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Task 1: Marketing Plan

1. Excutive summary
M.O.I Cosmetics is a reputable company in the cosmetics and beauty industry, known for
its commitment to quality and innovation. Since its inception, the company has been
dedicated to enhancing each individual's natural beauty through a wide range of skin care
and makeup products. M.O.I's vision is to become a global leader in providing high
quality cosmetics that empower and inspire confidence in each individual. The mission is
to create beauty products that not only meet but exceed customer expectations, nurturing
self-expression and confidence. Over the years, M.O.I has achieved important milestones,
including launching successful product lines and establishing a strong brand presence. In
particular, M.O.I Cosmetics is now a domestic cosmetic brand The only Vietnamese
product to be in the top 10 in terms of makeup market share with an impressive growth
rate of up to 355% in the past 5 years. ( M.O.I Cosmetic, 2023 )
2. Current Marketing Situation Analysis:
In the battle for market share, M.O.I Cosmetics must contend with a cutthroat
competition in the cosmetics business, where companies such as Sukin and Cocoon are
formidable rivals. Despite having a strong track record of innovation, a devoted clientele,
and well-established brand recognition, M.O.I. recognizes that there is still room for
growth in areas like managing perceptions of possible pricing and increasing market
presence. The ever-changing beauty industry depends heavily on trends. Growing interest
in sustainable design and clean beauty has prompted M.O.I to emphasize the use of
natural components and environmentally friendly processes. The company also
understands the value of influencer relationships and digital platforms for connecting
with and interacting with customers. ( Anh Hoa, 2023 )

M.O.I. discovered Sukin's focus on cost and natural components, as well as Cocoon's
comparable positioning, when examining rival techniques. M.O.I seeks to set itself apart
by showcasing high-end formulas and cutting-edge features. As the industry shifts toward
ingredient transparency, regulatory compliance with clean beauty standards is required.
The corporation is also conscious of the constant threat of intense competition and the
economic factors influencing customer buying.

