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Barangay Gulod Novaliches, Quezon City

Evaluation of Kitchen Safety Practices in Senior High School Home Economics Classes at

Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School


Noreen Gail B. Gabriel

Ashley Joy A, Paycana

Grachel Rose T. Tubiera

Trina Vargas

A Research Study Submitted to:

Mr. Raynor Mendizabal

In Partial Fulfillment requirements in Inquiries, Investigations & Immersions (III)



Chapter I

The Problem and its Background

This chapter includes the Introduction, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation,

significance of the study, and the definition of terms used.


The importance of kitchen safety practices in home economics classes, particularly within

the context of senior high school education. This study emphasis on practical life skills, such as

cooking and meal preparation, ensuring the safety of students in the kitchen environment. This

qualitative research aims to explore into the perspectives of both students and teachers regarding

kitchen safety practices in senior high school home economics classes. By exploring student

experiences and teacher insights, this study seeks to identify key factors that contribute to

effective kitchen safety education and highlight areas for improvement within the curriculum.

Through observations this research will gather detailed data to capture the particulars of

student perceptions and teacher practices concerning kitchen safety. By understanding the

attitudes, behaviors, and challenges faced by both students and teachers, this study aims to

inform the development of targeted interventions and educational strategies to enhance kitchen

safety practices in senior high school home economics classes. Ultimately, the findings of this

research have the potential to contribute to the enhancement of educational programs aimed at
fostering not only culinary skills but also a culture of safety and responsibility in the kitchen


Statement of the Problem

The statement of the problem for this study revolves around assessing the effectiveness of

kitchen safety practices in Senior High School Home Economics classes, with a particular

emphasis on understanding the perspectives of both students and teachers. It aims to address

concerns regarding the potential gaps or deficiencies in current safety protocols, the factors

influencing adherence to these practices, and the overall impact on the safety and well-being of

students in the kitchen environment. Additionally, the study seeks to identify potential areas for

improvement in curriculum design, teacher training, and resource allocation to enhance kitchen

safety education in Senior High School settings. Underneath is the main problem that the

researchers are trying to assess:

1.) What are the current kitchen safety practices being taught and implemented in Senior High

School Home Economics classes?

2.) What are the perspectives of students regarding their understanding and adherence to kitchen

safety protocols?

3.) How do teachers perceive the effectiveness of their instruction on kitchen safety and the level

of student compliance?

4.) What are the main challenges and barriers encountered by students and teachers in practicing

kitchen safety in Home Economics classes?

5.) What are the potential improvements and interventions that can be implemented to enhance

kitchen safety practices in Senior High School Home Economics classes?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on evaluating kitchen safety practices specifically in Senior High

School Home Economics classes. It aims to gather insights from both students and teachers

regarding their perspectives on kitchen safety. The study will cover various aspects of kitchen

safety, including but not limited to, proper handling of kitchen tools and equipment, safe food

preparation practices, and emergency response procedures. It will also explore the factors that

may influence the adherence to safety protocols in the kitchen, such as student engagement and

teacher guidance.

This study is delimited to Senior High School Home Economics classes, limiting the

generalizability of the findings to this specific group. The study will focus on schools within a

certain geographic area to ensure uniformity in the curriculum and teaching methods. The

research will primarily rely on self-reported data from students and teachers. Additionally, the

study will not assess the actual implementation of safety practices in the kitchen but rather focus

on perceptions and insights.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to explore and understand the kitchen safety practices in Senior High

School Home Economics classes from the perspectives of students and insights from teachers. It

seeks to uncover the experiences, perceptions, and challenges faced by students regarding
kitchen safety, as well as the strategies employed by teachers to promote safe practices in the


It will be helpful for future researchers. The study can serve as a basis for future research

and investigations in the field of Kitchen Safety Practices Under TVL Track Cookery Subject


Definition of Terms

Evaluation- The systematic assessment or examination of the effectiveness, adequacy, and

adherence to kitchen safety practices in Senior High School Home Economics classes of Terms.

Factors Influencing Kitchen Safety Practices- Refers to the various elements or aspects that may

affect the implementation and adherence to kitchen safety practices, such as student engagement,

teacher guidance, and availability of resources.

Home Economics- The field of study that encompasses various aspects of home management,

including cooking, nutrition, budgeting, and household skills.

Kitchen Safety Practices- Refers to the set of guidelines, procedures, and behaviors aimed at

preventing accidents and promoting safe practices in the kitchen, including but not limited to

proper food handling, use of kitchen tools and equipment, and emergency response protocols.

Senior High School Home Economics Classes- Specifically pertains to the educational courses or

programs offered in senior high school that focus on home economics, which includes cooking,

nutrition, and other related topics.


Chapter II


Local Literature

Food handlers, facilities, and HACCP evaluation in relation to food safety and contract

catering companies (December 2011) The primary goals of this study were to evaluate the

application of the HACCP system in contract catering organizations and to evaluate the

knowledge, attitudes, and practices of food handlers. It involved the distribution of a self-

administrable questionnaire to the 105 participating catering personnel and a visual assessment

of the facilities and food handler activities in 20 firms across Spain. Furthermore, samples of

completed dishes and surfaces from every kitchen were collected for microbial analysis. The

questionnaire results show that respondents with middle- or high school education, stability in

the same job, and positions of more

Food sellers in two Ghanaian research areas, Bibiani and Dormaa Ahenkro, were chosen

at random. Levels of compliance were based on computed compliance scores and rated on a 5-

point Likert scale. Additionally, it looks at current institutional and

Ghana's legal framework for controlling food vendors' operations. The main foundation for data

collecting was comprehensive. field observation, which is supplemented with in-depth interviews

with respondents and in-person interviews utilizing standardized questions. a senior health

representative. On a scale of 0 to 1, the study found a marginally good overall compliance (OC)

score of 0.67. adherence to the guidelines for food safety and hygiene, with pronounced

differences between the two research areas: adherence at compared to Dormaa-Ahenkro, the OC-

score was greater.

