of fitness and specificity of exercise.
• Describe nutrition for fitness and weight control.
• Identify popular myths associated with fitness and health.

Course Materials
Required Text
• No textbook required.

Required Materials
• All course materials (readings, videos, etc.) will be posted on our canvas course site.
• Submittance of completed Release of Liability Form and PAR-Q Form
o You cannot participate until both forms are completed and submitted.
• Reusable water bottle – Stay hydrated!

Required Attire
• Athletic attire (top and bottom)
o No jeans, no short dresses.
• Closed-toed shoes.
o No Crocs (even in sport-mode)

Optional Materials
• Boxing hand wraps
• Boxing gloves

Course Assignments
Copies of your assignments may be retained by the instructor to evaluate whether the student learning
outcomes of the class are being met.

You will be required to completed 7 assignments in this course:

1. Attendance (140 pts): You earn 5 points for attending each class and participating to the best of
your ability. You are expected to arrive on time for each class meeting. See attendance policy for
more information.
2. Pre and Post Fitness Assessment (10 pts total, 5 pts each) – You will participate in a fitness
assessment near the beginning and end of the course. The assessment portion is strictly based
on participation and not how well you do. By attending class the day of the assessment and
Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

participating in class to the best of your ability, you will automatically receive 5 points. The
assessment cannot be made up without an excused absence.
3. Quiz on the Introduction of Kickboxing and the Health-Related Fitness Components (10 pts) -
You will complete a 10-question quiz on the introduction to kickboxing material and the health-
related fitness components. Each question is worth 1 point and it will not be timed.
4. Nutrition Assignment (10 pts) – Why is it important to fuel your body for exercise and your
needs and goals? For this assignment, you will write a 1-page (minimum) paper on why you
need to fuel your body with proper nutrition and what are some proper ways to fuel your body
for your own needs and goals.
5. Create Your Own Kickboxing Combo (15 pts) - You will be asked to create your own kickboxing
combination with 5-10 steps. There must be at least 2 types of punches and 1 type of kick within
your combination. You will teach this combo to a small group of peers in class.
6. End of Workout Exit Slips (10 pts total, 2 pts each) - Throughout the semester, you will
complete five exit slips reflecting on your progress and check for safety tips. These exit slips will
need to be completed in class and turned it by the end of class to receive credit. These exit slips
cannot be made up without an excused absence. The exit slips will be given during the following
• Week 5
• Week 8
• Week 10
• Week 11
• Week 14
7. Myth Buster Assignment (15 pts) - For this assignment, you will choose a common fitness myth
and create an infographic that busts the myth and shows why the myth is not true.

Grading System/Scale
The course is worth 210 points.

Assignments Points Available

Attendance 140

Pre & Post Fitness Assessment 10

Intro to Kickboxing and Health-Related Fitness Components Quiz 10

Nutrition Assignment 10

Create Your Own Kickboxing Combo 15

End of Workout Exit Slips 10

Mythbuster Assignment 15

Total 210
Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Your final grade is determined by calculating your accumulated points from all your assignments and
dividing that number by the total amount of points possible (210 points). Your final grade will be
assigned according to the scale:

89.5 – 100%: A 79.5 – 89.4%: B 70-79.4%: C 60-69.4%: D 59% & Below: F

You will be able to track your grade through Canvas. If you notice any errors in your grade, please bring
it to my attention immediately.

Late Submissions
Any assignments that are posted to Canvas must be turned in via Canvas before 11:59 pm PST on the
due date. After that time, your assignment will be considered late. A 5% deduction in grade will be
applied for each day (24 hours) assignments are late. No credit will be given for any assignments turned
in three days after the due date. (Adopted from Killick, 2021)

In-person assignments such as Fitness Assessment (Pre & Post), Create Your Own Kickboxing Combo,
and End of Workout Exit Slips must be completed in-person the day it is assigned. If you are unable to
make it to class on the day it is assigned, you must get your absence cleared by me to consider an
alternative date.

Grade Appeal Policy

If you would like to appeal your grade on an assignment, you must do so within 3 days (including
weekends) of when the original grade was posted. Please send me an email in regard to why you believe
you should have received a different grade. Please note that not all appeals will be granted, however
they all will be taken into consideration. (Adopted from Carlton, 2023)

Course Policies
Attendance and late arrival policies.
• Your attendance is expected. Everyone receives 2 “freebie” attendance days in case “life
happens”. Please communicate with me via email with reason you will not make it to class.
• Absences caused by university-authorized activities (e.g. Athletics), injuries/illnesses, and
emergencies will not have a negative impact on your grade. Under these circumstances, any
points for that day will automatically be awarded. Authorized absence status can be assigned on
a case-by-case basis – discuss your circumstances with me ASAP. Please understand that in the
event you have more than 3 authorized absences, an alternative assignment may be given.
(Adopted from Carlton, 2023)
• Late Arrival: For safety reasons, the first ~10 minutes of class are dedicated to warm-ups. Once
the warmups are over, the door will be closed. You will be marked for half credit (2.5 points) for
the day if you arrive ~10 minutes after the start time and the door is closed.
• If you are not in proper attire for activity, you will not be allowed to participate in class and will
be marked absent for the day (Example: Wearing jeans, short dresses, wearing crocs, no shirt,
• If you need to leave class early for any reason, please notify me at the beginning of class. Since
every situation is different, attendance points will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

All course materials, information, notes, and messages will be posted on Canvas. It is your responsibility
to check on this online university resource every day during the week for class updates.

