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Part 1
For questions 1-8, reed the text below end decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap Th . !
example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. • ere 1s an F
0 A normal B pure C natural D physical

• Read the title to get a general idea of what the text is going to be about.
• Read the text once to get the general idea.
• Read again. Pay close attention to the words before and after each gap.
• Look at the choices you have. Choose the best one.
• Read again to see whether it makes sense.

mystery of the
vanishing bees

Most people are probably aware that honey, the (0) ..... sweetener that man has been using for thousands of I
years. is (1) ..... by bees; but perhaps fewer of us realise just how important these tiny creatures are to fanners.

Bees pollinate fruit and vegetable crops; it has been said that every third mouthful we eat depends on a
bee having pollinated one or more of the ingredients, but now farmers in the United States are (2) ..... a
major problem. American bees are dying - and nobody knows why.
Making sure crops are (3) ..... pollinated has become big (4) ..... in the United States. Beekeepers
load their hives onto huge lorries and transport them (5) ..... the country to pollinate the farmers' crops.
When the bees finish their work in one state and return to their hives, they are taken on to another state.
1be problem became apparent when tbe bees (6) ..... to return to their hives, with some beekeepers losing more
than 70 per cent of their insects. It soon became clear that the bees were flying off and dying in huge (7) ••••• •

Now the race is on to find the cause and, hopefully, the solution. In the meantime, some beekeepers are
importing bees from other countries in the hope that they will be (8) ..... to whatever it is that is killing
their American cousins. Only time will tell.

B fixed C assembled D produced

1 A manufactu red
B finding C solving D meeting
2 A facing
B properly C precisely D distinctly
3 A fairly
B industry C work D production
4 A business
B along C over D around
5 A through
B missed C ignored D failed
6 A stopped
B levels C numbers D amounts
7 A sums D hostile
8 A opposed B resistant C defensive
Part 2
For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: \
\Y \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ III
• Read the text quickly once, without paying attention to the gaps.
• Read again carefully, trying to fill each gap. The missing words can be:
adverbs, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, etc. If you
can't find the answer for a gap, move on to the next one and return later.
• When you've finished, read the text again to see if your answers are
grammatically correct and make sense in the sentence and the text.

Swallowed by the sea?

The 'Lost City of Atlantis' was first described (0) ................................. Plato, the famous Greek philosopher .
over 2,000 years ago. His story paints a picture of an ancient civilisation whose hunger for power over others
led to (9) ................................. final downfall. According to Plato, after a failed attempt to invade Athens, 'the
island of Atlantis was swallowed up by the sea and vanished' in only one day.

Ever (10) ................................. this legendary account was given, philosophers and scientists have taken part
in many debates and discussions about (11) ................................. the city was real or not.

One American classical scholar, Daniel Dombrowski, claims that Plato wanted to show what happened when
man attempted to create an 'ideal state'. However, some people have (12) ................................. forward the
idea that Atlantis could (13) ................................. been one of the islands we know today as Crete, Santorini.
Malta (14) ................................. Cyprus. And in their book 'When The Sky Fell', Rand and Rose·Flem-Ath
suggest that the lost nation could still exist today under the thick snow of Antarctica.

(15) ................................. theory we choose to believe, the myth of Atlantis seems set to remain a subject of
debate for quite (16) ................................. time to come!

Part 3
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the wor~ given in capitals at the end of
form a word that fits in the gap In the same line. There 1s an example at the beginning (O~~rrie of the ,J
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

• Read through the title and the whole text to understand what it is about.
• Decide what part of speech you need in each gap. Remember, you may
have to use the word in the plural form, or the negative form. Think of
possible prefixes and suffixes.
• Read the text again to see whether it makes sense.

British Food
Many people are under the (0) ................................. that British food is IMPRESS
awful. It is said to be (17) ................................. and cooked badly, so the TASTE
idea that Britain has some of the best restaurants in the world is usually
met with roars of (18) ..................................... However, perhaps this is a LA~GQ
little unfair.

There have been some wonderful (19) .............................. in recent years. IMPROVE
There are now many excellent restaurants serving (20) ............................. . CUSTOM
high-quality dishes that have been very (21) ............................................. . SKILL
prepared. Also, many British chefs now have Michelin stars, which are
only awarded to the world's very best chefs.

A good variety of food is available these days, too. In other words, the
food being served isn't just French gourmet. There has been a huge rise
in the popularity of (22) ................................. British dishes. Fortunately, TRADITION
gone are the days when the only things on the menu were boiled
vegetables and stewed meat!

So, the next time you get a chance, be (23) ..................................... and try
some real British food. You just might find that it no longer deserves its
terrible (24) ................................. .


Part 4
\. for questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that It has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given. Here is an example (0).

Read the whole sentence,
o Bill said he'd never been to such a good restaurant.
then look at the key word.
WAS Think of the structure
Bill said ............................................................... he'd ever been to. being tested (e.g. passive,
reported, etc). Use the
given word to comp]ete
the second sentence. Use
between two and five
words in each gap.

Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

25 Guests can take as much food as they want from the hotel's breakfast bar.
There is .......................................................... much food guests can take from the hoteJ's breakfast bar.

26 I don't want to go out tonight.

I'd ........... ... ......... .... ........................ . ... . ............ ... .... ..... ... . ... ...... .. ..... .......... .. ...... .............. ... ........... tonight.

27 It wasn't my fault that you lost your keys again.

You can't ................................................................................................................................. keys again.

28 He can only borrow my car if he promises to bring it back tomorrow.

I will only ............................................................................ that he promises to bring it back tomorrow.