When M.O.I started introducing new combos, the business followed consumer trends that
preferred all-inclusive cosmetic solutions. This calculated action offers a chance to
change things and grow the market. M.O.I endeavours to solidify its dominant market
position in the beauty and cosmetics industry by staying abreast of industry
developments, comprehending the tactics employed by rivals, and persistently pursuing
3. PESTLE Analysis
3.1 Legal factor:
Businesses need to understand clearly to implement it fully and strictly comply
with the provisions of law. They are means to help develop and make the
cosmetics market more stable. For businesses manufacturing and trading
cosmetics. The law on cosmetics includes provisions regulating the rights and
obligations of businesses operating in all fields related to cosmetics. Businesses
need to consciously and seriously comply. Cosmetic regulations and terms make
businesses work more professionally and consciously. They need to take full
responsibility for their actions. Enterprises that comply with the law will be
honored and receive their inherent benefits. Opposite, If they violate the law,
businesses will be subject to appropriate penalties (Bo Y Te, 2021) .
Challenge: The state issues strict regulations on cosmetics, forcing M.O.I to
strictly comply with them.
3.2 Economic factor:
In recent years, Vietnam's GDP growth rate has almost always been high at over
5%/year (except for 2020). With this economic growth rate, we can see that
Vietnam is in a period of rapid development. stop and if the economic situation
continues to be positive in the future, it will help Vietnam develop even stronger.
Besides, Vietnam's per capita income data also increases year by year (in 2020,
Vietnam's average income per capita is $2,786/year), which further shows that
people's living standards are gradually improving. improved and increasingly
enhanced. Since then, the concerns and needs of Vietnamese people have
increased. (Tong cuc thong ke, 2020)
A developing economy means every industry has the opportunity to grow
dramatically. In addition to the development of large, important industries such as
industry, agriculture, and services, small industries also gradually benefit from
this growth. The cosmetics industry is no exception. According to Business
Monitor International (BMI), the cosmetics and beauty industry in Vietnam is
maintaining a compound annual growth rate of 10.9% for the period 2017 - 2019,
thanks to increased income. Improvements and positive changes in product
consumption trends make it full of potential in the future. This field has
maintained good growth with a positive GDP growth rate in the period 2016 -
2019. Data from the General Statistics Office in recent years shows that, when the
economic growth rate maintained at 6 - 7%, beauty fields will have high growth.
(To Ha, 2023)
Opportunity: Beautiful jobs have high growth potential due to economic
development. According to M.O.I Cosmetics, the company has had an outstanding
growth rate of 150% per year on average in recent years. Even during Covid-19,
M.O.I is still a rare start-up that can maintain positive profits even though the
company only operates for 6 months in 2021. (Dan tri, 2023)
3.3 Technological factor:
Today, scientific and technological progress is gradually helping people's lives a
lot. Technology trends do not stop at 4.0 but will continue to develop continuously
in the future.
In the current situation where the world is facing the Covid-19 epidemic,
technology has become an indispensable part of life. These technologies can be
used to bring greater efficiency to all fields including the beauty and cosmetics
industry. (Duc Khuong, 2021)
Not only produced at the largest factory in Asia, Ho Ngoc Ha cosmetics also
apply advanced and outstanding technology to each product. Some outstanding
technologies include:
* Nanotechnology is applied to M.O.I Baby Skin Powder. With nanotechnology,
M.O.I powder particles are created with the size of 1 million regular powder
particles, helping to effectively cover blemishes, increase adhesion and effectively
control oil.
* Probiotic technology found in toner M.O.I. Fermentation technology originates
from Korea and Japan and is spread all over the world and is widely used in
cosmetics thanks to its ability to nourish the skin many times more effectively.
Due to the application of probiotic technology, SKIN BY M.O.I toner/miracle
water brings many outstanding and effective uses on the skin: high permeability,
skin brightening. Improves atopic dermatitis, supports scar healing,... and is
especially effective in preventing acne on the skin.
* Hydrogel technology is applied in the DA by M.O.I avocado mask product. This
is a technology used by many big brands. Korea is very fond of Hydrogel because
their products focus on plumping skin and anti-aging effects. With advanced
Hydrogel technology, M.O.I Cosmetics' avocado mask fits tightly to help you
move comfortably. Unlike many conventional paper masks, Hydrogel masks also
reduce essence evaporation or reverse moisture absorption from the skin, helping
the skin absorb essence in the most optimal way. (Tran Tien, 2022)
3.4 Social factor:
Beauty trends have appeared since ancient times not only in Vietnam but around
the world. People know how to create products to serve the needs and desires of
becoming more beautiful. For example, shampoo products from soapberry,
grapefruit, lemongrass, etc. Not only stop at taking advantage of natural
ingredients, people also know how to create chemicals to support the creation of
products. New products, faster efficiency, cheaper price because natural materials
are finite resources. In recent years, people have gradually switched their
consumer goods to natural cosmetics instead of chemical ones. The main reason is
the harmful effects that cosmetics bring, such as causing irritation, skin abrasion,
skin cancer, harm to the environment, etc. Besides, the consumption habits of
Vietnamese people are also gradually changing. positive way. In previous years,
consumers often prioritized buying cheap products, paid little attention to
ingredients due to low understanding of cosmetics and did not really care about
many issues such as environmental issues and protection. animal welfare.
However, today, with outstanding development, people are gradually improving
their knowledge in all aspects, they pay attention to thoroughly understanding
product information and know how to consider making appropriate choices for
health and the environment. and human values. (Thanh Nien Article, 2019)
Nowadays, not only women but also men care more about their appearance. They
no longer hold the notion that "Beauty is only for women", now everyone is equal
in all aspects and needs are the same. Furthermore, the living environment is
increasingly filled with dust and pollution, which affects human health and
beauty. (Phu Nu article, 2023)
Therefore, the use of cosmetics for skin care is increasing
Opportunity: This creates an opportunity for M.O.I to develop cosmetics for men
as the number of men using cosmetics is increasing.
3.4 Environmental factor:
Vietnam is an agricultural country, with advantages in raw material sources
(coffee, cocoa butter and other materials). The humid tropical monsoon climate,
3/4 mountainous terrain and basalt red soil create favorable conditions for
growing crops and creating good quality raw materials at reasonable prices. (Bao
Chinh Phu, 2018)
The terrain connecting provinces and cities in the country by road, sea and air is
strongly developed. Create favorable conditions for transporting products and raw
materials from the place of production to M.O.I's cosmetics factory. In addition,
the circulation and distribution of products to provinces and cities across the
country also becomes easier and faster thanks to the developed transportation
Challenges: Besides the above advantages, difficulties still exist when every year
Vietnam experiences floods, storms, erosion, and landslides. This causes huge
losses to farmers and also affects the process of providing raw materials to create
products. (Yen Bai Article, 2023)
Opportunity: Natural environment creates conditions for development
raw material source.
3.6 Population factor:
Currently, Vietnam's population is more than 98 million people, of which the male
and female population ratio is approximately equal. The Vietnamese consumer
market with 20 million women between the ages of 15 and 39, accounting for
about 40% of the female population, is an extremely fertile segment full of
potential, according to a report on the Vietnamese cosmetics market by Kantar
company. Worldpanel has just announced that 80% of urban consumers buy at
least one beauty care product in a year, ¼ of spending in the personal care
industry is spent on beauty products. Accordingly, our country's population is
forecast to continue to increase but slow down due to many influencing factors
(one of which is the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic). According to Mr. Nguyen
Van Tan - Former Deputy Director General, currently in charge of the General
Department of Population and Family Planning, in addition to the fertility gap
between regions, the gender gap is increasing, forecast to be 2.3 percent short by
2050. - 4.3 million women. (Quang Vinh, 2022)
According to the results of the Census, Vietnam's population is aging at an
unprecedented rate. The whole country has 11.4 million elderly people aged 60
and over, accounting for 11.86% of the total population, and the aging index
increased from 35.9% in 2009 to 48.8% in 2019. This data predicts that in the
future the number of young people will decrease significantly, which is the main
force that creates wealth and consumption for society. The aging issue will have a
great impact on the development of society and consumption in general, including
the field of cosmetic consumption. Because young people are the main customers
in the cosmetics industry because they care more about their appearance than
older people. (Thai An, 2020)
In the future, these problems can be resolved if the State can implement
appropriate policies and solutions to bring effectiveness to Vietnam's population
policy in general and the economy as a whole.
economics in particular. On the contrary, if these problems are not handled
effectively, they can create enormous pressure on the economy, not least the
natural cosmetics industry.
Opportunity: Vietnam's population is large, with the potential female customer
segment accounting for about 40% of the total female population.
Challenge: The population is aging rapidly, and older people do not pay much
attention to cosmetics
4. Marketing Objectives
The CFI Team thinks that goal-setting is essential to any business endeavor
because it provides direction and helps define objectives. As a result, SMART
serves as a blueprint for creating exact goals. For "specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic, and timely," the acronym SMART is composed of the letters. (Team CFI,
: Increasing the awareness of 100000 new customers for new combo

