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“A Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Perceived Causes of Burnout

Syndrome among Staff Nurses at Selected Hospitals of Bareilly”




Corresponding Author

ABSTRACT: The fast paced and unpredictable nature of health care places nurses at risk of injuries and illness. [1]
Nurses have tremendous responsibilities and deal with enormous challenges [2].Nurses are exposed to many stressful
demands and pressures and are therefore at heightened risk for an array of health, safety, and other problems
. Burnout Syndrome is a chronic adaptation disorder that affects workers and is characterized by three forms of
psychological distress: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a sense of low personal fulfillment.
METHODS: Evaluative research approach was used for this study and it aims to assess the knowledge regarding
perceived causes of burnout syndrome among nurses. Structured knowledge questionnaire regarding burnout
syndrome were used. Non probability convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. Result: There
was positive correlation of knowledge r=0.78 respectively based on Karl Pearson’s correlation computed value of
knowledge. This indicates the existence of positive correlation. Hence, H1 was accepted. These findings were
supported through a study conducted by Raftopoulous V who confirm that there exist a positive correlation r=0.8 of
knowledge which is present day health care scenario .CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of the study, the
following conclusions were drawn.The overall test knowledge scores about perceived causes of burnout
syndrome.There was positive correlation of knowledge of staff nurses.Thus it was concluded that the descriptive
study has assessed the knowledge of staff nurses regarding the perceived causes of burnout syndrome.


INTRODUCTION: A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose
of which is to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to others, a direct and definite compensation,
wholly apart from expectation for other business gain.Nurses are exposed to many stressful demands and pressures
and are therefore at heightened risk for an array of health, safety, and other problems [3].It is reported that nurses are
more prone to developing stress than other health care professionals [4]. The nurses and nursing students can
experience the sensibility of burnout because of their work or duty. Some major factors of nursing stress have been
proposed including; workload, interprofessional conflicts, lack of clarity, task ambiguity, and supervision problems
overload and role ambiguity are frequently highlighted. Some studies have specifically reported that burnout is
related to the amount of time that nurses spend with their patients, with patient’s poor prognosis among the
sociodemographic factors age has been the factor consistently related to burnout [6]. According to 2003 Canadian
community among health care provider especially nurses 45percent or 413,000 reported that most days at work were
quite or extremely stressful[7]. A comparative study to identify the job related stress, stress reaction and coping
strategies adopted by the nursing personnel working in critical and non critical care units of selected private
hospitals of Delhi views that the stress reaction in a critical area ranges from 63 to 81 % in a critical area as
compared to 69 to 71 % in a non critical area [8].


1. To assess the knowledge regarding perceived causes of burnout syndrome among staff nurses.
2. To determine the knowledge score regarding perceived causes of burnout syndrome among staff nurses.
3. To find out an association between knowledge score and selected socio- demographic variables such as age, gender,
qualification, work experience, marital status, work area.

SECTION –A Findings related to selected socio- demographic variables of staff nurses.

In the present study, the sample size of staff nurses chosen for the study was 60, majority of staff nurses
45(75%) belonged to age group of 22-25 years

The majority of staff nurses that is 33(55%) were female and 27(45%) were male. Majority of staff nurses
i.e. 34(56.6%) were GNM , 23(38.33%) were B.Sc Nursing .

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 37(61.66%) have the experience of 0-2 years. The

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 45(75%) were unmarried. The findings were supported through a study
conducted by Vargas , who observed that the maximum staff nurses 65(65%) were unmarried.

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 24(40%) work in ICU and 20(33.3%) works in other wards.

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 32(53.33%) had a monthly income of 5,001-10,000.

Association of knowledge score and selected demographic variables among staff nurses.

Sl. Demographic variables Good Average Poor Chi-square Df
No. Cal Tab

01. Age
a) 22- 25 years 14
21 11
b) 26- 27 years 00
c) 30- 31 years 00 07 01 8.04 12.59 6 N.S.
d) 32 years and above 00
04 01

01 00

02. Gender
a) Female 12 13 01 22.19 9.49 4 S.
b) Male 01 20 13
c) Transgender 00 00 00

03. Professional Educational

a) GNM 02 18 13
b) Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing 00 02 00 19.22 9.49 4 S.
c) B.Sc. Nursing
13 09 03

04. Work Experience

a) 0- 2 years 14 15 10
b) 2-5 years 00 06 02 9.6 9.49 4 S.
c) 5 or above 01 10 02

05. Marital Status

a) Unmarried 14 23 09
b) Married 01 10 03 3.21 12.59 6 N.S.
c) Widow/ Widower 00 00 00
d) Divorced
00 00 00

06. Present Working Area

a) ICU
b) Emergency 03 15 06
c) OT 01 03 05 7.76 12.59 6 S.
d) Other wards 03 03 02
05 11 03

07. Monthly Income

a) 5,001- 10,000 11 16 09
b) 10,001- 15,000 00 15 02 11.6 12.59 6 S.
c) 15,000- 20,000 01 02 00
d) Above 20,001 01 03 00


Findings related to selected socio- demographic variables of staff nurses.

