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PSYCH 2: Developmental Psychology

1st Term 2nd Semester
AY 2023-2024

Name: _______________________________________ Score: _____________

Course/Year: ________________________________ Date: _______________

Test I. Multiple Choice. 2 points each

Instruction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. Human development as a lifelong process, which can be studied scientifically.

a. Psychosocial development b. life-span development c. physical development
2. Coils of DNA that consists of smaller segments.
a. Genes b. chromosomes c. DNA
3. Mechanical monitoring of fetal heartbeat during labor and delivery.
a. Ceasarian delivery b. electronic fetal monitoring c. natural delivery
4. Pattern of inheritance in which a child receives identical recessive alleles.
a. Dominant inheritance b. genetic c. recessive inheritance
5. The most common chromosomal abnormality.
a. Down syndrome b. Klinefelter’s syndrome c. Turner syndrome
6. Retention of information in memory for future use.
a. Recall b. storage c. retrieval
7. Infants born before completing 37th week of gestation.
a. Preterm infants b. low-birth babies c. small-for-date infants
8. The range of potential expression of a hereditary trait.
a. Reaction range b. cannalization c. genotype environment interaction
9. Piaget’s term for organized pattern of thought and behavior used situations.
a. Sensorimotor b. schema c. circular reaction
10. Newborn baby, up to 4 weeks old.
a. Neonate b. doula c. baby
11. Learning based on association of behavior with its consequences.
a. Operant conditioning b. classical conditioning c. Accomodation
12. Physical skills that involve the small muscles and eye-hand coordination.
a. Fine motor skills b. Handedness c. system of action
13. Ability to reproduce material from me mory.
a. Recall b. storage c. retrieval
14. Long term memory of specific experiences or events, linked to time and place.
a. Generic memory b. autobiographical memory c. episodic memory
15. Temporary support to help a child master a task.
a. Scaffolding b. zone of proximal development c. fast mapping
Test II. Enumeration: 4 Points each
Instruction: Enumerate the following and define each term.

1. Stages of Prenatal Development (3)

2. Stages of Childbirth (3)
3. Types of childhood memory (3)
Test III. Essay: 15 Points each
Instruction: Answer the question briefly and concisely.

1. Discuss how social interaction and culture influence memory.

2. Discuss trends and risk factors of stillbirth.
3. Does society’s interest in protecting unborn children justify coercive measures against pregnant women
who ingest harmful substances?
Total no. of points: 111 points

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

Andy Mclntyre

Alyzza Fabe
Psych 2 Instructor


PSYCH 2: Developmental Psychology
1st Term 2nd Semester
AY 2023-2024
Name: _______________________________________ Score: _____________
Course/Year: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Test I. Identification: Identify the following definitions. Wrong spelling wrong (2 points each).
___________1. The proposed transitional period between adolescence and adulthood is commonly found in industrialized

___________2. The prejudice or discrimination against a person based on age.

___________3. Chronic disease involving dependence on the use of alcohol, causing interference with normal functioning
and fulfillment of obligations.

___________4. Gradual, inevitable process of bodily deterioration throughout the life span.

___________5. A disorder producing symptoms of physical discomfort and emotional tension for up to 2 weeks before a
menstrual period.

__________6. The study of aged and the process of aging.

__________7. The inability to conceive a child after 12 months of sexual intercourse without the use of birth control.

___________8. The longest period that members of a species can live.

__________9. Mature type of thinking that relies on subjective experience and intuition as well as logic.

__________10. The period of the lifespan is marked by declines in physical functioning usually associated with aging.

_________11. Sternberg’s term for information that is not formally taught but is necessary to get ahead.

_________12. Unstable, highly reactive atoms or molecules, formed during metabolism, that can cause internal bodily

_________13. An assumption that there is a carryover of cognitive gains from work to leisure that explains the positive
relationship between the quality of intellectual functioning.

_________14. The ability of body organs and systems to put forth 4 to 10 times as much effort as usual under acute stress.

_________15. The process that underlies the shift to adult identity.

_________16. Cloudy or opaque areas in the lens of the eye, cause blurred vision.

_________17. In the timing-of-events model, commonly expected life experiences occur at customary times.

________18. Waxy chunks of insoluble tissue are found in the brains of a person with Alzheimer's disease.

_________19. Dynamic capacity to modify one’s level of ego control in response to environmental and contextual

_________20. Hypothesized fund of energy that may enable a deteriorating brain to continue to function normally.

Test II. Enumeration: Enumerate the research findings of the following (10 points each):

1. Practical and Social Issues related to Aging.

2. Non-marital kinship ties in Filipino families

Test III. Essay: Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1. Summarize changes in sensory and motor functioning and body structure and systems that may begin during
middle age.
2. Explain why life review can be especially helpful in old age and how it can help overcome fear of

“Always look on the bright side of life.”

Alyzza Fabe
Psych 2 Instructor

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