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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Senior High School Department
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Name of Teacher: Lourdes Gallardo Date:

Subject/Grade Level Taught: READING AND WRITING Quarter: THIRD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and
organized to achieve a particular purpose.

B. Performance The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing
standards on information selection, organization, and development.

C. Learning Competency Evaluate a written text based on the properties of well written text.




A. References K to 12 GRADE 11 MODULE

B. Other learning Laptop

Power point presentation


A. Preliminary Prayer
Checking of attendance

B. Reviewing What is the previous topic?

previous lesson
What are the elements of an introduction?
What is the purpose of an introduction?

C. Presenting the At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
new lesson
a. Discuss the parts of an essay specifically on body and conclusion.
b. Locate the parts of an essay in the given example.
c. Compose essay on a selected topic.

D. Discussing new PARTS OF AN ESSAY

concepts and
practicing new
- Body is the meat of the essay.
- It discusses the thesis statement in detail through its paragraphs.
- This is where the topic is developed and where the arguments are
laid out and discussed.

- The concluding paragraph begins with the restatement of the thesis
statement using a different structure and wording to uphold the
language style.
- This part is followed by a transitional statement that talks about
recommendations, benefits of the ideas presented or purpose of
writing the essay.
- Finally, a closing statement is used to wrap up the essay. One
strategy used for ending an essay with a bang is to link it to the
attention-getter in the introduction.

Example of an essay:
The best exercise
People need exercise to stay healthy. Adults should exercise 20 minutes daily,
but most people do not. Activities like swimming, lifting weights, and playing
sports are often inconvenient or too expensive. The best type of exercise is
walking because it is easy and convenient and usually done outside.
Walking is easy. When exercise is too difficult, people stop doing it. However,
when exercise is simple, people often enjoy it and continue to do it. Also, easy
activities cause fewer injuries and less pain than strenuous activities. Walking
is great exercise because it is simple and pleasant to do.
Walking is convenient. Person can walk anywhere- in the city, country, or
mountains. Many other forms of exercise require special equipment or
locations. For example, swimming requires a pool. Lifting weights requires
barbells and benches. Walking can be done anytime and anywhere without
special preparation.
Walking is often done outside. During exercise, the body produces chemicals
called endorphins and serotonin, which calm and stress and make people feel
happy. Scientists found out that people who spend time outdoors in nature feel
happier than people who do not. Walking outside helps mental and physical
Walking is an ideal exercise. It is easier than many other sports. It is also more
convenient than many other activities, as a person can do it at almost any time
or place. Finally, walking is usually done outside, which helps people feel happy
and less stressed. Everyone who wants regular exercise should try walking.

E. Developing What are the parts of an essay?

mastery What is the purpose of each part in essay?

F. Finding Read the essay below and answer the following questions.
Is the internet bad for young people? Nowadays, it is much easier than ever to
application of
access the internet. Wherever you are, you can listen to your favorite music,
concepts and
read an article and things like that. There is no doubt that many young people
skills in daily spend hours online during their day. It has some cons, but also numerous
living drawbacks.
One advantage of the internet is that young people can do research for their
schoolwork. There are a lot of useful websites for students. This often helps
teenagers to widen their knowledge and improve their grades. Another
positive aspect of the internet is that people can practice foreign languages by
chatting with their friends from other countries. This is also a good way of
keeping in touch with friends and family around the world. Even when
someone lives hundreds of kilometers from you can call each other.
On the other hand, it could be very disruptive. People often tend to watch
movies, and Netflix instead of studying when they need to. Young people
become addicted to the internet, and It has an enormous impact on their
health. They have problems with sleeping and focus. They are more likely to
drop out of school.
To sum up, spending time on the internet has pros and cons. It could help
people expand their knowledge and keep in touch with people around the
world. But it is easy to be addicted to the internet too. If you are, you waste
your time and you don’t notice what is happening around you. Young people
hardly talk to their families, because they choose to play games or watch
movies for hours. In my opinion, the internet is an amazing tool. The benefits
outweigh the downsides. However, we should be careful not to use the internet
1. What is the topic all about?
2. Identify the hook of the introduction.
3. What is the thesis statement in the introduction?
4. What are the disadvantages and advantages of internet for young
5. What conclusions can be drawn from the topic?

G. Generalization The teacher will ask anyone from the class to share what they have learned.

H. Evaluating The students will create an essay about the topic “ the effects of gadgets to
learning students”.

Prepared by Checked by
Lourdes B. Gallardo Ma’am Richie Anne Luban

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