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Learning area Science

Effective Date February 2023

Grade Level Grade 11

Kalinga National High School

Detailed Lesson Plan HUMSS A

3rd quarter

Detailed lesson Plan in Physical Science

I. Objectives: at the end of the discussion the students should be able to,
a. Identify the atomic model of J.J Thompson and Ernest Rutherford
b. Differentiate the Plum Pudding from Planetary model of the atom
c. Illustrate Thompson and Rutherford’s model of the atom
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Development of Atom (Modern Atomic Theory)
Materials: laptop, smart television, handouts, power point presentation, activity sheets,
periodic table of elements
References: Physical Science by Jervee M. Punzalan, Richard C. Monserrat

III. Procedures:
Teachers activity Students activity
A. Preliminary activities

a. Greetings

Good morning/Good afternoon class, how Good morning/ good afternoon Ma’am,
we’re good.
are you this day? Good to hear that!

b. Prayer

Let us pray first.

Let us pray and feel the presence of our
almighty God. Amen.
c. Checking of attendance

kindly say present if your name was called.

If your classmate is absent, just say absent
(yes ma’am)
d. Review

What did we tackle last meeting?

Ma’am we discussed about the development
of atom. The modern atomic theory
specifically about the observations of
Robert Boyle, Antoine-Laurent Laivosier,
Joseph Louis Proust, and John Dalton.

Very good! Who can summarize what we

have discussed?
ROBERT BOYLE (1627- 1691 )- Irish
philosopher and Alchemist– believed that
atoms exist even though they are not
visible to the naked eye.

- done experiment using J shape tube.


1794) -conducted experiments that
supported idea of the presence of atoms.

- conducted experiment on Sulfur and



- a French Chemist. He Performed an

experiment using a copper carbonate as a
reactant in a decomposition reaction.

John Dalton ( 1766-1844) – a British


- he introduces the first “table of

elements” and published the first true atomic
theory in 1803.

Very good. Thank you so much.


Before we proceed to our next lesson, let’s

watch this short video clip

(shows the video)

D. lesson Proper (students watched)




of the Atom

Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940)-

discovered one component of the atom –
the electrons through the cathode ray tube

- suggested that an atom consist of

electrons (plums) embedded inside a
sphere of uniform positive charge

Whoo among you knows what is pudding?

Ma’am pudding is a sweet or savory
steamed dish made with flour.

Exactly! Why do you think J.J Thompson Ma’am because Thomson realized that
use Pudding as a model of his study? the accepted model of an atom did not
account for negatively or positively
charged particles. Therefore, he proposed
a model of the atom which he likened to
plum pudding. The negative electrons
represented the raisins in the pudding and
the dough contained the positive charge.

Mr. Thomson used cathode rays tube in

determining electron. The cathode rays
tube have 2 charges plate the cathode(-)
and anode( +).
This is a cathode rays tube look like. The
cathode rays consisted of negatively
charged particles the electron.

Did you get it?

Yes Ma’am.
The next scientist is the British physicist
Ernest Rutherford.

Kindly read!



Ernest Rutherford (1871-1973) – he

concluded that Thomson’s model was

experimented with thin gold foil.

- For Rutherford if the plum pudding model
were indeed true, then the mass of the
atom must be spread out or distributed
throughout the atom. Thus if high velocity
alpha particles were to be bombarded at
an atom, an insignificant deflection of the
alpha particles must occur.
Thank you!
- To confirm this, Rutherford experimented
with a thin gold foil, which he bombarded
with alpha particles. He observed that most
alpha particles just passed through the film
of gold atoms. This implied that the atom is
mostly an empty space. However, a few
alpha particles rebounded directly
backwards, other did so at an angle.

Kindly read.

 An Alpha particle will be deflected

at an angle once it hits another
positive entity.
 Considering that the charges repel
each other, the slight deflection of
new alpha particles signified that
the nucleus of an atom is
positively charged.
Nucleus – carries most of the mass of the
- Such deflections were certainly
inconsistent with Thompson’s plum pudding
model. The backward deflections can occur
if an atom has a point wherein it’s mass is
concentrated in that area.
Because of that, Rutherford then arrived his
Planetary Model of Atom.

What is Planetary Model of Atom?

Who can explain to this picture?

Ma’am Planetary Model of atom- which

pictures the atom having all its positive
charges – the protons, in the nucleus and
the electrons surrounding the nucleus like
planet revolving around the sun.
>In this model, an atom is mostly empty
space, with electrons orbiting a positively
charged fixed nucleus in predictable paths.
Rutherford's model proposed that the
negatively charged electrons surround the
nucleus of an atom. He also claimed that
the electrons surrounding the nucleus
revolve around it with very high speed in
circular paths. He named these circular
paths as orbits.


Yes, ma’am!

Any questions?
None ma’am


Ok, who among you can summarize

the difference between the study of
J.J Thompson and Rutherford

Yes Mr.________

(student raise his hand)

Joseph John Thompson discovered one

component of the atom- the electrons
through the cathode ray tube experiment.

His study was named “PLUM PUDDING”

because Thomson realized that the
accepted model of an atom did not account
for negatively or positively charged
particles. Therefore, he proposed a model
of the atom which he likened to plum
pudding. The negative electrons
represented the raisins in the pudding and
the dough contained the positive charge.
Very good! How about Ernest Rutherford?

Ernest Rutherford he concluded that J.J

Thompson was incorrect. He
experimented with thin gold foil.

For Rutherford, if the plum pudding model

were indeed true, then the mass of the
atom must be spread out or distributed
throughout the atom. Thus, if high velocity
alpha particles were to be bombarded at an
atom, an insignificant deflection of the
alpha particles must occur. That’s why he
arrived to his Planetary Model Atom
wherein the protons in the nucleus and the
electrons surrounding the nucleus like
planet revolving around the sun. in this
model, an atom is mostly empty space, with
Excellent! It seems that you understand our electrons orbiting a positively charged fixed
topic for today. Let’s have an activity nucleus in predictable paths.

F Application: answer the given questions.

1. He discovered that the atom consists electrons through the cathode rays tube
2. He conducted experiments, which led him to conclude that Thompson’s model was
3. What did Thompson used as model of his study?
4. How about Rutherford?
5. He conducted gold foil experiment.
IV: Evaluation. Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the observations or model of
atom o J.J Thompson and Ernest Rutherford.

V. Assignment: in a 1 whole sheet of paper, draw the PLUM PUDDING model of atom and
PLANETARY model of atom

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