 Specific: Increasing the awareness of customers for about 100000

 Measurable: Introduce new items to a minimum of 100,000 clients
via social media channels like Facebook and Tiktok.
 Achievable: Posts on Facebook must receive a minimum of 10,000
engagements and 5000 shares, and posts on Tiktok require 20,000
likes each.
 - Offer a 10% discount program to all customers who refer friends
and purchase more than 1.000.000 VND.

 Relevant: -The cost of using this marketing strategy is 2 million

VND for each post and 10 million VND for Facebook and tiktok
- The promotion bundle, worth a total of VND 500 million, would be
applied to 2000 clients.

 Time-Bound: Promotion will launch for 3 months.

2. Increase sale revenue by 15% in 3 months
 Specific: Increase the revenue of the new combo by promoting the
product through the media.
 Measurable: Increase revenue by 20% compared to before the ad
campaign. M.O.I coverage will be widespread on websites,
facebook, Instagram
 Achievable: Expected to reach 10,000 visitors at 20 branches in the
first month
 Relevant: M.O.I'll pay you 10 million dong to post on well-known
food review websites, 5 million dong for YouTube advertising, and
10 million dong for links to your online ordering apps.
 Time-Bound: The campaign will launch in 3 months
5. Marketing Strategy
5.1 Segmentation
The grouping of potential customers into groups or segments that share similar
wants and behaviors is referred to as "market segmentation" in marketing. Market
segmentation enables companies to target different consumer populations that
have different perspectives on the total value of specific products and services
(Tarver and Evan, 2023).

