Question Writing Sports

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Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football, while

other people think that taking part in individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is better. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.

 Topic
View 1: Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like
View 2: other people think that taking part in individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is better

 Focus:
team sports?.....................................................................................................................................................................................................
individual sports? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

 QUESTION ANALYSIS: Discuss both views and give your opinion

Discuss both views? Discuss what?

Opinion: Which view would you support?

Body 1:
Body 2:


What are the unique benefits of team sports that cannot be gained through individual sports, and vice versa?

In what ways can participating in team sports or individual sports impact an individual's social and personal
● Hone leadership skills: To refine and improve one's ability to lead and guide others towards success.

● Cooperation: The act of working together towards a common goal or objective.

● Work together towards a common goal: Collaborating and combining efforts to achieve a shared
● Guide the team towards success: To lead and direct the team towards achieving a successful outcome.

● Often emerge naturally as: Frequently arising or developing spontaneously.

● A clear vision for success: A well-defined and focused plan for achieving success.

● Serve as team captain: To act as the leader of a sports team and represent the team in various ways.
● Make decisions on behalf of the team: To have the responsibility and authority to make choices that
affect the team as a whole.
● Conflict resolution: The process of resolving disputes or disagreements between team members in a

productive and positive manner.

● Develop empathy: To cultivate the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
● Be better equipped to: To be more prepared or skilled in handling a particular situation or task.
● Train consistently: To exercise or practice regularly and without interruption.
● Push themselves to improve: To motivate oneself to continuously improve one's skills or abilities.

● Stick to a training regimen: To adhere to a specific and regular routine of training or exercise.
● Mental fatigue: The state of feeling exhausted or drained due to mental exertion or stress.
● Consistent effort and focus: Sustained and dedicated attention towards achieving a particular goal or

● A strong culture of hard work: A shared belief or value system that places a high importance on working
diligently and persistently towards a goal.
● Lead by example: To model or demonstrate a particular behavior or attitude for others to follow.
● Set high standards for: Establishing expectations or benchmarks for performance or behavior that are
challenging and aspirational.
● Strict training regime: A structured and rigorous program of training or exercise.

● Closely monitor the performance of each player: To closely observe and evaluate the performance of
individual team members.
● Face disciplinary action: To receive a punishment or consequence for violating rules or expectations.
● Personal responsibility: The duty or obligation to take ownership and accountability for one's actions and
● A sense of collective responsibility: A shared responsibility and accountability for the success or failure of

the team.
● Strict code of conduct: A set of rules or guidelines that dictate acceptable behavior and actions.
"Leadership on the Field: How Team Sports Can Help Develop

Essential Skills"
Participating in team sports can be an excellent way to develop
leadership skills. Being part of a team requires cooperation,
communication, and the ability to work together towards a

common goal. Leaders play a crucial role in guiding the team

towards success, and they often emerge naturally as players with

strong communication skills, the ability to motivate others, and a

clear vision for success. Through leading and motivating their team,
players can develop their leadership skills and gain valuable
experience in managing others.

One way that team sports can help develop leadership skills is through the opportunity to serve as team
captain. Captains are responsible for leading and motivating the team, communicating with coaches, and
making decisions on behalf of the team. This role provides players with an opportunity to develop and hone
their leadership skills, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.
Another way that team sports can help develop leadership skills is through the interactions and relationships

players form with their teammates. Working closely with teammates can help players develop empathy and
communication skills, which are essential for effective leadership. Additionally, in team sports, players have
the opportunity to learn from their coaches, who can provide guidance on how to become an effective
leader and develop skills such as decision-making, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. Participating in

team sports can also provide valuable experience in managing and motivating a team towards a shared goal.
These skills can be transferred to other areas of life, such as the workplace or personal relationships. For
example, a person who has developed leadership skills through team sports may be better equipped to
manage a team of employees or lead a community organization.

 What are the essential skills that can be developed through participating in team sports?

 Why is serving as team captain an important opportunity to develop leadership skills?


 How can interactions and relationships with teammates help develop leadership skills in team sports?
"Mastering Self-Discipline: How Individual Sports Can Help Develop Essential Skills
Participating in individual sports can be an excellent way to develop self-
discipline. Unlike team sports, individual sports require athletes to rely
solely on themselves to achieve success. This means that athletes must
have a high level of self-discipline in order to train consistently, set and

achieve goals, and push themselves to improve.

In individual sports, there are no teammates to rely on for motivation or
encouragement, so athletes must learn to motivate themselves and develop
the self-discipline needed to stick to a training regimen. For example, a
runner must have the self-discipline to wake up early to go for a morning

run, even on days when they may not feel like it. They must also have the self-
discipline to maintain a healthy diet, get enough rest, and avoid
distractions that may interfere with their training.
Additionally, individual sports often require a high level of mental focus and

concentration, which also requires self-discipline to maintain. For example,

a golfer must have the self-discipline to maintain their focus and
concentration during a long round of golf, despite external distractions
such as weather conditions, noise from other players, or their own mental fatigue.
By participating in individual sports, individuals can develop valuable self-discipline skills that can be applied to
other areas of life, such as work or education. Self-discipline is an essential skill for achieving success in any

field, and it requires the ability to set goals, develop a plan of action, and stick to that plan through
consistent effort and focus. By developing self-discipline through individual sports, individuals can gain an
edge in their professional and personal lives, setting themselves up for success in the long term.

What are some examples of individual sports that can help develop self-discipline?

Why is self-discipline important in achieving success in individual sports?


How can the self-discipline developed in individual sports be applied to other areas of life, such as work or


Manchester United is known for being a disciplined team on and off the field. The club has a strong culture of

hard work, discipline, and dedication that is instilled in players from a young age. This culture is reinforced by
the coaching staff and senior players, who lead by example and set high standards for performance and
One reason why Manchester United is a disciplined team is their strict training regime. Players are required to

attend training sessions regularly, and are expected to maintain a high level of physical fitness. The
coaching staff closely monitor the performance of each player and provide feedback to help them improve.
Another factor that contributes to the discipline of the team is the club's strict code of conduct. Manchester
United has high standards for player behavior both on and off the field, and players who violate the club's
rules can face disciplinary action. This sends a clear message that the club takes discipline seriously, and

reinforces the importance of personal responsibility and accountability.

In addition to these factors, Manchester United has a strong team ethos that encourages players to work
together and support one another. Players are encouraged to put the team's success above their own
personal goals, and to work hard for the good of the team. This fosters a sense of collective responsibility

and discipline, and helps to ensure that all players are working towards the same objectives.
Overall, Manchester United's discipline can be attributed to a combination of factors, including a strict training

regime, a strong code of conduct, and a culture of teamwork and dedication. These factors work together
to create a disciplined and focused team that is able to achieve success on the field.
What factors contribute to Manchester United's reputation as a disciplined team?

Why is the club's strict training regime important for player discipline?

How does the team's strong ethos of teamwork and dedication foster discipline among players?

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