Local Study

Foodborne disease is still a global problem even with recent technological and scientific

advancements. Given the rise in food consumed outside the house, the foodservice sector is

crucial to preventing foodborne illness and safeguarding the health of its patrons. Nonetheless,

there is conflicting evidence in numerous recent research about the most effective approaches to

enhancing food safety in this setting. This study explains the reasons for inadequate knowledge-

based training as well as how behavior-based techniques enhance food safety procedures in the

foodservice sector. This study emphasizes how improved environment, and a proactive culture of

food safety can encourage changes in behavior. Improving food safety begins with

acknowledging that organizational and environmental factors impact food safety.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate food handlers' self-reported and observed food

safety procedures (FSP) when delivering home-cooked and prepared food products during the
COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines. A total of 751 individuals who were chosen using

criteria sampling took part in the online poll. Data were collected using a researcher-developed

questionnaire that has a Cronbach Alpha of 0.91. To handle the data, the t-test, ANOVA, and

Fleiss kappa were used. Except for age, where there is a significant difference between the FSP

of the four age groups along the meal preparation (F = 4.530,) there were no significant

variations between self-reported FSP in the four dimensions and demographic factors.

Foreign Study

Improving food safety practices in the food service industry

Food safety practices of food handlers at home engaged in online food businesses during

COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines

Chapter III

Research Design

In this qualitative research the researchers will evaluate the kitchen safety in Home

Economics Classes in Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School. With Phenomenology design

this study will hold great importance in providing clear understanding towards classes about

kitchen safety practices.

Respondents of the Study

This study consists of two (2) classes. The Gade 11 Cookery and Grade 12 Cookery at

Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School whose age ranges from Sixteen (16) to twenty-three

(23) years old of any gender in school year 2023-2024. To find the target participants the

researchers will use purposive method sampling. Participants are purposively chosen because

they have the characteristics that the researchers needed. This study will be conduct by the

researchers observing the respondents while the respondents are in cooking class.

Setting (Place of the Study)

The research will be conduct in Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School. A public

school located in Barangay Gulod Villaflor, Novaliches Quezon City, Philippines. This study will

be done with Senior High School Students under Cookery Subject.

Method of Research

In this study, the researchers decided to be used Descriptive Method. The descriptive

method is scientific method including identifying or describing the behaviors, conditions, and

effects in subject of the study. This type of method is uses as a tool to organize data into patterns

that emerge during analysis. The research concerns is about factors that the influence the career

choices of senior high school students in Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School, using the

Descriptive Method was appropriate, because this tool can be used to easily understand what the

research was about.

This method is less time consuming than quantitative experiments and the study

phenomena cannot be studied in a lab. It also gives the researchers opportunity to study effects in

normal settings. Provides a deeper understanding of participants experiences, perspectives,

decisions, and behaviors.

Research Instrument

Survey questionnaire is the main instrument that researchers used. The survey

questionnaire is consisting of a set of questions to collect information from the respondents. The

questions that researchers used is structured it is type of questionnaire that standardized closed

questions. In this study scale was also used. The questions are divided into 2 sets, the researchers

divided it to demographic profile, and the Likert scale. The statements in Likert scale are divided

by the researchers’ given factors that can influence the career choices of the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

Using the survey questionnaire, the data will be collected on April 22, 2024. The survey

method that used was school survey since it is about students and the study was conducted at
Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School therefore, school survey method was right to be use.

The Grade 12 students and Grade 11 are qualified to answer the researchers survey questionnaire

because they are currently in the situations that accurate to the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the information or data effectively, the researchers gathered the data, they

were sorted, compile, organized and tabulated. the researchers employed the following Statistical

tool treatment: the Weighted mean, percentage, and the frequency table are the tools that used to

interpret the data.

1. Weighted Mean

This will be used to determine the assessment of the subject of the study with regards to

the factors that influence the career choices of the grade 12 students in Jose Maria

Panganiban Senior High School.


2. Frequency Table

Likert items are used to measure the answer of the respondents in question or statements.

In this study, Likert scale used to identify the interval of frequency classification. The

scales that used are shown below.

Interval Agreement

4.21-5.00 Strongly agree

3.41-4.20 Agree

2.61-3.40 Neutral

1.81-2.60 disagree
1.00-1.80 Strongly disagree

Table.1 Interval and its corresponding agreement level

3. Percentage

Percentage is used to be determined the proportion of each given data by using the


P= (F/N) × 100

Where in:


F= frequency

N= Total of respondents

Evaluation of Kitchen Safety Practices in Senior High School Home Economics Classes at

Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School

*Input *Process
Evaluated the kitchen
To evaluate the Get validated the
safety practices in
kitchen safety research study from
cookery classes at
practices in classes Sir. Raynor
JOMAPA SHS and the
under TVL- Mendizabal and
study will provide the
Cookery at Jose after that the
clearly understanding
Maria Panganiban researchers are
to how the two (2)
SHS observing and
classes under TVL
evaluating the
Track Cookey
classes at Jose Maria
Specialization practice
Panganiban SHS
the Kitchen Safety

Figure 1.1

The input of the study is about evaluating the Kitchen Safety Practices at Cookery
Classes under TVL Track at Jose Maria Panganiban Senior High School. In processing the
study is validated by Sir. Raynor Mendizabal and conducting the observation in the target
respondents. And lastly, the output, the researchers are done in observation and collect the data
that needed and will provide a clear understanding in how the Cookery Classes Practice the
kitchen safety.

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