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1. A group of post graduate students were assigned an activity to promote sex education in school for teens
of age group 15 to 17. Can you explain which are the special topics that they might have discussed. (2)
2. The district collector sealed a maternity clinic because of illegal methods of sex determination. Mention
the illegal method any why a statutory ban is imposed to it? (2)
3. Write the characteristic features of a good contraceptive. (2)
4. A couple do not want to use any artificial method of contraceptive. Suggest them natural method of
contraceptive for a gap of 6 years. (2)
5. Mention the principle behind barrier method. Barriers of contraceptives are user friendly. Explain. (3)
6. Narrate how the IUDs are more efficient contraceptives for females. (3)
7. Given below is the image of a famous oral contraceptive pill. (5)

(a) Name the organisation which develop this pill.

(b) Why it is widely accepted by ladies?
(c) What is the chemical constitution of this pill?
(d) How it acts as a good contraceptive?

8. Identify the contraceptive that is inserted underarm subdermal. (3)

(a) Mention the mode of action of this contraceptive.
(b) What are the chemicals released by these structures?

9. A 21year old girl was raped and found after one day from a forest. She was rescued and send to the
hospital. After police verification doctors administrated some injection. What is the constituent of the
injection. Can it work as a contraceptive in this situation? Justify. (2)
10. How are the surgical methods of contraceptive accomplished? (2)
11. Indian Govt. legalised MTP in the year 1971, under certain strict conditions to avoid its misuse. Light
on such misuses. An amendment in the year 2017 allowed for MTP under certain grounds. Mention
those grounds which permits for MTP. (3)
12. Name any four Venereal diseases. Are the all curable? If not, name them. (2)
13. Do the sexually transmitted diseases always transmit through sexual intercourse? If not explain with
example. (3)
14. What are the early symptoms of STIs? If it becomes asymptomatic in early stage and then later much
more complications arises. List out the complications. (3)
15. As a member of an NGO, you are assigned to counsel and guide the age group of 15-24about STIs and
AIDS. What precautionary measures do you advise them to get rid of STIs and AIDS? (3)
16. When a couple is said to be infertile? How a specialised health care unit is helpful to them? If not, how
can they would have their own children? (3)
17. Placed below are case studies of some couples who were not able to have kids. These couples are not
ready for adoption or taking gametes from donors. After thoroughly examining the cases, which
Assisted Reproductive Technology will you suggest to these couples as a medical expert? Explain
briefly with justification of each case. (5)
Couple Test report of female Test report of male partner
Couple 1 Normal reports Normal sperms in testes, missing connection between
epididymis and vas deferens.
Couple 2 Blockage in fallopian tube Normal reports.
Couple 3 Normal reports Poor semen parameters in case of count, motility and
Couple 4 Low ovarian reserves Normal reports.
Couple 5 Sterilisation in female Morphologically abnormal sperms.

18. Given below are certain situations. Analyse the situation and suggest the name of suitable contraceptive
device along with mode of action. (5)
Situation Requirement of contraceptive Name of the contraceptive Mode of action
for device
(a) Blocking the entry of sperms
through cervix
(b) Spacing between children
(c) Effective emergency
(d) Terminal method to prevent any
more pregnancy in female
(e) Sterilization in male

Ms Madhusrabani Patro
PGT Biology

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