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Autonomous University

of Nuevo Leon

Faculty of Public Accounting and Administration

competence in English

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Mapa conceptual de los parámetros de la
situación macroeconómica del país.

Mapa conceptual de los parámetros de la
situación macroeconómica del país.

Mapa conceptual de los parámetros de la
situación macroeconómica del país.
People have moved around our planet for centuries, the reasons are diverse,
examples are family, work, climate; These displacements have good and bad effects;
It is also true that circumstances change and that population movements vary in their
reasons, in their destinations; Consequently, regulation also changes and change is
not unalterable synonymous with good.
The concept of nationality is closely related to that of nation, that is, the identity with
a social conglomerate that is identified by different common characteristics. This is
why when reviewing history, the term nationality is frequently found linked to the very
evolution of the nation (natural link) and the consolidation of the State as a legal
entity (legal and political link).
It is considered a natural bond that, as a result of being born in a territory or living in
common and having identical social interests, makes the individual a member of the
group that forms a Nation.

The possession of a certain nationality is a prerequisite for the exercise of certain

basic rights of the person, such as access to education, health care, work, property,
free movement, the exercise of other civil rights and politicians, and, ultimately, to
receive assistance and representation at the international level.
Nationality is the fundamental human right that establishes the essential legal link
between the individual and the State, by virtue of which a person is a member of the
political community that a State constitutes according to Domestic Law and
International Law.
It constitutes a fundamental element for the security of the Individual, since, in
addition to giving the person a certain sense of belonging and identity, it grants them
the right to enjoy the protection of the State and provides them with a legal basis for
the exercise of various rights. Civil and political.
It should not be confused with citizenship; this includes a part of the nationals, that
is, those legally qualified to exercise political rights, but there are nationals who, for
reasons of age or other reasons, may not be citizens.

Nationality is classified into nationality of origin and acquired nationality. The

nationality of origin is also known as natural nationality and the acquired nationality
as naturalization or legal nationality.
In Mexico today, nationals can be classified into four types: Mexicans by birth, by
naturalization, with dual or multiple nationality, and residents abroad.
Nationality is a human right that corresponds to us as people since it gives us even
more rights in educational aspects, legal, social, labor rights, among many others; It
establishes a link between the city and the closest citizen since it also grants us the
right to protection from the state.
This is mainly divided into two, nationality of origin and acquired nationality, although
in Mexico it is divided into four by birth, by naturalization, with dual or multiple
nationality and residents abroad.

- (s.f.). Sitio Web del Sistema Bibliotecario de la UTEC.
- (s.f.). ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados | ACNUR.

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