In the present study, the sample size of staff nurses chosen for the study was 60, majority of staff nurses 45(75%)
belonged to age group of 22-25 years. These findings were supported through the study conducted by Gomez-
Urquiza, who observed that a maximum number of staff nurses 40(66%) belonged to age group of 22-25 years.

The majority of staff nurses that is 33(55%) were female and 27(45%) were male. These findings were supported
throughTalias M, who observed that a maximum number of staff nurses of 31(51%) belonged to female staff nurses.
This indicates that the majority of nursing personnel were female population has the upper hand in the nursing

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 34(56.6%) were GNM , 23(38.33%) were B.Sc Nursing . The findings are supported
through a study conducted by Raftopoulous V, who observed that the maximum staff nurses 30(50%) were GNM,
and 24(40%) belonged to B.Sc. Nursing.

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 37(61.66%) have the experience of 0-2 years. The findings were supported through a
study conducted by Vargas , who observed that the maximum staff nurses 69(69%) were having the experience of 0-
2 years.

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 45(75%) were unmarried. The findings were supported through a study conducted by
Vargas , who observed that the maximum staff nurses 65(65%) were unmarried.
Majority of staff nurses i.e. 24(40%) work in ICU and 20(33.3%) works in other wards. The findings were supported
through a study conducted by Raftopoulous V, who observed that the maximum number of staff nurses work
30(50%) works in ICU.

Majority of staff nurses i.e. 32(53.33%) had a monthly income of 5,001-10,000. The findings were contradictory
through a study conducted by Raftopoulous V, who observed that the maximum number of staff nurse had a
monthly income of 25,000-40,000 .

Finding related to the knowledge scores of nurses regarding perceived causes of burnout syndrome.

There was positive correlation of knowledge r=0.78 respectively based on Karl Pearson’s correlation
computed value of knowledge. This indicates the existence of positive correlation. Hence, H1 was accepted. These
findings were supported through a study conducted by Raftopoulous V who confirm that there exist a positive
correlation r=0.8 of knowledge which is present day health care scenario.

Finding related to the association between test knowledge scores and socio demographical variables among
staff nurses

The computed chi-square test revealed that there was a statistical association for variables. These findings
are supported through a study conducted by Raftopoulous who confirm that there was a statistical association
between the knowledge score with their selected socio-demographical variables.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

 The overall test knowledge scores about perceived causes of burnout syndrome.
 There was positive correlation of knowledge of staff nurses.

Thus it was concluded that the descriptive study has assessed the knowledge of staff nurses regarding
the perceived causes of burnout syndrome.

Implication of the Study:

The findings of the study have implications for nursing education, nursing practice, nursing administration,
and nursing research.
Nursing Education:

Nursing education helps the student nurses with adequate knowledge, skills and attitude to fulfill their
duties and responsibilities in the nursing field. Burnout syndrome is one of the leading cause which actuate the
nurses to drop out their profession and embark to other career. Nursing curriculum should be such that it should
prepare the prospective nursing students to recognize the causes of burnout syndrome and strategies which may help
to cope up with it. The nursing curriculum should include more content on burnout syndrome among nurses and its
prevention. The holistic health care approach should be emphasized during the training of nursing students. The
nurse educators have the responsibility to update the knowledge of students during clinical teaching and thereby
improve their knowledge through various educational programmes.

Nursing Practice:

Constant updating and growth of knowledge are essential to keep abreast of scientific and technological
change and changes within the nursing profession. In-service education programs are designed to upgrade the
knowledge of employees. In this prospect, if the nurses have their own personal issues then it may obstacle the
deliverance of the quality nursing care. In order to improve client’s outcome the nurse has to make a balance
between the professional and personal life. The investigator, supervisor or nurse educator have to be keenly observe
the cases of burnout syndrome within the hospital setting.So that they will identify the cases early and with adequate
guidance and counselling help the nurses to overcome the existing problem. It is therefore important for the nurses
to be knowledgeable and competent to harmonize themselves with work environment.

Nursing Administration:

In each and every organization (hospital) nursing administration must plan a separate budget for continuing
education programs. They must make sure that in- service education programs are conducted periodically. After
training, the nurses should be able to ascertain the stressors and take the appropriate measures to resolve them. In
contrast the nurses should also be regarded with incentives, work appraisals and bonus so that they might feel
satisfied with their services rendered and hard work.

Nursing Research:

Today nurses are actively generating, publishing and applying research in practice to improve client care
and enhance scientific knowledge base of nursing. The present study throws light on knowledge of staff nurses
regarding perceived causes of Burnout syndrome among staff nurses. Nurse need to engage in multidisciplinary
research so that it will help improve the knowledge and by applying it, many personal problems can be solved.
Extensive nursing research in exploring the knowledge level on Burnout Syndrome is needed so that nurses develop
the best coping strategies.
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