Academic Integrity
All of the work completed in this course is expected to be your own. Plagiarism or cheating will not be
tolerated in this course. For more information, visit Academic Integrity Policies

Student Injuries
Student injuries that occur must be reported to the KHP office and paperwork must be completed the
day that the injury occurred. A copy of the injury form is in Appendix A. The original form will be kept in
the KHP office with a copy to the TA. There are two options for treatment of student injuries: 1) student
health center or 2) calling 911. Any student who seeks medical treatment for an injury in a KHP class,
must have medical clearance to return to class.

Student Evaluations
Each student has the right to evaluate each class in which they enroll. The student evaluations will occur
during the last two weeks of the semester. Informal written comments can be provided to any instructor
for their personal use; however, they cannot be used for instructor evaluation. If the student would like
their written comments to be used for evaluation, they need to submit a signed and dated letter
(including their Bronco Number) to the KHP Department Chair.

Netiquette refers to the behavior that you are expected to follow when communicating online. It covers
both common courtesy in an online environment and the informal ground “rules” for navigating in
cyberspace. For this course, you are asked to follow these basic guidelines:

• When writing an email to your instructor, include the class name and section, along with a
description, in the subject line. For example: COM 206.01 RE: Design Project.
• Use a signature with your full name at the end of your emails.
• Remember that slang can be misunderstood or misinterpreted – use your “academic” voice. pls
dnt use txt lang when sending messages 2 me.
• Be aware of your tone and avoid sentences typed in all caps – it implies online “screaming” or
• Do not send angry messages known as “flaming.”
• Do not use offensive language.
• Be sensitive to those with cultural and/or linguistic backgrounds, as well as different political
and religious beliefs.
• Respect different views and opinions.
• Provide constructive feedback and use good judgment when composing responses to your
• Be professional and use good grammar and spelling. Consider writing your discussion posts,
assignments, and online correspondence in a text editor to check for spelling and grammar
before pasting it into an online submission.
Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Response Time and Feedback

Email Response Time - I will respond to emails sent during the week within 48 hours. All emails sent
after Friday at 5:00 p.m. PST will be answered on Monday.

Graded Assignments – I will return/grade assignments within 10 days of submittance.

Other Class Policies

Body Acceptance (Rosas, 2022)
During the physical activity in this course and beyond, I encourage you to treat your body with respect
and compassion. It takes courage to participate in physical activity, especially in a group setting.
Therefore, please extend the same kindness to your peers as everyone is on their own body acceptance
journey. My sincere hope throughout this course is to cultivate an inclusive environment. Therefore,
supporting and treating everyone with the utmost respect is one of the greatest values of this course.

Digital Device Use (De La Rosa, 2024)

For safety and privacy reasons, phones and headphones will NOT be allowed on your person during
class. However, you are free to check your digital devices during breaks. If there is an unforeseen
situation in which your phone must be on your person, such as waiting for an important phone
call/message, please let me know prior to class. Fitness gear such as smartwatches, Fitbits, or other
hands-free fitness devices are welcomed for health/exercise-tracking purposes only, they are not be to
used to send/receive calls/texts or other communication.

No ”Bro Culture” Policy (Mack & Gonzales, 2024)

To help make the class welcoming for all students, the class has a no “bro culture” policy which includes:

• No loud or excessive grunting/yelling

• No “locker room talk”
• No rowdiness

This class is designed to teach the fundamentals of kickboxing fitness training and for students to apply
that knowledge in the future. This class is about personal growth, there will be no comparing or
competing. Instead, students will track their own progress and strive to be better than they were the
day before.

Weather Advisory and Safety Statement (Carlton & Rosas, 2022)

With the nature of these classes being activity-based your safety is our priority, therefore the weather
and air quality conditions will be taken into consideration when necessary. The instructor will consult
the department chair on weather-related issues and determine if modifications to a class session need
to be made.