Segmentation Demographic Psychographic Behavior Geographic

Young adults - Aged between 15- - Searching for - Often buy things There is diversity
25 years old products with based on trends and from different
reasonable prices recommendations cities and
- Students,
from friends and
students - Benign natural family provinces
products suitable for
-Both genders -Buying things
many skin types
according to ads on
- Age of no or low
social networks and
online platforms

Adults -Aged from 30 to -Buying benign - Purchasing based There is diversity

over products that are on from different
safe for your health recommendation cities and
- Public servants,
from acquaintances provinces
public employees, - Focusing on
people with stable environmental -Buying at
income. protection issues reputable shopping
centers and stores

5.2 Targeting
Selecting the market or consumer group that a business should aim for is known
as targeting. After identifying every market sector, a business must choose which
and in what quantities to target. The goal of this tactic is to pinpoint precise sub-
target populations. (ResearchSmarter).
M.O.I will apply a Differentiated Targeting Strategy, serving multiple segments
with specific marketing strategies tailored to each segment's unique needs and
preferences. This approach acknowledges the diversity of consumer preferences in
the cosmetics and beauty market.
5.3 Positioning
In marketing and business strategy, "market position" describes how customers
view a brand or product in relation to competitors' brands or products. The process
of creating a brand's or product's identity or image to influence buyers to see it in
a specific way is known as market positioning. Additionally, positioning helps
companies focus their efforts by helping to identify the right techniques within the
current marketing mix to create competitive strategies in the market. (Dan, 2013)

Sukin: The positioning is to provide high quality products but at a relatively lower price
compared to M.O.I Cosmetics.

Cocoon: Similar positioning to Sukin, focusing on providing high quality products at

competitive prices.

M.O.I Cosmetics: Positioning is to provide high quality products with a balance between
price and quality. It aims to differentiate itself from Sukin and Cocoon by perhaps having
a slightly higher price point but with added value in terms of product innovation,
uniqueness or additional benefits.
6. Action programs
Product M.O.I Cosmetics is famous for its quality and innovative products.
The new product, a skin care and makeup combo, is designed to
provide a comprehensive solution for consumers. M.O.I is
committed to using natural ingredients and making continuous
innovative developments.
Place M.O.I will strengthen its online presence through the official
hydrogel-vang-phien-ban-cao-cap/ and e-commerce platforms to
optimize online shopping utilities such as Facebook, Shoppee,
Lâzda and distribution agents spread across the country.
Price M.O.I Cosmetics' pricing strategy will be shaped to reflect the high
quality of the new product and the value it brings. The listed
selling price of Ho Ngoc Ha lipstick is generally from
299.000 to 359.000CND depending on the product. Other makeup
products have prices ranging from 199.000 to 499.000 VND. In
addition, cosmetic combos have prices that range quite high from
800.000 to over 1 million VND
Promotion M.O.I's advertising strategy includes collaborating with influencers
and organizing launch events to create a new and attractive feeling.
The advertising campaign will focus on the innovative and high
quality advantages of the new combo.
People Train customer service staff to provide a positive and friendly
experience. M.O.I also plans to recruit brand ambassadors to
represent the company's values and image.
Physical evidence Product packaging will be designed to attract the eye and
demonstrate M.O.I's commitment to the environment. Prominent
displays in stores and points of sale will help enhance brand image
and value. Currently, M.O.I has a total of 273 distribution agents
across the country
The promotion program for new products will be advertised
everywhere, contributing significantly to increasing brand
awareness with customers.
Process M.O.I will optimize the order processing process to ensure on-time
delivery and create a positive customer experience. The company
will also establish a feedback mechanism to collect customer
opinions to continuously improve products and services.

Task 2: Media plan

1. Set communication objectives

Launching a new combo including 4 products with completely natural ingredients,

no alcohol and not tested on animals: The product set combines M.O.I and DA By
M.O.I with a full range of products for comprehensive skin care
Product set includes:
* M.O.I natural tone-enhancing sunscreen 40ml
* M.O.I gentle deep cleansing makeup remover 250ml
* DA By M.O.I 2 in 1 Gel Cleanser 200ml
* SKIN Toner By M.O.I 200ml
* Gift: Flower sedge bag worth 499.000 VND and Super large makeup remover
cotton 50 pieces
Services: free consultation and skin scan
The first step involves implementing the communication plan, distributing
pamphlets, and setting up tiny outdoor consultation booths to promote the product
in order to raise awareness by 50%. This will serve to expand the number of
clients familiar with M.O.I. before the new combo is implemented. By the end of
the campaign, the brand will have accomplished its aim thanks to its exposure and
development potential.
The second step is to aim for 100% of consumers to be aware of the new combo,
both at the end of the campaign and in the long run, at any time that customers
require it. Nonetheless, the first objective must be accomplished as quickly as
2. Define target audience

