Midterm LP

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Learning area DRRR

Kalinga National High School

Detailed Lesson Plan Effective Date February 223
Grade 11
Grade level
Quarter 3rd quarter

Detailed lesson Plan in Physical Science

I. Objectives: at the end of the lesson the students should be able to,
a. Identify the three components of Atom.
c. Supply the missing data in the table to get the correct answer.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Development of Atom( subatomic particles)
Materials: Laptop, Smart tv, Power point presentation, chalk, black board, elements of periodic table
References: Physical Science book by: Jervee M. Punzalan, Richard C. Monserrat

III. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. ) Greetings
Good Morning class! How are you this morning.
Good morning too Ma’am. We’re fine ma’am.

Good to hear that.

b.) Prayer
let us bow down our head and let’s pray.
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Amen.
c.) Checking of attendance

Are there any absent today?

All present ma’am.

d.) Review/ Recap

Last meeting we discuss about the observations
that led to modern atomic theory, right?

Who founded the law of conservation of mass Yes Ma’am.

by his experiments of determining before and
after a chemical reaction.

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier


Who discovered the electron which is one of the

component of atom?
Joseph John Thomson Ma’am.
What are the three component of Atom?
Electron ( negatively charge), Proton( positively
charge) and Neutron( neutral).

B. Motivation

C. Lesson Proper

Subatomic Particles of Atom

Before going deeper to our new lesson today,
again what is atom?
Atom is the smallest particles of matter Ma’am.

Good. Today we are going to learn on the

subatomic particles of atom.

1. Electrons- Discovered by Sir John Joseph

Thomson in 1897.
-Moves around the nucleus, is very small
compared to the proton and electron. Electron
is? Negatively charged.

2. Protons- Were discovered by Ernest

Rutherford in the year 1919.
- Exist in a nucleus and have a positive nuclear
- The atomic number or proton number is the
number of protons present in an atom. Proton is
what charged? Positively charged

3. Neutrons- Discovered by James Chadwick in

- Along with protons, they make up almost all of
the mass of the atom and they are called the
nucleons. The number of neutrons is called the neutron
number and can be found by subtracting the
proton number from the atomic mass number.
This is the illustration of the three component of

Did you get it?

Yes ma’am.
None ma’am.

Okay. let’s move on, on how get the charges of

the three component of atom.

Particle Mass(g) Charge(C) Charge

Neutron 1.67495x 0 0
Electron 9.1095x -1.6022 x -1
10-28 10-19
Proton 1.6752 x +1.6022 x +1
10-24 10-19

Kindly read.

The positive charge of protons cancels the

negative charge of the electrons. Neutrons have
no charge.

-With regard to mass, protons and neutrons are

very similar, and have a much greater mass
than electrons. Compared with neutrons and
protons, the mass of an electron is usually
Thank you.

How to get the subatomic particles of an


Here is the formula:

Formulas: Z = p˖ = e˗
A=p˖ + n°
n°=A - p˖
Where: Z= atomic number
A= mass number
e˗= number of electron
p˖= number of protons
n°= number of neutrons

We are going to discuss it step by step.

1. To get the mass number, round off the

atomic mass to the nearest whole

Elements Atomic Mass
Mass (amu) Number

Check your periodic table and get the mass

number and round it.
Elements Atomic Mass
Mass (amu) Number
Na(Sodium) 22.99 23
Mn(Manganese) 54.94 55
Very Good. Cl(Chlorine) 35.461 35

2. To get the number of protons and

electrons of a neutral atom, remember
the formula.
What is the formula?

The formula is Z = p˖ = e˗

Elements Atomi Number Number of

c of electrons(
Numb protons( e˗)
er p˖)
Na(Sodium) 11
Mn(Mangane 25
Cl(Chlorine) 17
Elements Atomi Number Number
Always remember that atomic number is c of of
the same to number of protons and electrons. Numb protons( electrons(
er p˖) e˗)
Na(Sodium) 11 11 11
Mn(Mangane 25 25 25
Cl(Chlorine) 17 17 17

3. To get the number of neutrons, get the

difference between the atomic number
and mass number.

Again what is the formula?

n°=A – Z
Elements Atomic Mass Number of
Number Number Neutron(n°)
Na(Sodium) 11 23 12
Mn(Manganese) 25 55
Cl(Chlorine) 17 35

For Na( sodium)

n°=A – Z
= 11-23
= 12

Elements Atomic Mass Number of

Number Number Neutron(n°)
Na(Sodium) 11 23 12
Mn(Manganese) 25 55 30
Cl(Chlorine) 17 35 18

4. To get the atomic mass.

Formula: A=p˖ + n°


Elements Number of Number of Number

Protons(p˖) Neutrons(n°) of Mass
Na(Sodium) 11 12 23
Mn(Manganese) 25 30
Cl(Chlorine) 17 18
Solution: for Na( Sodium)
Formula: A= p˖ + n°
= 11 + 12
= 23

Elements Number of Number of Number

Protons(p˖) Neutrons(n°) of Mass
Na(Sodium) 11 12 23
Mn(Manganese) 25 30 55
Cl(Chlorine) 17 18 35
D. Generalization:
Did you understand?
Yes ma’am.
Any clarifications or queries regarding our topic
None Ma’am.
Since you don’t have a question, I have a
question. How to get the mass number of an
round off the atomic mass to the nearest whole
Good. How to get the proton and electron of a
neutral atom?

By using this formula Z = p˖ = e˗ and always

remember that the number of proton and
electron same as the atomic number.

Very good you really understood our lesson


E. Application

Pair Share:
Your seatmate will be your partner. Supply the
missing data in the table. Answer this for five
minutes. This is 10 point.

# # #
Atomic Atomic Mass
of of of
symbol # #
p e n
Au 79 79 197
37 37 37 49 ( students works silently)

O 8 8 16

53 53 53 74

82 82 82 208

Ok are you done?

Ok pass your paper.

Yes Ma’am.

( students silently passing their paper)

IV: Evaluation

In a 1 whole sheet of pad paper, answer these following questions and show your complete solutions.
Atomic symbol Atomic number Number of Number of Number of Mass number
proton electrons neutron
Sn( Tin)
W( Tungsten)
Pb( Lead)

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