Students’ Obligations
Minimum Technical Skills
You are expected to have basic computer knowledge including, but not limited to:

• Using email and attachments

Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

• Downloading, editing, saving, and submitting files

• Copying and pasting
• Downloading and installing software

Getting Help
If you are having trouble understanding concepts, it is your responsibility to seek help by contacting the

If you are having difficulties with using Canvas-specific tools or features, refer to More complicated Canvas inquires can be directed to the
IT Service Desk (

Disability Support Statement

If you anticipate the need for reasonable accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, you
must register with the Disability Resource Center (Bldg. # 9, RM 103; 909-869-3333, ) to
obtain the required official notification of your accommodation needs. Please plan to meet with me by
appointment or during office hours to discuss approved accommodations.

KHP Program and Student Learning Outcomes (for all KIN courses 2000-
PLO 1: Graduates will apply their sub-disciplinary kinesiology and health promotion knowledge to
their future career.

SLO 1: Students will apply fundamental concepts, theories, methods, and research within the
field of kinesiology and health promotion.

PLO 2 : Graduates will demonstrate strong communication skills as future leaders in kinesiology and
health promotion.

SLO 2a: Students will use oral skills to communicate persuasively and coherently.

SLO 2b: Students will use written skills to communicate persuasively and coherently.

PLO 3: Graduates will demonstrate effective digital literacy specific to the field of kinesiology and
health promotion.

SLO 3a: Students will analyze credible and reliable data through information

SLO 3b: Students will evaluate qualitative and quantitative information.

PLO 4: Graduates will think critically to solve problems within kinesiology and health promotion.

SLO 4a: Students will demonstrate critical thinking within the diverse sub-disciplines of
kinesiology and health promotion.

SLO 4b: Students will create solutions to advance the art and science of human
Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

PLO 5: Graduates will evaluate ethical dilemmas and take an active role to address challenges facing
the public within the context of kinesiology and health promotion.

SLO 5a: Students will defend ethical positions within health and human movement.

SLO 5b: Students will be model leaders within health and human movement.

Tentative Course Schedule

KIN 1530A Course Schedule

** I reserve the right to change the course calendar as required. I will post all changes on Canvas**

Class Week Topic Action Items Deadline Expected

date total out-of-
class time

Tue 1 Welcome to • Complete Release of Monday, 30 mins

Class/Ice Breaker Liability Form and PAR-Q Feb 5th at
Form 11:59 PM

Thu Welcome to • Complete Release of Monday, 30 mins

Class/Ice Breaker Liability Form and PAR-Q Feb 5th at
Form 11:59 PM

Tue 2 Welcome to • Review Class Syllabus and

Class/Intro to Course Schedule
01/30 Monday, 30 mins
• Complete Release of Feb 5th at
Liability Form and PAR-Q 11:59 PM

Thu Intro to Kickboxing, Purchase any mandatory Monday,

Safety, and Health equipment needed Feb 5th at
Related Fitness (Appropriate workout attire) 11:59 PM
Components Lecture
& Teambuilder
Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Tue 3 Kickboxing Pre- Pre- Fitness Assessment In Class


Thu Kickboxing Stance & Kickboxing Intro & Friday, 1 hour

movement Components of Fitness Quiz Feb 9th at
11:59 PM

**Last day to drop KIN 1530A with no record: Friday 2nd February 2024

Tue 4 Jab & Cross


Thu Jab & Cross


Tue 5 Hook & Uppercuts


Thu Hook & Uppercuts Safety Exit Slip #1 In Class


**Last day to withdraw from KIN 1530A online without petition: Friday 16th February 2024

Tue 6 Nutrition Lecture &


Thu Nutrition Lecture &


Tue 7 Nutrition Lecture &

Front Kick

Thu Nutrition Lecture & Nutrition Assignment Friday, 1 hour

Front Kick March 8th
at 11:59

Tue 8 Roundhouse Kick


Thu Roundhouse Kick & Safety Exit Slip #2 In class

Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Tue 9 Punching & Kicking Post kickboxing combo on Friday, 1 hour

Combinations Canvas discussion post March
22nd at
11:59 PM

Thu Punching & Kicking Post kickboxing combo on Friday, 1 hour

Combinations Canvas discussion post March
22nd at
11:59 PM

Tue 10 Practice small group

combo training

Thu Small group combo Safety Exit Slip #3 In class

03/28 Create Your Own Combo In Class
Performance Assessment

**04/01-04/05: Spring Break**

Tue 11 Parrying Defense


Thu Covering Defense Safety Exit Slip #4 In class


Tue 12 Kick Defense Work on Myth Buster 1 hr


Thu Kick Defense Work on Myth Buster 1 hr


**Last day to withdraw from KIN 1530A for serious/compelling reasons: Friday 19th April 2024

Tue 13 Advanced Work on Myth Buster 1 hr

combination training Assignment

Thu Advanced Myth Buster Assignment Friday, 1 hr

combination training April 26th
at 11:59

Tue 14

Gonzales, Spring 2024 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Thu Safety Exit Slip #5 In Class


Tue 15 Advanced
combination training

Thu Post-Assessment Post-Fitness Assessment In Class


Tue 16 No Class Finals Week


Thu No Class Finals Week


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