29 Would you mind if I turned the radio down?

Would you object ............................................................................................................. the radio down?

30 It might be cold so take a jacket.

Take a jacket ...................................................................................................................................... cold.

1® 11
or D) best fits each gap There ·
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A B C • ,s 81 For Ql
example at th e beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate'a~swer
,-_,.-_-:A:-----::8:----::c --...- Write
0 A ahead of B in front of C preceding D earlier than 0 1
- = =
, Many of the missing words are parts of set phrases.

The Best of Britain

are working hard (0) .....
It's time for the 'PlanetSong Music Competition' again. Several British hopefuls
the other contestants, IYann
the finals in Brussels in the hope of winning the contest for their country. Like
Marcus Inman is excited to have the (1) ..... to represent his nation. He says that it's
perform for his country at the (2) ..... level. Marcus adds that he believes the contest
every boy's dream to ~o get
is the most important 1mpo:
music event of the year and that he feels he has a (3) ..... to do his very best for the
jThe b
singer of the noted from
Marcus isn't a newcomer to the music business, though. He was (4) ..... the lead
ds of copies and, as a
heavy rock band, 'The Fortress'. His band's first album sold hundreds of thousan survi•
(5) ..... , their first single, 'Missing a Piece of the Puzzle', reached number one
in the music charts. After
a zeb
ng songs. However,
his huge achievement, Marcus (6) ..... his mind to take a short break from recordi exam
he assures everyone that his new 'PlanetSong' ballad means he's well and truly it dis•
much as the Brits do.
He says that he is hoping that the judges will like his unique singing style as
if he is unsuccessful If yo,
Whatev er happens, though, he has (7) ..... a promise that he will not (8) ..... even

this time around. We've got our fingers crossed for you, Marcus!
B opportunity C option D occasion
1 A appointment
2 A highest B steepest C tallest D biggest
3 A service B duty C job D task
4 A lately B recently C currently D previously
5 A reason B cause C reaction D result
6 A made up B put down C set out D got on
7 A taken B given C made D said
8 A give up B hold back C get out D fall away

PA Pf R 1

F questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which
best fits each gap. Use only one word in
e~~h gap. There Is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answe

r sheet.

There may be more than one correct answer, but do not write more
than one word in each gap.

Ad ven ture s at Sea

Yann Martel's Life of Pi is a novel that you should (0) ..............................
read late in the evening if you intend
to get (9) .............................. sleep at night! It is definitely a page-turner;
I personally found it absolu tely
impossible to (10) .............................. down before I had read it cover to

The book tells the unusual story of a sixteen-year-old boy, Pi. (11) ..........
.................... Pi is making the voyag e
from India to Canada on a boat full of zoo animals, his boat sinks. Being
the (12) .............................. human
survivor, he finds (13) .............................. sharing a lifeboat with a menag
erie of creatures, including a hyena ,
a zebra, an orang-utan and a 200 kg Bengal Tiger. Although the book
is written in a fairly simple style, it
examines some very complex themes. In (14) .............................., the novel
reads like a fable or a fairytale as
it discusses the question of faith and belief.

If you read only one good book this year, I (15) ..............................
strongly recommend Martel's Life of Pi.
The writer has come up (16) .............................. a story that is enlightening
, humorous and therefore highly

i iHih iN- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --...
lttll l
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of
the linesf
form a word that fits in the gap In the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). fo
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. :hi

Occasiona1ly, more than one form of noun, adjective, etc may exist.
Read the sentence carefully to see which one you should choose.


Something Different I
If you are looking for a holiday with a (0) ...................................... , then
'Koryo Travel' are the people to speak to. While some agencies send
their clients off to admire the (17) ............................ sights of Athens or I
to beaches on the Costa Brava, they fly tourists to (18) ..........................
North Korea.
For years, North Korea has been the subject of increasing
(19) .................................... In the past, its doors were closed to foreign CURIOU S
visitors, but now very few people are refused (20) ............................... .
Nicholas Bonner, of Koryo Travel, admits the trip is expensive and
(21) .............................. requires a lot of boring paperwork. NORMA L

Mount Paekdu is a paradise for adventurous hill-climbers. Then

moving away from the (22) ..................................... nature reserves and COLOUR
over to the wide avenues of P'yongyang lies the May Day Stadium.
With all these magnificent and (23) ................................... sights, North USUAL
Korea promises to be a (24) ... :............................... experience, ideal for MEMOR Y
people who want the most from their holiday.

PAP[ R 1

l® tl
uestions 25-30, complete the secon d sente nce so that
It has a simila r mean ing to the first sente nce,
Fo.r q the word given. Do not chan ge the word given
using . You must use between two and five words, includ ing
the word given. Here 1s an examp1e ()

o Your house needs redecorating this spring. Make sure you use
SHOULD between two and five
You ............................................................................ this spring words. Contractions
. (e.g. can't, isn't) coun t
as two words.


Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS

on the separate answer sheet.

25 You might get tired walking so you should wear comfortab

le shoes.
Wear comfortable shoes ......................................................
......................................................... walking.
26 He hasn't played tennis for five years.
He ..........................................................................................
............................................. five years ago.
27 It's not worth saving this leftover food.
There's .................................................................................
.......................................... this leftover food.
28 You mustn't miss the chance to study abroad.
You must .................................................................................
.................. ..... the chance to study abroad.
29 She watched a film at home and didn' t go to the cinema.
She watched a film at home ................................................
................................................ to the cinema.
30 Peter was eighteen when he started driving.
Peter ..........................................................................................
...................................... he was eighteen.


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