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Craft and Structure

Songs and Poetry have similar elements:
Rhyme, pa7erns, stanza, allitera9on,
phrase, refrain, verse and so forth.
This Handout gives the Teacher a way to
explain the ways poetry and song wri9ng
are craBed.

The Mini-Musical "The Tale of the Three

Billy Goats Gruff" was inspired by the
music of Norway's revered composer
Edvard Grieg. Li7le pieces of themes
from his music are used in the songs.
The Music Teacher may want to create a
lesson using the story and include some
of Grieg's music for reference. The
English Teacher may want to include this
Handout in conjunc9on with using the
mini musical to study Poetry and Song
wri9ng by learning the mini-musical's
songs as well.
Craft and Structure
Songs and Poetry are crafted in similar ways. Rhythm and Rhyme are common to both Songs and Poetry.
But Melody, a combination of Pitches and Rhythm, is a Song’s most important structural element.

Put these elements where they are used.

Poem Song

H a rm
on y l l i t e r a t io n
t anza Lin A
d y Pitches S Phrase
Melo Choru Fr e
R h yme
s e V er s e In t er n a l
Rhythm Patterns
Ending Rhyme Foot Introduction
Craft and Structure
Songs and Poetry are crafted in similar ways. Rhythm and Rhyme are common to both Songs and Poetry.
But Melody, a combination of Pitches and Rhythm, is a Song’s most important structural element.
Put these elements where they are used.

Poem Song
Alliteration Introduction
Ending Rhyme Melody
Internal Rhyme Harmony
Free Verse Rhythm Pitches
Patterns Verse

H a rm
on y l l i t e r a t io n
t anza Lin A
d y Pitches S Phrase
Melo Choru Fr e
R h yme
s e V er s e In t er n a l
Rhythm Patterns
Ending Rhyme Foot Introduction

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