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Lesson Plan: Compose Literary Texts Using Appropriate Structure

• Knowledge: Understand the structure of literary texts.
• Skills: Develop the ability to compose literary texts with appropriate structure.
• Attitudes: Appreciate the importance of structure in literary composition.
• Values: Emphasize creativity and expression within the bounds of structure.
• Composing literary texts with appropriate structure.
Learning Resources/Materials/Equipment:
• Whiteboard and markers
• Copies of a short story or poem for analysis
• Handouts with examples of different literary structures
• Writing materials for students
• Timer or clock
4.1 Introductory Activity (10 minutes)
• Begin with a short discussion on the importance of structure in writing.
• Ask students two questions: "Why is structure important in literary writing?" and
"Can you think of any famous literary works with unique structures?"
• Allow a brief discussion among students.
4.2 Activity (15 minutes)
• Provide a short story or poem for analysis.
• In pairs, students analyze the structure of the provided text.
• After analysis, each pair presents their findings regarding the structure to the
4.3 Analysis (10 minutes)
• Discuss the five questions related to the topic as a class.
• Questions may include: "What are some common literary structures?" and "How
does the structure affect the reader's experience?"
4.4 Abstraction (15 minutes)
• Present five multiple-choice questions related to literary structure.
• Questions could be like: "Which of the following is an example of a non-linear
narrative structure?" (with options).
• Discuss the correct answers and explanations.
4.5 Application (20 minutes)
• Divide the class into three groups: Reporting, Coloring, and Role Playing.
• For Reporting: Each group presents an example of a literary text with a specific
• For Coloring: Students illustrate how structure can be visually represented in a
literary text.
• For Role Playing: Students perform a short scene from a literary work,
emphasizing its structure.
4.6 Generalization (10 minutes)
• Pose three questions that encourage students to generalize the topic.
• Questions may include: "How can understanding structure improve your own
writing?" and "Can you identify the structure in your favorite literary work?"
5. Assessment/Evaluation (15 minutes)
Identify the three key elements of structure commonly found in literary texts.
Choose one famous literary work and describe its unique structural features. How do
these features enhance the overall reading experience?
In a short story with a non-linear structure, explain how the author effectively uses
flashbacks to reveal character development.
Provide an example of a poem that uses a specific structural element to convey its
theme. Explain the connection between the structure and the theme.
Define the term "plot structure" in a literary context. How does the plot structure
influence the reader's engagement with the story?
Analyze a short story's structure and discuss how it contributes to the pacing and
suspense of the narrative.
Create an outline for a short story or poem, clearly indicating its structural elements.
Explain why you chose this particular structure for your composition.
Imagine you are an editor reviewing a manuscript. Identify any structural issues in the
text and suggest improvements to enhance its coherence and impact.
6. Assignment (5 minutes)
• "Write a short paragraph analyzing the structure of a famous poem" and "Create
a short story using a non-linear narrative structure."

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