Ages: from 18-50

Gender: both male and female
Income: at least 3 million VND
Job: from students to workforce
Destination: Northern area
Interest Protect the environment and animals
Benign cosmetics
Cosmetics have beautiful designs
Demand High-quality products
Reasonable prices
Social network Facebook
Online platform: Shopee, Lazada
Target of customers Create new method for green products
Tend to move away for animal
3. Design a message

A design message will be in the AIDA model

a. Attention

The brand wants to capture consumers' attention at this point. Enhancing brand
quality is so crucial. The PR department must devise a strategy to differentiate
M.O.I from other cosmetic firms by providing complimentary consultations and
skin scans to customers purchasing combos. working together with K.O.L. to
increase customer awareness of the combo
b. Interest
M.O.I need to carry out many advertising campaigns continuously at the same
time to attract customers' attention. Furthermore, depending on internet reviews,
the firm has to investigate interest trends further.

c. Desire

M.O.I Cosmetics nurtures a deep desire for the upcoming launch of new vegan beauty
combos, driven by a commitment to excellence and a vision to redefine beauty standards.
The company envisions this new product as more than just a cosmetic product; it is a
demonstration of M.O.I's dedication to sustainability, cruelty-free practices and
empowering individuals through conscious beauty choices.

4. Communication Tools

There are communication tools which have significant effects on boosting sales
consist of advertising, public relation, sales promotion.
For Advertising, with the trend of using social networks, tiktok will be the
platform that M.O.I needs to pay attention to when the number of users increases
rapidly. The brand should cooperate with famous beauty bloggers such as Vo Ha
Linh, Call me Duy - reputable and influential people in the cosmetics industry to
create trust for customers.
For Sales Promotion, M.O.I will combine the sale of combos with accompanying
services such as free in-depth skin consultation with a leading dermatologist in
Korea, having the skin examined with the latest technology skin scanner and being
given a regimen. including skin condition, age and problems facing the customer's
skin to be able to consider using appropriate products. However, the weakness of
this method is that when the program ends, they will lose a large number of
customers. Therefore, to ensure that customers come back, the brand should also
improve the quality of the products, taking care and send discount to old and
loyalty customers
5. Media channels
The most popular websites for social media advertising are Facebook, Tiktok, and
Youtube. Posts introducing new meals and promoting offers will be uploaded
immediately. Connecting with major newspapers such as VnExpress or Kenh14
serves as an endorsement of the restaurant's quality of service and helps to preserve its
good name.

For TV commercials, the restaurant will sponsor current famous reality shows such as
"Sisters who makes waves", in this show, the guests have to wear makeup for a long
time, which they use. Using M.O.I's vegan combo is very reasonable in helping them
prevent skin problems as well as helping the audience know the main uses and
benefits of each product.

6. Budgeting and Timeline

Budgeting: 3 billion VND

The marketing campaign will start two weeks before to the new combo's release
and run for six months. The budget will be allocated as follows: 30% will go
toward advertising, 30% toward Public Relations, 30% toward influencer
marketing, and 10% toward events.
Online Advertising: 600 million VND including social media marketing on
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Public Relations: 6000 million VND .
+Writing and distributing news releases as well as following up with bloggers and
journalists will be required for this.

+Any expenses related to facilitating media and blogger reviews of the combo will
also be included in the budget.

Influencer marketing: 600 million VND . Including costs for influential bloggers
and KOLs on social networks and product sponsorship costs for reality shows “
Sisters who makes waves”
Events: 200 million VND including

+Cost of hiring a dermatologist from Korea

+ Cost of skin examination machinery and equipment
+Cost of renting a venue for promotional events and skin care consultation
+ Cost of gifts included when purchasing the new combo

Timeline (3-Month Campaign):

 Month 1: Pre-launch teasers and influencer collaborations.
 Month 2: Product launch with digital and print advertising, social media
campaigns, and initial influencer reviews.
 Month 3: Continued social media engagement, events, and PR activities for
sustained visibility.


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