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Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)


Compulsory Information required for PR Application

Please ensure that the information reflected here is true and correct.
This questionnaire is designed to find out more about you so that we can provide a comprehensive and accurate presentation of your profile in preparation of your application.
We appreciate your time taken in answering the following questions. Please try to be as specific as possible in your answers.
For questions which are not applicable to you, kindly indicate “N.A.” The expected time required to complete this questionnaire is 25 minutes.

Please input NA if questions do not apply to you

Race & Religion of Main Applicant Race: Religion:

Race & Religion of Spouse Race: Religion:

Main Applicant’s Current Address in

Full Address:
home country
Spouse’s Current Address in home
Full Address:
Main Applicant’s Contact details in Home: +65 Mobile: +65 Office: +65 Email:

Name as per Passport

Occupation as per work pass Employer

Basic Salary Gross Salary
Spouse (If Applicable)
(Monthly based on payslip) (Monthly based on payslip)

Highest Educational
Qualifications Attained
(State Institution and Country)

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

Full Employment History (Main Applicant)

Full Employment History Details Company Name and Position and Basic and Gross
(Applies to all full-time Date Joined (MM/YYYY) Date Resigned (MM/YYYY)
Full Address Name 3 responsibilities Salary (upon leaving)
employment since beginning of
Month Year Month Year
Position held:

Company name: Job Responsibility #1:

Basic: SGD
Till Present Gross: SGD
Company address: Job Responsibility #2:

Job Responsibility #3:

Month Year Month Year

Position held:

Company name: Job Responsibility #1:

Basic: SGD
Gross: SGD
Company address: Job Responsibility #2:

Job Responsibility #3:

Month Year Month Year

Position held:

Company name: Job Responsibility #1:

Basic: SGD
Gross: SGD
Company address: Job Responsibility #2:

Job Responsibility #3:

4. Month Year Month Year Company name: Position held: Basic: SGD
Gross: SGD
Company address: Job Responsibility #1:

Job Responsibility #2:

Job Responsibility #3:

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

Month Year Month Year Position held:

Job Responsibility #1:

Company name:
Basic: SGD
Job Responsibility #2: Gross: SGD
Company address:
Job Responsibility #3:

Month Year Month Year Position held:

Job Responsibility #1:

Company name:
Basic: SGD
Job Responsibility #2: Gross: SGD
Company address:
Job Responsibility #3:

Month Year Month Year Position held:

Job Responsibility #1:

Company name:
Basic: SGD
Job Responsibility #2: Gross: SGD
Company address:
Job Responsibility #3:

Month Year Month Year Position held:

Job Responsibility #1:

Company name:
Basic: SGD
Job Responsibility #2: Gross: SGD
Company address:
Job Responsibility #3:

Month Year Month Year Position held:

Job Responsibility #1:

Company name:
Basic: SGD
Job Responsibility #2: Gross: SGD
Company address:
Job Responsibility #3:

Month Year Month Year


6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

List of Countries and Addresses in which Main Applicant has resided for more than 6 months over the past ten years
Date Moved In Date Moved Out
Full Address State and Country
(MM/YYYY) Joined (MM/YYYY)
Month Year Month Year Address:
Housing type (Please choose from one and bold it):
1. HDB Flat (__no. of rooms) / Condominiums and other
apartments / Detached / Other housing units (eg
shophouses) / Rental flat / Semi-detached
Month Year Month Year
2. Address:

Month Year Month Year

3. Address:

Month Year Month Year

4. Address:
Address of Residence
For previous 10 Years Month Year Month Year
5. Address:

Month Year Month Year

6. Address:

Month Year Month Year

7. Address:

Month Year Month Year

8. Address:

Month Year Month Year

9. Address:

Month Year Month Year

10. Address:

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

List of Countries and Addresses in which Spouse has resided in for more than 6 months over the past ten years
Date Moved In Date Moved Out
Full Address State and Country
(MM/YYYY) Joined (MM/YYYY)
Month Year Month Year
1. Address:
Month Year Month Year
2. Address:

Month Year Month Year

3. Address:

Month Year Month Year

4. Address:

Month Year Month Year

Address of Residence 5. Address:
For previous 10 Years
Month Year Month Year
6. Address:

Month Year Month Year

7. Address:

Month Year Month Year

8. Address:

Month Year Month Year

9. Address:

Month Year Month Year

10. Address:

Details of Main Applicant’s Immediate Family

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

Father Mother
Full Name Full Name
(Last name in Bold) (Last name in Bold)
Gender Male Gender Female
Date of Birth Date of Birth
Place of Birth (State Place of Birth
& Country) (State and Country)
Nationality Nationality
Present Present
Whereabouts (State whereabouts
& Country) (State & Country)
Current Occupation
Details of Main Applicant’s
Sibling 1 Sibling 2 Sibling 3
Immediate Family
Full Name Full Name Full Name
(Last name in Bold) (Last name in Bold) (Last name in Bold)
Gender Gender Gender
Date of Birth Date of Birth Date of Birth
Place of Birth Place of Birth Place of Birth
(State & Country) (State & Country) (State & Country)
Nationality Nationality Nationality
Present Present Present
Whereabouts Whereabouts Whereabouts
(State & Country) (State & Country) (State & Country)

Current Occupation Current Occupation Current Occupation

Details of Spouse’s Parents

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

Father Mother

Full Name Full Name

Spouse’s Parent’s Details Date of Birth Date of Birth

Nationality Nationality
Place of Birth Place of Birth
(State & (State &
Country) Country)

Main Applicant’s Previous Marriage Information (if applicable)

Applicable if you have been divorced or widowed

State and Country Date of Birth Date of Marriage Date of Divorce / Death
Name of Spouse Present Whereabouts

Spouse’s Previous Marriage Information (if applicable)

Applicable if spouse has been divorced or widowed

State and Country Date of Birth Date of Marriage Date of Divorce / Death
Name of Spouse Present Whereabouts

Main Applicant’s Children’s Information (if applicable)

Name of Child Gender Nationality Relationship to Duration of

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

State and Applicant Study Included in

Date of Birth Present Highest Educational Current Place of
M/F Country (Biological/ MM-YYYY Application?
(DD/MM/YYYY) Whereabouts Qualifications Attained Study/Name of School
of Birth Step/Adopted) - MM/YYYY (Y/N)

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

This questionnaire is designed to find out more about you so that we can provide a comprehensive and accurate cover letter on your behalf to complement your application.
We appreciate your time taken in answering the following questions. Please try to be as specific as possible in your answers.
For questions which are not applicable to you, kindly indicate “N.A.”

a) What was your exact arrival date in Singapore (the date on which you first came to Singapore to live) and what was your pass status (Visitor, Student, EP, S Pass)?

Date: ____________________ (DD/MM/YYYY)

Status: ___________________

b) Are you currently undergoing/plan to undergo any training that is relevant to your field of work?

c) Did you receive any awards or made significant accomplishments during your period in tertiary/graduate study?

d) Did you make any contributions you feel is significant to the Singaporean society and development of Singapore?

e) What are your long-term plans in Singapore if your application for permanent residency was approved?

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

f) Select up to 5 traits that would best describe your personality:

Action-Oriented Motivated

Dedicated Prudent

Knowledgeable Critical Thinker

Problem Solving Honest

Compassionate Organized

Flexible Strategic Thinker

Creative Good People Skills

Leadership Love of Learning

Others (Please Specify): ___________________________________________________________

g) Do you currently own any property, assets or shareholdings in any businesses in Singapore? Please state and provide proof.

h) Since your arrival date in Singapore, describe the nature and extent of your social integration in Singapore.
(Examples of social ties could be active memberships in community or religious organizations, volunteer groups, etc. describe nature and frequency of community involvement.)

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

i) Do you have any relatives/family members who are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs? If so, please state your relationship with them.

j) Are there any special skills that you want us to include in your cover letter?

k) Are there any other issues that you want us to raise in your cover letter? If yes, please state (Examples include special achievements, previously declined PR

l) Describe your future in Singapore. You may wish to describe this in terms of career, business, further education, social work, family plans etc.

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |
Dunlin Immigration Concierge Pte Ltd (201511046M)

6A Shenton Way #04-01. The Work Project @ OUE Downtown Gallery. Singapore 068815 | +65 9630 5232 |

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